Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1096

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INDEX. 2637 Supply Cornmittee (see General Supply Com- Pan Supreme _C'a1¤•¢ of the U1r£tedStawa-Con. Pate. S rmttee). authorrtliaehbc. , over 011 and gas de 'ts in upreme Qouyt, D. C., _ 0 oma, mvolvedin mmm litiapgrropnatrron for probation o$eers, etc, 696, 1355 gation .. . ..., _ _ 1449 or salaries-; ... 698, 1355 California may bring suit in, to determine for fees of witnesses . . 698,1355 _ tide to kmdsm Siskiyou County. . . 1438 ]urors . :: . 698, 1355 certiorari from, to District of Columbia sufor pay of baaliffs, etc. .. 698, 1355 pmeme court, allowed in rent cases. . 549 f¤1' 00}}-Tli!10`\1B9 expenses . 698, 1355 estimates of, for ap mpyigtiom fp bg sub. for prmting and bmding for . 698, 1355 mitted by tge President without for miscellaneous expenses, where United _ revision ,,,,,,__ _ _______________ _ _ _ _ 20 _ States IB a party, etc ... . . . 1356 wut of error allowed to, where decision of deficrency appropriation for fees of wrt- lughest State court is against claim I}9¤¤9¤- ·-··--·· · ·~·~·.·.···----·--- 32, 441 change in rule of law involving for wrtnesses, 1922, 19% ... . . 770 vulxdxtgocf a contract is repugnant for miscellaneous expenses ... 32, 192, 198, _ to the nstituuon ,,_,______,,_ , ,___ 366 _ _ 28, 441, 443, 770, 1156, 1533 retirement authorized of Associate Justice fol' b8l1}KB,_€t£ . . ... 32, 441 Mablon Pitney ,,__, , ,__________,___ 1033 for paying yudgment of, to John B. Dahl- Supreme Court Reports, gl‘€11- ·_ --·-······· . 50 Rppmpristion for Lawyers Edition, Volfoy fees of ]ur0r·s 441, 770, 1533 ume 66 ,,,.. . ...,,,,_,,____,,,,,, _ _ 617 ¤dd1*101mI gmlld jury authorized to be for copies of Volume 259 - ... 617 _ drawn by, to meet public exrgency. 543 deficiency apgsrgpriation for copies of 9$!$t&HC8 of, directed to procure evidence, Vo ume ., . ..,.,,_,,,.,,,, , , 40 _ _ etc., for- Item: . 545 for priming and binding, 1923 . . 774 Jurisdiction of, m apgsls from determine- foccopies of Volume 256 _,,_, , __,,.,,___ ‘ 1159 uons of Rent mmimion .. 547 for printing, etc., and advance imtallprecedence of cases; hearing in general ments of. . .,,,_.,,,.,,,,,,_ 154] term-: . : ... 547 for Lswyers’ Edition, Volume 67 ... 1543 no modriicauon, etc., except for error preparation and printing of, by the meof law -- . z . _ . 547 porter- . ..,..,, 816 order of addmonal evidence on appli- printing and binding at the Government cation, etc 547 Prmtin%°0iHce; stile, etc .. 816 court procedure . . .. _ .. 54 7 authority r, by Pu lic Primer-. . 816 decision of, Enal, subject to review by to be printed, bound, and inued within , United States Supreme Court-- . 549 eight months afuer decisions renaffirming, etc., determination of Com- _ . . ... 816 mission not stayed, etc., by issue of distribution by Attorney General. .. 816 writ ... Z .. 549 complete sets of, and digests to oiicers, etc. in suits for rec0veg;:f property m cus- entitled w, who have not received tody of Alien 1511 them . 817 in suits to which a China de Act cor- responsible custodian required. ... . . 817 poration is a party . . 2. 855 clerks of courts to keep sets for use of the subpuanas for witnesses in civil cases him- _ 0011118. .. : .. 817 ted to run 100 miles out of the Dis- copies to be fumnshed Atwrne General trict .. . . . . 848 for distribution as required. $17 extended for cause, on permimion of number of, and advance pamphlets to be court . . ... 848 determined by the reporter 818 limited to three years ,,. . . 848 sales at prices to be {lxed by the retemporary assigument of judges of Court of porter z . 818 Customs Appeals to, authorized,. . . 839 gleposms of receipts from . . . 818 Supreme Court of the Unded States, reprints from ongma plates to be made to appropriation for Chief and Amociate J us- meet current demands .. 818 tices, ,.. . . 614, 1081 sales, etc .. : 818 for marshal ,,,,,,,...,.._,_.. 614, 1081 sruvrsrons effective asof November 1, 1921 . 818 for law clerks for Justices ,... . ... 614, 1081 eductions from sums Rid to the reporter for stenegraphic clerks to Justices. . . 614, 1081 since opening of wber term, 1921. 818 for gzinting and binding for . 814, 1081 annual appropriations authorized for purfor porter . ... 1081 poseshereof .. . . R18 deficienc appropriation for pay to widow Suresnes, Enmce, _ _ of inte Iéhref J usmice Edward Doug- acquisition of burial places for American lggg www _________ _ ______,,,,_,_ , , , 40 _ military dead in, authorized ... 490 for printing and binding fer. . 50, 769, 1541 Suret1cs(.:ee Penal Bonds). for salary and expenses of Reporter No- Surety Bonds, vember 1, 1921, to June, 30, 1922 774 stamp tax on ... ._ t 303 deduction of sums paid, em . . 774 Surgeon General, Publw Health Serwx, for Reporter, gt,c,, 1923 ________ , ,...,,.. 774 ap;>ropria,t,ion for clerks, etc., o$ce cf. , 379, 1101 for priming and binding Reports, etc., of or pay, etc . Z ... 379, 1101 1923 ___________________ _ __,,,,,,,, 774 base pay of, established ... . ... 629 {0;- Supreme Court Re yu; ____,, , ,,,,,. _ 1541 subsistence and rental allowance ... 629 for bust and portrait o¥l)ate Chief Justice Surgeon GQ7Z>QT!Zl,8 Ojfice, War D;{>a.rt1nent whim _____ _ _ __________________ , , , , 1541 appropriation for Army edical kunppeals or write of error erroneously brought Péum -—--·-· · ··--···~·~-···· 88r 739. 1399 in, to be transferred to circuit courts fo1` h_b!j¤U of -··-··---~·---·····- 88. 739. 1399 of ¤,pp€“]g_ ________________ , ,_,,,,, 837 for civilian personnel .. . 739, 1400