Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1131

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2672 INDEX. War Risk Insurance Act Awwndwwnta-Con. P•s·¤· War Risk Inauravwe Act A·rn·end1ncntsjCon. Pagedeath or disability compensation 5 disabil- premiums waived, etc.; extent of time ality contracted of person m line of lowed, etc 1526 duty before Ap 6, 1917, and dis- interest on waived premiums to be decharged later - 1523 ducted if not paid . . .. 1526 in effect as of April 6, 1917; exception- 1523 if lien exists against converted insurance, death allowances; xyment to dependent in excem of surrender value at death, mother or fa er; limitations ... 1523 diEerence to be paid from life inpayment of burial eilpenses, and return surance fund .. 1526 of body home if ying service . - . 1523 policies incontestable after six months, exspecific allowance to indigent veteran cept for fraud or nonpayment of predying after discharge, etc.; . 1523 miums 1527 additional, if receiving medical, etc., mailing to last addrem, a notice of contreatment . ... 1523 test, etc .. . 1527 continued during widowhood ... 1524 effective as of April 6, 1917. . .. 1527 dependent children, etc 1524 all premium payments to be credited to termination of beneiiciaryfs right, etc._. . 1524 life insurance fund 1527 apportionment between widow and clul- payments from, in accordance with dren not with her .. 1524 awards of Director ... . . 1527 widowrestriction;a1lowaneetowidowezs- 1524 reserve funds to be set aside from .. 1527 amended section effective as of April 6, investment in Federal securities and 191:7: .. _ .,. E .6 .58 1524 W Rixkhrm loan guide ... 1527 tumes or nswns paymen ar ureau, iluumry Departgmdeducted- .. 1524 ment (see also Veterans’ Bureau), injured persons to receive treatment, med- deficiency agpropriation for medical, suriml and surgical appliances, etc., in gical, osgital, etc., services . . . 37 addition to coilngensation Z . 1524 for salaries an expenses .,,,..,,..,.. 196, 783 military control w e m service not ai- for national security and defense 196 fected ... Z . 1524 abolishment of office of Director, and veterans of Spanish War, etc., with mental gowexs of, transferred to Vete1ans’ or tubercular diseases to have hos- ureau . .. 148 pital facilities of Vete¤ms’ Bureau. - 1524 all ap priaticns for, made available for death or disability compensation not pay- %gtera.ns’ Bureau . . 149 able unlem occurring in service or allowance for field investigations, 1921, within one year after leavin?. . . . . . . 1524 from appropriation for stationery, exception if given certificate 0 injury etc .. .. .. .- . .. - ... 37 existing at discharge, etc ... 1524 disbursing clerk allowed credit for advance certificate mcontestable evidence of in- insurance payments; limitation . 146 'ury in service 1525 Marine and Insurance Divmon, continued ogcial record, etc., for, required . 1525 until December 31, 1921 2248 payable whenever occurring if omcial rec- until June 30, 1922 .. . .. 2259 ord of injury exists .. . .. 1525 until June 30, 1923 . 2278 no compenstion i death is punishment for pay restriction on salaries, 1922, modified . . 37 crime or military offense .. . . . . 1525 increase in number of higher allowances. 37 by an enemy excepted. ... 1525 records, files, documents, etc., transferred court martial dismissal a bar to service to Veteran' Bureau 148 comgiensation ... : .. 1525 restriction in apgrgpristxoo for additional approval o a plication for remstutement hospital ities on remodeling of lapses insurance: . . . 1525 plants, 1922, repealed .. 37 if disability jncurred 1.n active World allotments to Volunteer So1diers’ Home

 ... _ . 1   {obedisbum(¤;d1`%>ytheB0ard . .. 37

roo o ongman con tionreqmredn surpuslkrmyan avy pert transpayzgent of insurance lapsed while suffer ferxed to equip, etc., . 37 ing from wounds, etc., and entitled W'ar Savings Certijicates (scc Treasury Savings to compensation . _ ... 1525 Certificates). to beneficiary, if insured dies without War Savings Suzmps, collecting amount .. 1525 appropriation for temporary force, Treasto insured, if totally disabled ... 1525 urer’s omee, redemption of . 374 deductions of premiuma etc 1525 expenses of sale, etc., of_, in office of Comlapsed insuranoe to be paid, if applied for missioner of Public Debt, and Post reinstatement refused because of Office Department, payable from health condition. .. : .. 1526 appropriation for expenses of loans, amount to soldier if totally disabled 1526 1922 .. . ..,.,,,. 36 beneliciargfs in case of death . 1526 War Sutpghks (sec Supplies, Army). deduction o premiums, etc: 1526 War Ir Board Section, ofS¢au, disbursing clerk allowed credit for install- deficiency appropriation .. 198, 1166 ment insurance payments, without hunitum, etc., of, transferred to Treasury verifying deductions from pay rolls. 1526 Department .. . 192 premium pa ent dates may be waived if War with Auab-ia-Hungary (sec also World lapsedygbile eontined m hospital for War), compensable Z .. 1526 declaration of the end of . 106 durixltexnporarytotaldisabihty. . - . . . . 1526 reservation of all rights, etc., of United men y incompetent with no guardian. 1526 States and its nationals, under terms without application required, etc ... 1526 of the armistioe .., . , .,,_, 108