Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/637

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2194 rancni. rosr CONVENTION——DENMARK. This list shall be enclosed in one Kartet (se vedfgzfjede Formular rmx, p. ms. of the boxes or sacks of such dis- 2) skal vaere nedlagt 1 en af de til patch (form 2 annexed hereto). Afslutmngen h¢rende K a s s e r eller Saekke. Article IX. Artikel IX. E‘°"““g°°‘“°°“· Exchanges of mails under this Udvekslingen af Post i Henconvention from any place in hold til denne Overenskomst fra either of the participating coun- et hvilket som helst Sted i det tries to any place in the other, ene af de deltagende Lande til shall be effected through the post et hvilket som helst Sted i det offices of both countries, previ- andet, skal i begge Landene ously designated as exchange of- foregaa gennem de Postkontorer, fices, or through such other som paa Forhaand er udset til at offices as may subsequently be fungere som Udvekslmgspost— designated for this purpose, un- kontorer, eller ved saadanne ander such regulations relative to dre Postkontorer, som senere hen details of exchange as may be maatte blive udpeget hertil, og mutually determined to be essen- efter saadanne naermere Fortial to the security and expedi- skrifter vedrgzirende Udvekslintion of the mails and the protec- gens Enkeltheder, som maatte tion of the customs revenue. blive aftalt som n¢dvend§g;sfor Posternes Sikkerhed og pedition og til Toldindtaegternes Sikring. Aniele X. Artikel X. R°°°*p‘°‘“““· 1. As soon as the mails shall 1. Saa snart Posten er ankom— have reached the exchange office met til Besten1melses—Udveksof destination that office shall lingspostkontoret, skal dette _ check the contents of the mail. kontrolere dens Indhold. S‘“’”"'”°p“'°°“’m· 2. In the event of the parcel 2. Forsaavidt der ikke modbill not havinv been received a tages noget Pakkepostkarte, skal sub£stute shall at once be pre· et N¢dkarte straks udfaerdiges. _ par . °°“*’°“°°°'°"°”· 3. Any errors in the entries on 3. Hvis der i Pakkepostkar— the parcel bill which may be de- terne opdages Fe`l, skal disseteeted shall. after verification by efter at vaere lronstateret af a second officer. be corrected and endnu en Postt'enestemand—- noted for report to the dispatch- berigtiges og meddeles det afing office on the form known as sendende Postkontor ved en Til- “ verification certificate " and bagemeldelse, som skal frem— _ _ forwarded in a special envelope. sendes i szerlig Konvolut. i"°""°°°‘p‘ °fp“'“°’· 4. If a parcel noted on the bill 4. Manvler en i Pakkepostbe not received, after the non- kartet opiyirt Pakke, skal—efter receipt thereof shall have been at Mangelen er konstateret af verified by a second officer, the endnu en Posttjenestemand—den entry on the bill shall be canceled i Kartet gjorte Anfersel stryges and the fact reported at once, as og Sagen straks gyires til Genabove provided. stand fog en Tilbagemeldelse, som oven or angivet. Damaged Farms- If a parcel be received in a Modtages en Pakke i beskadi— damaged or imperfect condition, get eller mangelfuld Stand, skal full particulars thereof shall be Tilbagemeldelse udstedes paa reported in the same manner. samme Maade med Angivelse af _ _ alle de naermere Omstaendigheder. uv;;€¤mP¤°¤ °’ ‘-*°· 5. If no " verification certifi· 5. Modtager det afsendende ' cate " or note of error be received Postkontor ingen Tilbagemel-