Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/416

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UN1oN.Nevmm. eo, mo. 1973 avec ré onse payée, aux im- papers of every kind, commercial primes JL toute nature, aux pa- giispers, and samples of merchaniers d’aifaires et aux échantil- e originating in one of the lbns de marchandises originaires countries of the Union and adde l’un des (pays de l’Union et a dressed to another of those coundestination ’un autre de ces pays. tries. They also a]}ply to the ex- Elles s’appliquent également a change by post o the articles Yéehange postal des ob'ets ci- above mentioned between the dessus entre les pays de l'Union coimtries of the Union and counet les pays étrangers a l’Union, tries outside of the Union, whentoutes es fois que cet échange ever the services of two of the emprunte les services de deux des contracting parties at least are parties contractantes au moins. used for that exchange. ARTICLE 3. ARTICLE 3. Tmnsport des dépéches emre pays Oemveyance of mwils between canliwitrophes; services tiers. t*ig·u.c·u..s· cmmt1~ies; third services. 1.-Les Administrations des 1. The Postal Administrations bfvggwggwggi ` postes des pays limitrophes ou of conf ous countries or coun- tries. aptes a correspondre directement tries ablliuto correspond directly entre eux sans emprunter l’inter- with each other without making médiaire des services d’une tierce use of the services of a third Ad- Administration,déte1minent,d’un ministration settle, by mutual commun accord, les conditions consent, the conditions of convey- du transport de leurs dépéches ance across the frontier or from réciproques a travers la frontiers one frontier to the other of the ou ’une frontiere a l’autre. mails which they exchange. 2.—Amoinsd’arrangement con- 2. In the absence of any other ml§eQ““m° °°‘"€Y‘ traire, on considére comme servi- arrangement, the direct sea conces tiers les transports maritimes veyance between two countries eifectués directement entre deux by means of packets or vessels pays, au moyen de paquebots maintained by one of them is conou batiments dépendant de l’un sidered as a third service; and d’eux, et ces transports, de meme this conveyance, as well as conque ceux effectués entre deux bu- veyance between two offices of reauxd’1nimemepays,par l’inter— the same country, by means of médxaire de services maritimes ou sea or land services maintained temtoriaux dependant d’un autre by another country, is governed pays, sont ré s par les disposi- by the terms of the ollowing tions de Yarticgie suivant. article. _ 3.-Les hautes parties contrac— 3. The high contracting parties m}§1g,;g:¤ tantes s’engagent a ne as im- nmdertake not to impose, on pos- mmvmu. poser, au titre postal, diobliga- tal rounds, special obligations on P°"**"2°°*‘ tions spéciales aux paquebots paciets employed in regular mail affectés a des services révuliers services and maintained by a de transport des correspondences country of the Union, in exet dépendant d’un pays de l`U- change for advantages and privmon, en échange des avantages et ileges which may exist or be esprivileges qui pourraient exister tablished in favor of an class of ou etre institués en faveur d’une merchant ships, especially as recatégorie quelconque de navires gards the formalities and arrangemarchands, notamment pour les ments on entering or leaving port. formahtés et opérations au depart des ports ou a Yarrivée.