Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/439

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1996 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION-Ntmmm 2.0, 1e20. SP°°i“1°°“"°“u““S· 2.-—Les différentes Administra- 2. The several Administrations tions peuvent, en outre, prendre Iplay, elmoreover, make among entre elles les arrangements neces- thems ves the necessary agreesaires au sujet des questions qui ments on the subject of questions ne concernent pas 1’ensemb1e de which do not concern the Union 1’Umon, pourvu que ces arrange- generally, provided that these mentscne derogent pas a la pre- agreemegts do not infringe the sente onvention. present onvention. d,sLgQQ§;SY“‘”‘°"h"“ A£;1—·Il est toutefois permis aiéx 3. 3'he lgdministrations con- `nistrations interessées e cerne are owever permitted to s’entendre mutuellement Sour come to miitual arrangements for Padoption de taxes réduites ans the adoption of lower rates_ of un rayon de 30 kilometres. postage within a radius of 30 kilometers. Anrrcnn 23. ARTICLE 23. i¤*¤¤·¤’ ***8- Legislation inteme; unions Internal laws; restricted unions. restreintes. w§:m=g§$;;;{;*; if ¤<>* 1.—La preiente Conveption ne The plxiesent Conveigziofi in- ` orte point tération a a legis- vo ves no teration in the egis— liition_de chaque pays dans tout lation of any country as regards ce_ qu1 n’est pas prevu par les anything which is not covered by stipulations contenues dans cette the pI‘0V`lS1OI1S of this Convention. Convention. m*{¢;;ggg?°i°¤ °*¤P°· 2.—E]1e ne restreint pag le droit f2. It does not restrict the right ` des arties contractantes emain- 0 the contracting parties to maintenig et de conclure des traites tain and to conclude treaties,_as a1ns1 que de maintenir et d’établir well as to maintain and establish des imions plus restreintes, en vue more restricted Unions, with a de la reduction des ou de view to the reduction of postage toute autre amelioration des rela- rates or to any other improvement tions postales. of postal relations. ARTICLE 24. Arvrrcnn 24. ,,f,‘,]Y°‘”"*°““' B“‘ Bureau finternational. International Bureau. ¤§,‘?,*,',l,Q‘;‘“°° °' °°”' 1.7Est maigteiéue Pinstitution, 1. Urider the name of the Intersous e nom e ureau intema— nationa Bureau of the Universal tional de l’Union postale univer- Postal Union a central Office is selle,_ d’un Office central qui maintained which is conducted _ fonctionne sous la_haute sur- under thesupervision of theSwiss vcillance de l,AdH1lDlStf8tlOH des Postal Administration, and the postes suisses, et dont les frais expenses of which are borne by all sont _ supportés dpar toutes les the Administrations of the Union. Admgiéstrgtions éel’Un1on.h n¤ues.ete. 2. e ureau emeure c a é 2. This office is entrusted with de reunir, de _ coordonner, X§e the duty of collecting, collating, publier et de distribuer les ren- publishing, and distributing inseignements de toute nature qui ormation of every kind which mteressent le serv1ce international concerns the international postal des postes; d’émettre, Si la de- service;ofgiving,at therequest of mande des parties en cause, un the parties concerned, an opinion gens sur les qulestionsi litigxeusgsg up% quciisltions in dispute; of 'ms ru1re es eman es en mo i- ma 'nv own ro osalr for fication des Actes du Congres: de modifyiing the act;) ol) thel Connotitier lcs changements adoptés, gress; 0 notifying alterations et, en general, de proceder aug: adopted; and, in general, of tak- études et aux travaux dont 11 mg up such studies and duties as