Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/383

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‘ 1940 TREATY——GERMANY. AUGUsr 25, 1921. THE UNITED STATES OF ©taatzn vnu Qlmzrifa, biz AMERICA IN CONGRESS gum Rongrzfg uerfammelt ,.,f,§§_°‘"'° W d‘* ASSEMBLED, That the finb, buf; bzr burcb ben am 6, state of war declared to exist Qlpril 1917 gznebmigten gzmein= between the Imperial Ger- {amen Slieiclylufz bes Rongrzlfes man Government and the erfltirtc Rrizgsguftanb gmifdpen ber United States of America by Raifzrlid) Sbeutfcben Eliegizrung the joint resolution of Con- unb ben iterzinigtzn ©taaten bon gress approved Atpril 6, 1917, Qlmerifa biermit filr beenbet zr== _ is here y declare at an end. fliirt mirb. S,§§$,'Q*§,c_f§,,§7,‘$‘,f,°f* "Sec. 2. That in making ,,@cftion 2. SDaf; burd} 2Ib= this declaration, and as a gabe bieier Qrfliining unb als ein part of it, there are eifipressly Sizil baton bzn Qizrzinigten ©taa= reserved to the Unite States ten bon Qlmerifa unb forzn©taats= of America and its nationals angelyiirigcniebmebzuub ullzélizcbtz, an and all rights, privileges, ‘BribiIegien, Gntfcbabigungen, €Rz= inelemnities, reparations, or parationen uber éliorteilz einfd)lief;= advantages, together with lid) bes Eltzcbts, fiz gmangsmeiie the right to enforce the same, burcbgufiibrzn, ausbriidlicl; borbe= to which it or they have be- lyalten mctben, auf melcbe biz Him come entitled under the einigten @taaten von Qlmerila obzr terms of the armistice signed fore @'>taatsangzl)iirigzn nach ben November 11, 1918, or any am 11. 9'tobzmbzr 1918 unterextensions or modifications geiclyneten 2BaffenftilIftanbsbzbin thereof; or which were ac- gungen fotnie irgznbmelclyen (Ev quired by or are in the pos- meitenmgzn uber Hbanberungzn session of the United States berielbzn einen Slnfptucli crmorbzn of America by reason of its baben; uber biz mm ben Q§ereinig= participation in the war or ten @taaten bon Qlmzrila infnlge to which its nationals have forzr Qieteiligung am Rriege zr= thereby become rightfully en- morbzn rnorbzn finb obzr ficl; in titled; or which, imder the forzm ibefit bzfinben; uber auf bie treaty of Versailles, have fore ©taatsangcl)6rigen baburcl; been stipulated for its or recbtmtiisig ilniprud) errootbzn l)a= their benefit; or to which it bzn; uber bie in bem Hiertrage mm is entitled as one of the prin- ilietfailles gu ibten nbzr forer cipal allied and associated ©taatsangeb5rigzn ébunften feft= powers; or to which it is en- gefetgt motben finb; uber auf bie [ie titled by virtue of any Act als cine bzr alliierten unb aifcgiiev or Acts of Congress; or other- ten tjaaptmtirlpte ober fmft itgenb= wise. zines nom Rcngrzfg beicbluiicnen . . . .. Gjzfziscs obcr fonftmiz zinen 2ln= fprucl; liabzn. D nun or ro • • • • • • • • • • glggigglid by Ugiris "Sec. All property of ,,©zltion 5. illies ¢Eigcn· ` the Imperial German Govern- tum ber Raiiefficl) iDzutfcbcn Eliement, or its successor or gierung oben: fores Ellaclyfolgzrs obzr successors, and of all Ger- foret Qiadifolget unb bas @igcn= man nationals, which was, tum aller beuticbzn @taatsange= on April 6, 1917, in or has biirigen, bas iid) am 6. 2[pril1917 smce that_date come into im $Beiit; ober in bzr Caemalt ber the possession or under con- Qereinigtzn Qtaaten bon iilmerifa trol_ of, or has been the uber zines forer flizamten, Hiersubject of a demand by the tretzr obzr Qlngeitelltzn befanb obet United States of America or feit biefzm Iage in beren Qizfiig of any of its officers, agents, uber Cbzmalt gelangt uber ©cgzn= or employees, from any {tanb einer %orberung ieitens ber= source or by any agency felben gemefen ift, glzicbbiel aus whatsoever, and al prciperty rceld)zm llripmng aber aus melclyer of the Imperial and oyal S2."atigfeit,__unb alles (iigentum ber Austro — Hungarian Govem— S?. 11. 5%. Cftzrrzidyifdpllngadieben