Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1047

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2588 INDEX. Public Moneys, Pun. Public Printing and Binding—C0ntinued. Pam. depositsries for, to be designated in foreign deficiency appropriation for Interior Deeountries. . . ... 662 partment . . . . .. ... 50 Public Honey: D·i·v·Mon, Treasury Department, for Patent Office . 1 . . 50, 769, 1538 duties of covering revenues, etc, , into the for Department of J USCICG 50, 1541 'l‘reasury, issuing duphqate checks for Post Office De;p¤.rtment 50, 340 and warrants; _&nd ceftlfying out- for Department o Agriculture .. 50 standing liabilities transferred to for Library ofC0l1g1’§ . ... 50 Bookkeeping and Warrants Division for Supreme Court .. . ... 50, 769, 1541 from. .. . .. 25 for expenses. ... .. . . 198, 343, 460 Publi] Moneys, cuz., _ for leaves of absence . 340, 439 ap mpriation for contingent expenses. -371, 1091 for Supreme Court Reports, etc., 1923- . . 774 degqieucy appropriation for contmgent ex- for D€?l'Y,H18Ht of Commerce ... 1536 penses -... 1549 allowed ederal Power Commission from Public Printer, appropriation for fiscal year 1922 34 appropriation for, Deputy, office personnel, discontinuance of printing annual, etc., em . . : . 434, 1277 reports by departments, etc., auguthoyized to print and bmd Supreme thorized -...- 64, 436, 1280 Court warts, etc ... . 816 originals to be kept on file for public inbond of, redu -. _ .. 1278 spection . Q4, 437, 12&) Public Printing and Bifldmg, _ _ estimates, etc., required for Congremional appropriation for Government Printing work .. . ...-..- 435, 1279 O$ce, sdaries _ ..-.. 4 34, 1277 payment by departments, etc., for work allowance of apprentices modified 1278 ordered ..-. 435, 1279 for necessary employees, foremen, etc 435, 1278 monthly or quarterly adjustment of for ying salaries for holidays, etc. . 435, 1278 amounts paid . . 436, 1279 for llgves of absence 435, 1278 to be credited to working capital for for expenses of working capital: . 435, 1278 printing and binding. .. 436, 1279 for salaries and expenses, Superintendent all estimates fora to be included in the Budof Documents -. 436, 1279 get in a single item for each departfoy Civil Service Commimion .. . . . 638, 1229 ment, etc ... 436, 1279 for Court of Claims - - 615, 1082 details required if Ext of other items. 436, 1279 for Department of Agriculture ... 535, 1291 not applicable to ngraving and Printexcepting at Weather Bureau field Bureau work. .-...- 436, 1279 gmnting plants -. . ..-... 1291 restriction on paying detailed employees. 1279 for epartment of Commerce 472, 1111 journals, nmgamnes, etc., may be printed for Deputment of Justice ... 612, 107 9 by departments etc., when certified for Department of Labor 486, 1126 by heads thereof necemary for public for Department of State . ... 600, 1069 business and approved by Director for Executive OiHce 636, 1227 of the Budget - 541 for General Accounting Office ..-.- . . . 640, 1231 former restriction repealed ...-.- 541 for Geognaphic Board ... 646, 1241 ordered: Appendix to Attorney Geneml’s for Interior Dgnrtxnent. . .: . Z . . . 554,1176 Report upon Disorders in United for Interstate mmerce Commission. 642, 1234 States during 1922 . 1820 for Lib of Congres. ..-. 434, 1277 Congressional Directory, vest pocket for N ent . ...-. 787, 1133 edition .. . ..-. 1808 payment o pending orders -.. 787 Floods and Lovees of the Mississippi for Pan American Umon .. . .. 606, 1074 _ River- . . -..-- 1815 for Poet Office Department .. 654, 1250 Joint Congressional Commission of Agrifor Supreme Court _ . 6 14, 1081 cultural Inquiry Report, parts 1 for supreme co1u·t, District Of Colum- and 2. -..-...-...-.. . . 1812 bin. . . . 698, 1355 parte 3 and 4 ..-. 1815 for Treasury Depmtment. .-. 372, 1093 Journal of Grand Army Encampment for War Department . 2 .. 717, 1378 1922 ...-...-.. 1815 for Alien Property ... 1228 report of Philippine Islands Special Misfor Fine Arts Gommimouuz 1230 sion ..--... . ... 1814 for Federal Power Commimon. . ... 1230 report on ixnprovement of Saint Lawfor Federal Trade Cognmission .. 1231 rence River .. . 1812 for Housing Corporation. ... 1232 of Government engineers ..., . ... . 1814 for National Advisory Committee for Revenue Bill of 1921 as a Senate docu- Aeronautics ... 1234 ment ...,. 1809 for Railroad Labor Board ... 1234 Revenue Law of 1921 . . 1811 for Smithsonian Institution, etc. ... 1236 Tarili Bill ..,,. 1815 for Tariff Commission .. . . . . 1241 Tariff Bill as a House document ,.,..,. . . 1808 for Shipping Boqrd .. I . 1241 ae a Senate document 1809, 1814 for Grant M€m0H3!C0 lI report., . 1232 tariff hearings before Senate Finance for Lincoln Memonal Commasion reyort. 1234 Committee ..., . ,.,,,,,,.. 1812 for "Diseo.ees of time Horse " and ‘ Dis- Law oi 1922 .. 1816 eases of Cattle " ._ _ .. 1 316 pnnung and allotment of Patent Office Congrsmmil dgstpbuuou ... . . 1316 Gazette, modiiied . . .,.,... 391 deficiency gpprggnutiou for Government Supreme Court Reports to be printed and f TPrmtmgD ce . t ... gg _ ligund at§overumie,nt1l;nnting0(?i£i’<;‘e 816 or reasury ep¤r¤¤_ en, .. uuon co ttome - for Smithsonian I¤S¤¢¤¤¤¤ ·.-..·... 50 eral as . yi . 8 I6