Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1030

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INDEX. 257] Plant Industry Bureau? Departmzm of Agri- P•B¤· Plates-—Continuad. Pago. ¢"·§Z¢Y{·T¢·(}0¤¥§1-¤¤€d. _ dut on, nickel ...,._,,.,. , _________ 887 appmprpmon for echble nuts, gmwmg, ship- 300 pgoto engraved _______ _ _________________ 880 _P1¤8. 690 ·-----·-·-·--·~-··--·. - 516, 1 botogm hic , not gciall ‘ for xpvestigating fruit growing, market- P for"? . il? . 920 1118. étc ..-·---·. 516, 1300 phomgmvurc ,,,_,,..,_ _ _______ 330 study of changes in shipping, storage, steel, engraved for printing ..,, , __,,_ 330 Bti! ... . ... . . 516, 1301 stereotype .,..,,...,,.,__ _ ___,____ _ _____ 880 for experimental gardens and grounds 516, 1301 on free hst, copper, xmmanufactured .,,,_ 926 for mvestigatiug producing, marketing, Platinum, etc., truck crops, potatoes, ctc.- 516, 1301 dutyon, articles, notspeciallyprovidedfor, $88 for pursery plants, etc., inveatiga.- plawd ., . ...,,,,.,,,_ _ _______ ggg t1011S. . ._ .-----. 516, 1301 OD free list, combinations of gt,c,, for farm, Arlmgwn, Va ... 516, 1301 with. .. . ..,_____,_ 923 for fcrmgq seed and plant introduction, ore ... , ,,_,,__ 929 expenments, etc., . . 516, 1301 unmamxfactmed, or in ingots, etc _,,_,_ 930 for purchase, etc., of new seeds; i¤vesti— Platt, Eliza F. (widow), gation of forage crops .. 516, 1301 Ecnsion increased . . ,,..., 1608 for purchase and Congressional dis- P tt National Park, Okla., tnbutiou . . . 516 appropriation for protection, etc ..,,,, 591, 1214 for biophy¤ica@ investigations .. 517, 1301 Plgtte River, Nebr., forpdmimstratxve expenses . 517, 1301 mvestigation authorized of tri-county irridc’dc1ency appropriation for general ex- gution project from Hood waters of .- 1357 pauses. . 54, 58, 198, Playgrmm{ls,_ D. C., 344, 461, 464, 783, 1164, 1169, 1553 apFr0pr1g1t10u for salaries . . ... 682, 1340 for seed distribution, etc 54, 847, 783 or mamtcuance ... . . 682, 1340 for stimulating agriculture, etc . 58 for supplies, etc., .. 682, 1340 for white pine blaster rust control 445, 1535 for sites to takq lace of G .. 682 for iuvas;§—at.i¤g growing, harvesting, Columbia HE|§|tB . . . 683 etc., iblc nuts, 1923 . 772 for purchase of sgtc, Hoover Plsygmnmd. 1340 for eradicating, ctc., citrus canker . 772 for purchase of mw, Twenty-seventh and Plant Quarantimz (see Nursery Stock, etc.). O Streets NW. 1340 Planters, use of balance"-: ...,._,_,. 1340 on free list, agricultural, ,,,,. 922 for expenses of public school, during va.- Planu, cation .. _ .. ._ .. - . 683, 1340 on free list, for Degutmeut of Agriculture who11yfmmDmt¤ctrevcuuc .. 683, 140 or Botanic ardeu 930 for expgnssps ofqchocl._.._ 688, 1348 Plants, etc., Agnbédtural, for cgmpping mx additional school yards 688 appropriatiou or i11vest.1ga` d1sease¤` 01* . . ·.--···.··· - · . ..-. pp Poi ... . . .. 514, 1298 for bathing beach .. . 1340 pathological collections ... 514, 1298 for additional $240 a you to employees of, lsmt disease survey .. 514, 1298 _ wholly from District revenues. - 715, 1559 grown rot, etc., of peach trees , 514 Playing Cards, for nutrition, etc-, mvestigntic•u¤... 514, 1299 duty on . ..-...--. 912 testing cultures for inoculatiug leg- stamp tax on ... . . 306 umes, etc. . . . 514, 1299 Plwwfe 30%*, Plaques, specml tang xmposed gn users of 297 duty qu, ching, _,,...,,, , _,,,,..,.,,,,. 870 cxemguon, for rehef of seamen, etc ,..,, 298 eartheuwgm __,,,,_, _ _ __________,_____ __ 870 Pleasure lubs, elc., Plum of Pam, exempt from inc0me ta; ..., 253 duty cn, manufactures of .. . . 919 Pkurvprwymymw, ¢¢¤-, Ammql. Plaster Rock, (see also Gypsum), Bppl'0pl’18t10¤ for provcntuxi spread of, on free list, crude ... 930 from one Bitte to u10t_ er .. 511, 1296 Plaatera, Healing or cumziu, f¤r emerzencty vw. _¤¤¤ii¤·¤¤8. ctc. . 536, 1318 duty on, all kinds ... 867 P¤Y¤¤9¤9 or ¤¤¤¤¤!¤ d¤¤¤¤Y¤d; #5; Play; Glm, _ puma.! of values . . .. , 1318 duty on, bent, grolmd, obscured, ctc . 872 Plwrs, dc-. fivwd, rolled, ribbed, or rough ···.. 872 duty 011 ··--·---······ - —··-···--··--··--·· 883 polished, etc . .·--·. 872 Pl°'”» , sihfergd _____ __, ,,,,,___ , ___,_,, , , ,_____ 872 01*1 fI'66l1BL..: . . · Z -- . ..···--··--· 922 pyu, [nm 0,. SML Plycmage of Wdd B'LTd8,.6€C., _ duty cn, boiler or other ..-... 876 1¤%P<>F¤*¤<>1! oi P¤>h!b¤*¤d$ ,°¤>9P*¤¤¤¤- · - 915 pam, seizure of, m possesmon at uma of pamage dur} on aluminum - 886 0* this Act-. ··-—----·-—-·~ ; —·--··· 915 brass.: .. 886 presumption of xllegal importatwu . 915 msg '`'-- _ _________________________ 879 Fmeedure to enforce forienture, etc . 915 c0ppgg·__;‘_·: 1, _,_,,,,____,,,, . ,,_,, 886 orfgitgd, to be placed in museums, gr 608 md sm Skim ··—· · ·---·--··—·----- 916 , d¤¤¤¤>Y¤d ------·----- _ ·--· ; —----·-- 916 clectrotype. . . 880 mxgmtogy game Acts nqt mpmmd . 916 halftone ... . 880 Plumas Nattvizrnal Fgfcsg, Cahj, { 2245 ' hgmm , etc ,.,,_,_ 877 mclging g¤_mo 1fy1·¤g gg; q _, ____, · _ , , , u°gI;1 4§£lc¢(;’1¥dcoated .. . 876 P uansfening of Tahoe Natmual polished, plmished, or zlwced ---··- 876 Forest, C ·. to .-. Z --·--.----- 2245 with qther metal .., , .,, 876 uunsfgmng to [gag; Ngtmngl Forest, lithographic. .. 880 portmu of . 2244, 2245