Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1042

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INDEX. 2533 Proving Grounds Army Ordnance, Page. Publw Budd; ,.(j0ntj_uu8d P appropriation for current expenses, testing, appropriatigg for operating force; em. age. , ¢*¤· ------—— ---·---------·-- 744,1404 ployeee speeiiicd ... 386 1108 deficiency appropuauon for . . .1%%, gigs ger furmtuxe and repairs . 387, 1108 . . , , , oro eratin su lies·fue1 ,

 Army (ace Subsistence, Army). gcc  5 - H?. . .2  '.]¥Et??ws1g7, 1108

P'°’W¤0’¤·i, CWP8, advance fuel contracts authorized-, 388, 1109 “PP¥'9P¤¤·¤°¤ {0i' ----····---- . ..·-. 137, 809, 1151 for care of lands, em .,___ _ _________ 388, 1109 P"°V¢8’¤01l-Q, Naw, deficiency appropriation for New York, aPl?!'9P¤°·U°¤ fo!‘— ·; · -_ ·-·-----·-·-- 132, 800, 1144 N. Y., quarantine station ,,,__ _ _____ 38 d€h¤€¤¢Y %PP¤‘0P¤¤t1011 fer --.---... 53,197, for Baltimore, Md., quamnti.uegt.¤.1;i;m_ _ _ 38 _ 342, 346, 459, 463, 782, 785, 1055, 1165 for Boston, Mass., quarantine station 38 Pfvrws, · _ for operating force. . . 38, 338, 455, 457, 780, 1056 Bt¤¤¤P till 011; ¢X0¢pf·10¤¤· 306 for general expenses ...,,,,_,__ _ ____ 38, 52, PWM Juwc, 196, 341, 457, 462, 780, 785, 1056, 1167, 1554 d¤tY 0¤- - --·----.- . 897 for fl11'111tI.1.l’¢, etc. ..,,,,__,,, , ,________ 38, 51, PMMW3, _ 196, 341, 345, 462, 780, 1056, 1167, 1554 duty on, dned, preserved, etc 894 for Birmingham, Am. ,,_,,,_,_________ 38 PWMS, _ for Columbia, S. C. .,..,..., , ,.___,,_,_ 38 dill}? 011, d1'16d, preserved, etc ... 894 for Honolulu, Hawaii .,,.. , ,,_________ 38 Publw Accountants, D. C'., Cerufied, for Billings, Mont ...,, _ _,,___,_________ 38 proymnons for admitting, to practice ... 1261 for operating supplies. . 38, 51, 56, 196, 341, 345, Publy: Accounts, 455,462, 780, 785, 1056, 1167, 1170, 1550, 1554 adjustxnent and settlement of all, vested for repmrs and preservation . 52, 196, _ m General Accounting 0Ece .. 24 341, 457, 780, 1167, 1170 Publw Bulildyngs, _ _ _ for mechsmiea] equipment .,.. . ,,___,,, 52, 56, spproprmtmu for Supervming Architect, 196, 341,462, 780, 785, 1167, 1170 · office personnel, etc . 383, 1105 for Santa Fe, N. Mex .,,...,, , ,,,,, 338 for Alexsgndria, La. ; rent. . . 383, 1105 for reimbmsinglomes by contracbors, eu;. 338, for Amarillo, Tex .. 383 454, 1550 for Boston, Mas.; immigrant station 383 for San Francisco, Calif., marine hosfor Deixmt, Mich .. 384 pital . . . .,,.., 338 for New York, N. Y.; assay office . . . 384 for hospmtal buildings, Fort Mackenzie, barge 0Eoe .. 384 Wyo. ... _ . . 454 postoflice . . . 384 for MISOHH Pauiic Railroad Company, for Oswego, N. Y .. 384 refund ... 455 for Richmond, Va. 384 for vaults and safes . 457, 1167 for Baltimore, Md ..,... . ... 1105 for Boston, Mass .. 1549 for Brooklyn, N. Y 1105 for Deuvjer, Colo . . 1550 for Buffalo, N. Y ... 1105 for Oxu·v1l1e, La., leger home ... 1550 for Camden, N. J .. 1105 for West. Roxbury, am. ..,.. . ..,. 1550 for New York, N, Y ,.,,..,,,.. . ...,.,., 1105 emergency aipproprmtion, 1922 for Bmudfor Philadelphia, Pa. ... . 1105 view ospiml, Chicago, lll. 62 for Pottsville, Pa ... 1105 for Dawson Sprmgs, Ky., smatprium 62 for Washington, D. C., Treasuxg Annex, Abilene, Tex.; memorial on site of, to Fourteenth and B Streets W . 384 soldners and ssulors of World War, Auditors Building- ... _ .. 1105 germmed. ... _  : . _. . . 199 for remodeling, etc., occupxed 1105 Bethlq em,tPts;;bpost1<éiI¤ce site and build- 27 i , _ m A , eso .. for Eilginlic Health Service hospitals, Boxse, Igaho; l•nd_ sdf;omm§ post office Oteen, N. C ... 384 conveged tocity or par purpoeee"- 1260 Perryville, Md. . 384 Cleveland, 111:; procieeds of saleweg old West Roxb , Mass . 384 marine ospxta , s proprm or — Palo Alto, ._,_,,.._,_,_ 384 new site,§la¤t, etc.? ,,___,,,,,___, 1064 Louisville, Ky . .. 1105 Jefferson City, 0.; pgry of site, granted no for quarantine stations, Astoria, Oreg 384 Missoun as addmon to State Cap1tol Port Townsend, Wash -·-. 384 _ grounds -... . . _ _ . . , - . · 206 for repairs and preservation .. 385. 1106 Madman, Was.; acqumng site for, hmxt of for mechanical equipment ... . . . . 385,1106 cost. . , _ ... 492 pneumatic tube service, New York New York Guy; exchange of old cxpy post City _._,,_,,,,_,,, , ,,,._,..,.__ 385, 1106 D office, em., for 18,]], fron; the guy ____ 493 f¤1‘ vaults, safes, etc ...·--... 385,1107 Pans, Tex. :_ exchange oi site, and c¤¤· _ for additional pay, Supervising Archi- _ strucuon of new bmlding at 81o wch __________________ _ _______ 386, 1107 Plainfield, N. J.; part of snte, conveyed to for skilled employees. etc., Office of c1ty_for street purposes . 211 Sup., ‘ • Architect _______ _ __ _ 386, 1107 San Fmncisco, Gahf.; sa e of old Subtressfor superintengents, inspectors, etc., on _ property, authonzed . ..,,. 355 buildings .. ... . . . 386, 1107 tune hmgcog iiging ip; 1% on nsp0r¤ng` househol goods 0 su · con or, ur or ar, uintgndents, etc ..,...,..,.. ¥x§86, 1107 for claim of Dall _ , _ _ 1132 for contingent expenses, materials, Publzc Bu gldgngs and Grounds, D. C'., _ etc. ... 386, 1107 a.ppropru;t1o;1 icgmsxnpegrmtendent, a¤1s7$6’ 1364 no allowance for u—a.nsportmg' su- an,ec., ceo .. . plies _________________________,__ §86, 1107 for forexnen, gardeners. etc .,... . 706, 1364 ground rent, Salamanca, N. Y . 386, 1107 for contmgent. expenses .. . . 706, 1384