Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/598

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PAN AMERICAN POSTAL UNION—Sm>·rnMBnn 15, 1921. 2155 precede, constituyen la Union preceding declaration, constitute anamericana de Correos con el the Pan American Postal Union, objeto de mejorar la ejecucion de with the ob'ect of improving the los servicios postales, convienen execution oi the Postal services, en las siguientes clausulasz agree upon the following articles: Anricuro 2 ARTICLE 2. Trdnsito libre y gratuito Free and gratuitous transit. 1.-Los paises adheridos a la 1. The countries adhe to S*¤¢*° M °°¤’*· presente Convencion formaran un this Convention shall fdiigm a ii’¥i.°t°dE?i°g cum solo territorio postal. single ostal territory. 2.——Cada uno de los paises con- 2. Egtch of the contracting mg”,g*“*°°'” *’°”S“ °‘ tratantes se compromete a tras- countries is bound to transport ` portar libre y gratuitamente por freely and gratuitously thro h su territorio, mediante los ser- its territory, by means of iilre vicios que dependan de su Ad- services maintained by its postal ministraecion o utilice para el administration, or which it utienvio directo de su propia COIT6S· lizes for the direct despatch of its pondencia, la que reciba. de cual- own mail, the mail which it requiera de estos paises con destino ceives from any of the other couna cual uier otro pais contratante tries destined to any other con- 0 de 1ai]Uni6n Postal Universal. tractiqi country, or to an coun- Sin embargo, seran de cuenta tryqof eUniversal Postaly Union. del pais de origen los gastos de evertheless, the expense of cimges through tras orte terrestre o maritime land or sea conveyance of mail °°“'"‘“°”“°°°°h°"”" de lia correspondencia, cuando will be chargeable to the country esta requiera para su curso sub- of origin w en the intervention siguiente la mediacion deapaises of countries other than those adextranos a los adheridos pre- hering to this Convention is resente Convenio y ese trasporte quire for its subsequent transsea. oneroso y no gratuito. portation, and such transportation is not free but subject to charges. A.n·ricU1.o 3 A.1z·r1cr.n 3. Libertad de tarifas Liberty of tarifa. 1.—Se establec, como principio 1. Libert · of tariffs is estab- B¤=i¤<>f¤¤i¤¤· fundamental, la libertad de tari- lished as a fimdamental principle. fas. En las relaciones postales In the postal relations between entre los paises adheridos regiran the contracting countries those las tarifas que cada una de las tariffs shall rule which each of the Administraciones establezca den- ostal administrations may estabtro de la mitad del equivalente en lish, within one-half of the equivdélares del maximo fij ado por la alent in dollars of the maximum Convencién Postal Universal de fixed by the Universal Postal Madrid. Convention of Madrid. Arrricrmo 4 Airrrcrn 4. Réginwn y cemvenios especiales System of control, and special services. 1.—Las disposiciones de esta 1. The provisions of this Con- s°°P°°iP'°"l$i°¤’· Convencion se aplicaran a las vention shall apply to letters, post cartas, tarjetas postales, impresos cards, printed matter of all kinds, de todas clases, papeles de negocio commercial papers and samples. y muestras. 42150°-—voL 42, rr 2--39