Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1070

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INDEX. 2611 Salisbury, N. C., Pete- SanD' ‘ balances of appropriation for road to nation- apprfggiagzlifrggtgagglegaming station Page. S ,1,,,% Mal °€m°**€”'Y *1% °°V€¤'6d in ·----—-- 755 _ completing building, etc . ,_,,_ 3 1148 emgionartha (wtdow), 1659 Sa17x§1Ei?1\;"eu1ent 61% harbor, authorized .. 1039 - '```````'``` ‘ ‘‘·· · ····- — —-·· 67800, · Sally, Wdlwm, appropriation iloifinint at 382 1103 lgemmu · · ···················-·-· - -----· 1722 gr Passport bureau , _ _ _ _ 600, 1000 Sad1¤lLl;’n,0n fresh 892 im di7pa1;_ch aggggj `'`' '`'``'‘'`’‘ 6°2;1°7°

  • ‘············ - ----··-——-v— 0I` ne servic , N

,0FT€P¤Y€d of P1’6¤61'Ved --... . . . . 892 _ glnlgd ____________ L? ____ YOQIQ7 1252 Saduéy on 8 de1ic1ency_appropriation for airplane mail ’ sai `````````"``'`""`"‘°°`°`````‘`` 62 for ma,n“°'Y‘%°’t¥L‘i,‘¥,.`i°’}i,2‘;;’,; ··‘······· *6335 r , ODS diary on. in bags, occ 868 emergency appropriation for passport bn- 338 U1 bulk .. . - ..._____ 863 _ reau at, 1922 ...,__,______ _ ________ 61 drawbacloon, imported in bond, used for 1¤J>foV€1¤e¤t of harbor, authorized .. 1040 curing fish taken by American ves- ol S\1bi·1‘G8·§111'Y Property in, to be sold; _ sels.. . 2 . _ ,, 941 _ depomt of proceeds , ._______ 35,5 lmporteghusedmcurmgexported meats; Pfelimmary exarhmation, etc., of, south l1m1tation. ... . 941 harborand entrance, to be made, , _ 1046 Salt Cake, San Joaqum Rwer, Cali, 011 free ...~ . 931 P!'6hI¤111¤1'Y Hamination, etc., of, to be Salt Lake_C·tty, Utah, made ..__...,____ _ ,___ 1046 appropriation for any office at .. 383, 1104 San Juan Agency, N. Mom., Salt Rwa: Ageruiy, Ariz., 8·PP1'0p1'1atl0¤ fo1‘_su port,·etc., of Indians appropriation or support, ctc., of Indians st, from tribal funds .. 572 _ at.__·___, ,.,___ · ______ , __,,..,_,___ 565 Sm J'u;an1’nd¤mxRaqat;bn,Ariz., Salt Rwer Imgatwn Project, Anz., d€i€1€!1€Y appropriation for water supply appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. ., 584 fo1' OD,. ... 1533 or providing water to Indians from. . . 1188 San Jwvqlnglwn School, N. Moz., for examination of, and accounts .. 1206 ¤PP1’°R¤%l¤011 fo1' 0P€=1'¤tlI1g, €t¤·, Hogback surplus power developed under, may be u’¤8¤!¤0¤L}_>¥91€¢t 1111d61' ---·-... 572,1193 gg d; prgfgrgncg fo pur. Sdn Jll·G’/L · ‘l»l't¢G7'y R88G7)Gt'£07l,_ Wash., poses _ ,... _ . 84 7 g¤1¤i¤ed to Waslggpwn {oruse of University cred1t of recenpts from, to project .. 848 38 b10l0g1 Bl3t}0I1, etc ... 173 conditions, etc ..., 848 G0V€H1¤1q11t use retained. . ._ , .. 174 Saégpotep, l10l]l18,bZ;l1tY to State or Un1vers1ty for. 174 ,1 on _________________________ _ ______ 868 reversmn or nonuser . ,,__,, 174 ontgee not omdo .,__..,..., 92.0 San Juan, 11. R., _ Salts, cio, appropriation for wharf, at lrghthouse duty on', •({h€HliC3,l and medicinal, 0011- d€P0l?·-_ --·----·-----·--·-·-- - -...- 480 noun, alcoho1 ._,. 860 sree of dredging harbor, changed . ,.. 1041 not Spocmgy ppovldod for _________ . ____ 350 proclamation transferring certam lands m, on free lint, potash, crude, not specially te POM ···-~·· , ·-----~···-· 2294 p,.o,-,,1,,4 for ____ _ __________________ 930 Sem Jwm_Pazblo Imgatwn Project, N. Mer., Salvador, S ap}§_0pr1at?>r&_for1§onstruction, etc .. 1193 appropriation for minister to .. 600, 1069 an m"'?"t." wl; €‘°""”‘m°{‘· A"“·~ . deficiency appropriation for legation build· appmpria we er °p°mting pumpulg ing, San Salvador ,,,,,__.. . ... 1166 S l .0lu'$ `‘' ’‘‘‘ a66¢ 1187 SGMPIGS, _______________ , ______________ _ _ _ 1724 duty on, of woolen manufactures . 907 Somywz Megouwdc, sample of Mmmmdne, _ ,,.,,,5,;,,, _________ ’ _________________ , ooo brought in for taking orders, admuted free, Sand, '``` ¤¤d€1’ bond to be €XP<>1’*·9d In six dut on, of iron or steel . 880 gum mgfgllg -,1;}; - — - ··----·····--·-··~ 938 S op! mglude or nmmanufacturedlj.-.1: 931 · P800, 41 , a - incr 9 P€i2?l0¤ ·_. - · ·----·---·---··· · --·--·» 1655 on free ,,,, _ _, ,,.,_ : ,_,_____,___ _ ____ 926 · an ntomo Arsenal, Tac., _ Sand Greek Irngatum Project, Oreg., 5*1*mCB of ¤PP1’0P¤°·¤0¤ f°*’· €°V€'°d m· - 755 appropriation for maintenance etc. of on Scm Carlos Agency, Ariz., _ Klamath Indian Reservation; . 576 1198 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Sandalwood, ’ at ..-.-·----·----- · ·-··-··-·—· · 565» 1187 duty on, oil . 866 Sem Carlos Indian Reser·vat·i0*n, Ariz., _ _ Sondarm; Gum, appropriation for pumping plants for 1m· gn {mo [js; ________________ _ ______________ 928 gation . . 566,1188 8am1,.·n;,Ezmboa (muon), Sm: Dkgo, Calf, _ p€DS'l011 ... _ . 1 619 appropriation for naval air station, build- Saadvre, Mary(w1dow), ings ____,.,.,,___.,._,,,,... . ,. 123 pension. .,. . .,,_,.. 1706 for Manne Corps Barracks .. 130, 805, 1148 Sands, _Mary A. (daughter), for naval base, storehouse ., 130 pe¤s10I1 1696 for naval hospital, enlarging, etc ... 130 Sandstone, for‘ naval hospital, completion. . . 805 duty 011 . . . . 874 for establishing naval training station on free list, unmanufactured, etc., not at ..,,,,,,...,,.,_,,,,,,,.. 130, 1137 specially provided for . 931