Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1056

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INDEX. 2597 Refund of Cuezoma Dur , ,.-(J ‘ · · . authorized for erroneigsis . Pig}; Rggmnw¥mm..Cand Schwan for Mmmm Se"` Pa"' fo? 0l€!'i¤1l Bfrom . . .,,, , ________ 973 amemim $@8%* . , ·¤=·¤¤t;¤ ¤¤¤d¤¤¤b1e semi erm, nmiiyg terms JE §§€°§n..gee” wi? e ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · *··· z ······· · ··•·--·· 973 tc. to 41, ’ Refund of 1E‘rr<meo·u.s Colkctums, D. C'., liabilities i<·?1?wdoiaz:.1tioi,1gt¢ii6 Xzzrwmld jyrpg-za 421 "*""‘?p’“‘“°“ ‘°’·-=--: -·-~··---~---·—- 7°6·1336 b Resolution aecnémg ,,,.1 of th R deiiuciienxiy appropriation for ... . . 1533 Véorld War ...,,,,,,_ _ _______ _ B 107 zu <>f_ Rwcmw Tam, _ Rehabilitatwkm Division, Fedemz Bem1}§,,·`ir§,Z "%3Z°€fi’Zeiii‘ °’§£'&23°“ °°“°°“°““·‘* 1°”” mm Ed·~¤****~» deficiency 3p¥,r°g’l_hti0I; ··‘ S Z Z 1 ·-· 1 @7,%% POWGISV dlltiiy B0‘hC.,u0f, transferred to 148 _ _ 775, 780, 1056,1162, 1166,1169 Remuumion 0 D-, bled D` Z"; `'` '`' . ' ‘ d1T€Ci5B<`{1f erroneously or illegally collected, dc Vfm . I g' S°ZdW"¤ e c ...,,_, _ ________________ _ ____ __ 314 . •v, twna y_ _ repayment to collector of money re- "‘pP":;’c“$*°“ If°' Pmwdmg- - ·_ --~--- 649, 1244 e`£X§§§‘i1.W.$‘;“e;:.*.i;:;;;;;:;; 3}: ggrgfigln; Yc‘3$i»” “é’iI’€$? port to Co . .. . ~---·—--·-·- _ ---··· = ---- , 1244 eee}.? er, em‘§€0°S';¤y mum, to be 31* gg;*¤;*¤g0g¤ ¤·>¤¤g=¤¤<=$¤<>¤ mk- -- 650, 1244 brought in four years after pay- dancin ° P ues ? ··-··- 650 l?e§{_ ____ __&___f_ _____ X__________ 314 cy appropriation orproviding lm . . - . . . . . , Y p<;£i;;¤(;i¤=:ppi¤`i>’n·€1io:[?5r°;»syq:¤?g claims 314 P"§”“" “’ mmm °* ***33* d¤1>¤¤3- 34 er.·m°%e§°§.?‘.?.%;;snrmee ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ::1;:::: iii =·r~g*·=~·¤*····¤¥·>r.v·>•==·=·»¤»¤‘ ```' mmm: mv1s1¤¤srorim¤gmg· · ·¤* claimsinr · “““’°“****¤18¤°¤“*¤ -···---·- 34 P m0d.9d m m ¤ 315 Rehwsnkd, Anna (widow), RefundsofI1ncc1rne2'iz:i:•·-- U. . -nn-nn Bemmxmln ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *1 ‘········ · ····· ·-· ~·••· 1650 R pr<;yisions for, ... . . IK)4 Rgoudafaw E' (w°d°°°)* · 1“5 rm fyégpligt, for rgugigoipéaleguwnond, 6%-, 931 intemal revenue’tax payable ou dmnestisg R den¤}eZ;r;:ierm ...ZIIZIZZZZZZZZI ee; gg°’m‘§,‘;m{;*d*h°“‘ P“Yi°8· <>* wi M1 cgwter 0 t reasury, ~ ’'°‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘·‘··· : · · appropriation for, assistant, chief clerlixrh 092 °ngm°l Id°?Y] °i';; **3* . °°°· Z ··************‘**‘ ‘ ******* · 1 warehouse .,. ’ 941 Reaqpsygroggavtgdgyfg-hCumsmm·' ' copies of w111s' R°°i”d‘”¤ . gtcq fgggggyy by _____ ,, ____ ___ 6+], 1335 Rquty our meat -·---·- •·· ··--· - --·-·· · 891 Registered Mau, Postal sem, °"”*“" 4**%***% . . , appropriation for indemnity for lost, domes- “PP’°i;"fy‘m°¤ °" *mP'°Vm8» W2-. mduggs 1310 m1$e$°£§°;0;r.;,;; a;1;3.;;tx.;.;;r.:  % fcgsluppmr ¤¤i=3Z»i·1·Z‘é&=i1CZiZZZ I ZZ 58411205 deficieiicy gspropriatiorégor indemnity for 7 Rd as; D gs- m -··----·-·····--· 584.1205 ost, omestic, 19 . 75 • * *2 . , rorinaemmy former, aomesuc, 1921.-. vvs °*P¤*° ***3** @*3** ¤¤‘*¤ ¤“¤w¤d ¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤ for ingemnity gm. {Oct, domuuéfy 1:5.22. _ _ R · A CO!!1p2'Kl1€·S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 or in emni or ost, interna 'o . M2, _ WW! · Remhmed Maiktiivmbn, Post Ojiu Depart- R p$>'r;¤¤:3 ,._. .. I . . ., .. . 1733 mem, awa __¢e•:h0rno_ mmeon mmm, appropriation for superintendent ... 653, 1249 ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤0¤ fm', m fvmgn countries, Regmm ofL¢md 0/ima, _ _ etc -...--... _ . ., 003,10:2 appropriations or salanes and oo% 1179 d€fi<¤6¤¢Y3g>i;1;;p1il35t§o!{1£;>{.i163€, ?i1é958ig49?, HOKE.- ··.· ..--·········••·- , _ _ v_ 7 1 g y , , lidati f Hi f egisuere d Religwus. Scientific, ctc., Sodetka, coxcoeiversogteiegiggaéswil places. . - 1179 ergqmpf from income tax -·.-... . .. 253 deficiency appropriation for salaries a,1;d3 1 R¢l39'w'¤·¤ Uglm tv etc- ¢¤mmi¤i<>n¤ ------------- 7,164 d¤¢¢¤> 0. vo ¤¤¤th¤¤,, consolidation of offices of, and receivers, _ _ ¤¤¤’\}8Q€€¤ ·-—····-~--· - ·---... . j 685 mot e ow , .. n » - -, or; .

  • ‘*"“‘:,"¥°" §‘.,$,?"* ’°°°‘*’“ °‘ **3** 208 R‘.€"““§3§ { me 925

duties of receivers conferred upon; salary, 208 Reggrgge ust mo etc ... - ·-·-~-·······-·· · -··--·--· · ·-. consolidation of offices of, and receivers at Row A9*·"’}'~V; NW-, _ _ designated places authorized ... 557 ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤¤¤ {M ¤¤PP¤¤·» ew. of Indians Regwtrm·;1‘r(si'(};i1efI` Tragezzgid (see algo China R C 8t -·-··-·---· 6 ··---····-- .. . .. 1192 e ct,1 , ent ¢vmm»issio·n,D. .,( 7·ie1;¤t appointment of an ofiioer of 1}epa.rtment of Columbia Rents ASEE), Commerce as ; admmistrative pow- gpgropnation for salaries and 1332 · e.,3,‘?;’.?‘f1‘s;1;,,.en‘ ‘ ya; iiizlw ‘‘‘* sem ‘‘=*‘ “° ° °‘°§§" 3§’£'°"“““°“ ‘°' "' *****30 ses Regw n , . , eficiency agrgrzgiation for. 52, 56, 196, 341, for and expenses, 1923 ,,_,,._,_., 770 345, , , 780, 785, 1056, 1167, 1170, 1555 creation, eompodtion, appoimmsn¢,euc.. . 544