Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/597

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 Pan American Postal Union Convention. Signed at Buenos Aires,

September 15, 1921; ratified by the Postmaster General, February 24, 1.922; approved by the President, February 28, 1922. UNION POSTAL PANAMZERL PAN AMERICAN POSTAL CANA. UNION. CONVENCION PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL CONVENTION c0NcLU1DA ENTRE LAS EEPUB- CONCLUDED BETWEEN LICAS ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRASIL, COLOMBIA, BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, COSTA RICA, CUBA, COSTA RICA, CUBA, CHILE, D O M I N I CANA, CHILE, DOMINICAN RE- ECUADOR, EL SALVADOR, PUBLIC, ECUADOR, SAL- ESTADOS UNIDOS DE VADOR, UNITED STATES Al\r[ERICA, GUATEMALA, OF AMERICA, GUATE- MEJICO, N I C A R A GUA, MALA, MEXICO, NICARA- PANALIA, PARAGUAY, GUA, PANAMA, PARA- PERU, URUGUAY, Y GUAY, PERU, URUGUAY, VENEZUELA. AND VENEZUELA. [Translation by Post Omoo Department.] U£l=;_A¤¤¤¤¤P¤¤r¤1 Los infrascritos, Plenipoten- The undersigned, plenipotenrumen. ciarios de los paises arriba cite.- tiaries of the countries above dos, reunidos en Congreso en named, assembled in congress in Buenos Aires, en ejercicio del Buenos Aires in exercise of the A""·¥‘·‘°“"· derecho ue consekgra el articulo authorit conferred by Article 23 23 de la (Ibnvenci n Postal Uni- of the Iirniversal Postal Convenversal de Madrid, iuspirandose en tion of Madrid, actuated by the el deseo de extender y perfec- desire to extend and perfect the cionar los servicios postales pan- Pan American postal services and americanos de establecer una to establish a solidarity of action solidaridad die acci6n que puede which, in the Universal Postal representar eficazmente en los Conpresses, may represent effec- Congresos Postales Universales five y the common interests of the los intereses comunes de las Re- American Republics in all that publicas Americanas, en lo que refers to commnmication by mail, se reiiere a las comunicaciones have agreed subfiact to ratificapor correo, han convenido en tion, upon the fo owing Convencelebrar, bajo reserve de ratitica- tion: ci6n, la Convencion siguiente: ABTICUL0 1 ARTICLE 1. Union Panamericamz de Correos Pan American Postal Union.

  • ¤•°¤°°*- Los paises contratantes que, The contracting countries,

de acuerdo con la declaracion que which, in accordance with the