Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1123

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2664 INDEX. Vétera·ns’ Bureau, United States—Conti.nued. Pars. Wteranw Bureau, United States-Continued. Pan. appropriation for additional $240 a year to details of employees to examine compenemployees of 714, 1559 sation and insurance claims . 150 deficiency appropriation for vocational re- travel allowance limited 151 habilitation of discharged disabled rules for conduct of beneficiaries under, to soldiers, etc .. 329, 444, 1053, 1164, 1169 be made . 151 salary restrictions . .. 329 penalty for breach of ... 151 construction work at training centers apgeal if, involves forfeiture .. 151

 .. 330 boar of discipline and morale to confor medical, hospital, etc., services. . . 330, 444 sider appeals .. 151

commutation, etc., under, restricted. . 330 gualilicatrons of members, etc ., . 151 disbursement and allotment of appro- ecisxon of, final . - .. 151 priation . . 330 monthly compensation allotments by hosauthorized use of allotment to Public l>ita1 beneficiaries to be prescribed . . 151 Health Service 330 unal otted portion to be deposited in the expenditure of War and Navy Depart- Treasury .. 151 ments allotments .. 330 payment, etc.; funeral expenses, etc., for salaries and expenses 344, 460, 464, allowed from .. 151 783, 1053, 1164, 1553, 1556 mzllotrnents to be investeél, egféé . 151 ljnnsl sscusj en% - treatment to persons isa , etc., in for gas, _________ I __ :131 _____ 131344,460 if _ active serxnce since April 6, 1917. . . 152 for settlement of insurance claims, etc. . . 771 _ m°1}”911 111 1111°,°f *1111% - ·_ ~·---··-·· 152 nn. military and nsvnl jnsnmncs _ _ _____ 1530 time limit for II18k\I1g8[;g) cations for 152 established as an independent Bureau un- 1°P°1'* t° P9 11126 with 11B’1’°°° at 11*2119 ess me Prmident .. 147 s¤¤¤¤¤¤-; -----------·------------.- 152 Director; 3§)p0intment; salary _ ,.,,,, , , , - 147 details 1`€q‘111'€d -·····--·-·----- - -----·· 152 smss of nests, wsr Risk Insurance vsrrly thereafter- ------- _ -------------. 152 Bureau, abolished and pswsss trans- P¤¤·¤1=r¤·r¤1 1<>r *211¤9°"d*1*11’1*¤· ¤¤·1s·¤<=¤*¤» fsnsd bb _____ _ ___________________ 148 etc., un claims for compensation, etc. 152 wprssssbs technical ssa administrative 148 ;r;;1¤l<1rl¤`·;:rt;§ngZ¤I;l1}r¤é1u1;¤l?;rnrrlrl(si·;A¤- 152,1%% mg o . P°"§_'”t0°¤(‘1f *;l1l11i‘;';1Fg’s °g;‘c1°11§1v1,1;’r°“R: ·,· 1*8 add1mi?i?11edIl?;·plVt:ildaV(71i1rtp:sudgm1l>(;r,1lr?i 496 1DmimucqBmQal£_:__~l____._·an-- 148 tmn:f;:;ofGovernment—owned buildings, 496 R°,§1g_§’c1§_1‘,;j;g,1,§)gMd·“1_°f gf: _ _ _ _ 148 techggreilésgtéciilsgvrgiécm for construction 496 Publ<?1]‘El·¥°:l11h1¤11;(11l°¥rl;`1?·1'f --·- 141 “°i£Z.23lE&?$°fs‘§si?s“§%L'°"““‘°‘” is °mQ§c°” ‘1"““1°‘1 1’°“‘r ‘° ’°°““ ”*“r 1,,8 all hospital facilities sr,ss»s11sb1srs¤· vetsss. sas; ‘ ‘.;;.;‘.,..‘¤,_,..‘ xs; ss #*11,:3* W·";;;~1 Sg·1··l,g*¢· ·,·¤*;,a· » · ·» . . . . · · n ¢¤¤1r¤1¤1'11¢¤1<21>¤¤¤¤¤1>1r¤11¤<11¤1’1¤1r1¢1¤1 Qs. T‘T.'f’fT'T...?T‘. .lT’. . T?}‘.?T. I'? ss, , C°1“mb“ ···-~ - -·---·····~---··-· 149 allotments allowed to Public Health Serv- 1’¢81°&1(2m:111111 °c¤11b°l119°¤ ¤1¤°Wh°1’° 1* 149 Jclelfo; care, etc., of beneficiaries of. . 771 powers and <1¤1i¤¤ of r¤zi¤¤¤1» ¤i¤¤11¤r tv-- 149 algwarilceef diagram 1 sts. Igielshigési m °l ¤¤¤1><>f11¤<=¤1i¤¤11¤<1 -·-····-····--- · 149 veteran of any war dying after disregional and suboflices to terminate June bbsrgs sts ____ _ _ _______________ 1523 .30- 1926 ··-··· · ··-···········-···· 149 transportation home, etc., if receiving earlier, allowed of any office. . . 149 bbspllsl treatment etc ______ 1523 War Risk and Rehabilitation beneficiaries miclw made by pation& bl, may P1“F“1 under ···-·--·--· , · ······~-·· 149 tained by makers, or sold for credit appropnatnons for, made available ... 149 of ap mpslstibn 10,. msmr1,,_1s_ _ _ 666 Bublect l’° 9*11*10191 Diracwr --··-- · · 149 Marine andpSeamen’s Division continued Director vested with power to execute Act. 149 und] December 31 1921 _ _ 2248 facilities of available Government agen- until. guns 30 1922 ____ ____ '°' ' 2259 919€*¤l>9111111¤°<1.bY—·s --~-----—-- 149 imcunmeaol 1923 . ZIIIIZZZZZZ 2278 , *9 b°f“1'm¤11°d1f,¤°°?$¤?Y· 159 payments of amounts due to minors, menmgpection _ BBTVICO {O! €X8·lI\1.¤8lZ10¤ of tally incompetents or under other liosprtal facilities, ctc., Slltbilfimd 1 legal disability- . . , . 1374 111-- ·- -, --·-·- · ~- ------ · -·-·-·----- 59 issssrss stisssss Ium, s%&ZQiss`v}s`g's{, °*11” “K‘m“°“ m“Y be ““?*1 ···-····———- 159 legal guardiadzonservator etc 1374 1’€P¤1'1`¤ $11*1 1‘<1€01¤111€11d¤1i1°11¤ *9 be 11111*19 portion of h ital mervation No, 78 Fort t° D11'?°1°°1° ····· · ············-·-· · 159 Logancsg. Roots, Ark., conveyed to further hospitalization, etc., authorized if Big Rock Stone and Construction utilized services unsatisfactory . 150 Company ,______,__ _ _____________ 1375 purchase, etc., of additional facilities. . . 150 Veterans, War, added to equipment of Bureau and allowances for burial of any indigent, other Government agencies . ... 150 dying after discharge . . .,.. 1523 ountracts §tates, etc., if Govern- transportation home o body, etc., if _ ment facxllues not sufficient ... 150 receivin treatment from Veterans’ lmsplttls of Public Hcgltll Service may be Bureau gospital, etc ,,___ _ _ _______ 1523 transferred to Du·ector_of . . 150 Veterinariern, D. C., use restricted to beneiicumes of . 150 appropriation forsalary and expenses,. 671, 1327