Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/4

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vi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pan. Publrb building, Bethlehem., Pa. An Act For the public sale of post office site on the west side of South Main Street, in the city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvama. J nme 10 1921 ... . . 27 Telephone oomJpan·iee’ oonsolidalwbn. An Act To amend section 407 of the Transportation Act of 07 1920, 10, 1921 . .. 2 Bridge, Des Mxnngr River. fgn Act §0r the conftrucgoriggla bridge acmm the Des Moines River 28 t earth 't umas, '. une , . .. Farei 3 tiilaliicvhl oo? cl y 9 . An Ac1;S'19dm amend the Act a roved December 23, 1913, known as 6 , , ... . .. .. ..·.· milf Federal ct June 14 1921 pp 28 Appropnhtions, Second D , 1921. An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriartions for tl; year ending June 30, 1921, an prior fiscal years, and for other 29 urposes. une 16, 19 ... Immedgzte transportation, Fort Worth, Tex. An Act To constitute Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, a port of entry and to extend to said port the privileges of section 7 of an Act approved June 10, 1830, entitled "An Act to amend the statutes m relation to immediate transportation _ of dutiable goods, and for other purposes." June 18, 1921 . 64 Dzke, Isthmus Inlet. An Act Grantnrilguthe consent of Congress to H. H. Haynes to construct a dikghacmm Mud Slough on flgvm us Inlet, in section twenty—§hree& twenty-six 65 sou range ° west,o 'amettem " in0regon. une , .. Bridge, Tu.g’Fork of Beg Sandy River. An Act Granting the consent of Congres to the Borderland CC<;al tC;1rwrati%n to constfuct glbxiigg acres the Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, in Mingo 5 un , est ' . une ... 6 Pbl'landaC' W AnAG 'lands Co Co yW uw ,orwersem4,y0.’ctmnt1ngcerta1n tonverse u11t,yoniggg for a public June 24, 1921 . . 65 Publi}: _ , Rivlirsws goucnéy, Calié. An Act JTo ezeimpgmhom cancellation certain desert land entnes in iversi e un , ornia. une , .,.,,.. 66 North Dakotajudiahl dislrid AnAct Auth riz' thea intment fan additional ‘ d W éor the distrilcitxf North gw ota. June 2% 1l%1.i;:; . ... 3 ., 66 est oginiasoul fudmal" `trid e. n ct vidm5' orth apomtrnentofanaddigigmfzldistrict judge for the judicial district of e Stat: cli West Virginia. June , ...·-.·····.·-·.-·~.. . . 67 Peru Centennial. Joint Resolution Qreatingla commimion to represent the United Statesin the ggbratior} of thzg igrgtmcentennral of e proclamation of the independence of the Republic ern. une , 67 Hawaii . AnAct'1‘oprovideforthe uisitinb th U¤itedStafesf te 'hts f

 and about Paul Harbor, Tergiiiry of  GJune 28, 1921. ii .   .    ti 67

Approgxfxrtrgm, 3A)n1.*§2c; a%pmpr1ations forlthe ssnépligrtmof the Army for the iiscal 68 _ _ Q , , _ 0 G! P¤?P¢l$. \Il\0 , ··»...·.·~.·--· · · · Demtuze soldiers, transportalaonjrmn abroad. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to free transportation and subsistence from Europe and Siberia to the United States _ for certain destitute dischaéged soldiers and their wives and children. June 30, 1921 ... 103 Bndge, Alleghengillwer. An Act the consent of Congres to the commimioners of Venango

 Og succefors andlamggg, ]932¥)l|llII\1Ct a bridge acres the Allegheny River, m

9 enngy vama, une , . , ..,,,...,,,,,,,...,,,,,,_,___, 104 Bridge, Arl:an.m.nRl?i·ver._ .%{nmA(ct Tocextsznd gre time forlthe cslansgrugtion of a bridge acres the Arkansas 1ver in ogee oun ma, 92 ______________________ ____ 1 Bridge, Arkansas Bitzi-. An Act To exteriii the time for xecozistruction of a bridge acres the 04

 River at a point near Webbers Falls, in Muskogee County, Oklahoma. June 30,

pen~y£l¤n;ig5éidab%`i§ér%;»w¤y;A;; Qiéiii ``'` g ` '````' iam ' Srié BEE.; Bblirisny '``` M e ween e o ennsy vama an e aware. une30 1921. ... 104 Fderallandbank:. A A tT am d ti 32 ith A t Hbngremi e known as_the Feldergl Fsrm Iiilan·X$:t.mJ`ul; 1, 13215 .. 1 I 105 World War ténmnaled. Joint Iéesolution Terminating the state of war between the imperial Ger- E.““..r.Ji=}'.'i’““‘..,,‘i”’ E“.$2.1?mIZ§2’€$d“£i‘3§§c25"§?i2.“.§¥°i'L?E'£° *}*5 "'i"’i1`?§ "“" R°’“' 105 P1-ivazeNland Bam Nggie .;.nA$ct For gui regei of settlers and entrgmien on-Baca __ um rn e o zona. u , 921 ,,,..,,..,,.,.,... Hauuman Homes An Act To amend an Alcit entitled "An Act to provide a government 107 for the Terntory_of Hawa1i," approved April 30, 1900, as amended, to establish an Hawaiian Homes Comnumron, granting certain powers to the board of harbor commissioners of the Ter- N l ntory of Hawa.u and or other July 9, 1921 _.,... Z .,...,,. Z ,,,,,__,, 108 ova ap{>¢-opnatzorw ratajlgd. Jomt lution Ratifying and confirming from and mcluding July }§22921,Ic;xlil1gEt1¢;1§i,;;ncurred pursuant to the terms of certain appmpnatxons for the fiscal year - '- ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ : '‘‘· · ····· .· · 1 ······- · ·-------···· - --—---··-·--···· · .. 121 Appro , .:11;g:r1g:]k;ng appropnat-lioiis gg 51192 iiaval service for the fiscal year end-

  1. . . . *'P‘uP°9°¤· U , -· --·----- . . -..-

Seward, Alaska, ra·llwoy’buzldmg. An Act To tgrovidg for the retention by the Govemment of the 122

LIlrtS;W2l’d, AlasIk1},   e Alaska Northern Railway offics building, and its

Urposes. u , .··--·--.-.-...-.·.. Dam, ggahorrgzrggiver. dAn Act Gianting utlni consent of Congress to the Trumbull Steel Company 141 _ su _ rs an assgus, cons c , maintain, an operate a dam across the Mahoning »-...;...§‘}§,’;‘3.’.ii‘r§"m“S*‘“Z.’.’i,.?‘»»;.£‘§i‘ l‘$‘l§?r}0%m=‘g"e.;a;l;.;;.5,;,..‘=‘..‘;;.zz1,;<xe.;1r;.;1gig.;<1 M Military Reservation in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. July 15, 1921-.- 142