Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/863

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2404 INDEX. District ¢&Columbia Renta Aa-Continued. Pam- District of Columbia Rgme_Ac¢—Coutiquqd. Punc- Rcnt mmimion; temporary sucgemor to appesl¤fgomdetcrm1mhonqfCog11m1smorg; present member 1f vacancy m office; 545 £;1lorrou1;¥roc<;v}¢;E;ra:8t:1o1;1sm]1;1umc1- 549 te _____,_.,,,,,,,. . co , no ec ers y . iutcroslzgxx real estate businessa disquali- 545 tg3,Sii11:é gubjcct wcorggow by 549 icgf n .,,,,..,..,,,,,,,... m ta upromo .. appogngngguu and acts of former, vali· 545 a.&}rmingfdeto1:·minn.tion, not stayed by 549 ,,..,,.,,,...,... msua o wn ...' ti 11 execution of were otc.. 545 chxmgoofowncrsbi orto nottoaffect gsch meugbor mgtlgorizod sub- rents, etc., by Commia- 549 ms, admnmster on con act sion .. .

 ctc .. 545 rents, ctc., collected in excom of determiattex}d.sI1}cg;‘§¢:1tcé§:8g1earings at any place 545 notion to be sued for by Commis· 549

m m . . mon ... anistsnccpf courts?sc§:ura; contempt 545 double gqagxlnt to be recovered in 549 pmceedlng on re usa . mumc1 court

 `vulging information, for- 545   of amouigzoroceived    ... 549

1 en. .. w oo amouu Treasury excsm rental Rrsxportguaqd apartments affected 546 paid with knowledge of 549 vn pu c mtorost .. . e mms ll .. mma, for, ctc., to be fair and 546 compm¤;1:ow=£m u allowed; 550 reasons c . mco ... umea¤omblala:11;d unltir, declared cou- 546 owner di; be aseqsd for wgfully with- 550 tnrytopu c y..· . wiugscrvxcc, ctc. tenant determination of {gv Commimion . 546 imposing unsafe, etc., conditions ... 550 complaints may Bo filed by tenants or 546 ambczunt to bcbrgqovcfroidetgay tommt .. S5? . owners . uuses to mc u ...,... considerations determining . 546 action by Commisicn to recover . 550 bearings oinhcomggiximts; notices, ctc .. punishment for failing to furnish service 550 open to e pu c . . fair and reasonable rents, service, etc., punishment for exacting bonuses for lenses, to_bq fixed and determined by Com- 546 gtc., ggéeggid 550 mmon making us es, c ., o effect of, in landlord and tenant cases 6 mn?] propfxity . .. 550 inan court ... 54 stan orms 0 eases, etc., to o prefinding otyfscts to be filed with detormi- scribed by Commimion . 551 nation . 546 legal aioct and enforcement of . 551 details; included in the record 646 spsrtmcpt owners may be required to furdou>rmin;g>ln¤<;§dC0mmisi;rk?n iimxl unless mah plans of rooms, aomcc, mnt, 551 sp o to trict supreme 0tc_ .. .. . .. coun-; ._ 547 dotorm1uatiou_ of reasonable mms, ctc., iurindncnon of court m general term; M7 l:{v’;oCo;ul:n1aqmn ... . . precedence no o an , appeals, atc ... record to be certified to court; no modi- anignmgnta or mazda; ol property in gestion, etc., except for error ol H7 Eulogy of lone, etc., not su- 551 w . ... . ... on ... ordeg for addiéioxgall evidence on sp- 547 procoogings ;;o¤;{li;1g in bcgurtn at p canon; 0 ec o . . .. on o c t ntin court procedure . ... 547 Attorney General . ,,... 551 no change, etc., in. oxgcopt on appeal. . 547 publication by (`ommission of its determicxisting tenancies COXf°|'.5DIlBd, subject to 5*7 nagiionn, court decisions, etc., with ewrmixutiou 0 ommission ... in . . .,...,...,,,,,,,.. 551 ovictiona restricted 547 eEec§ivo ggof May 21, 1922 ..,. , ,,.., 551 right to taxgggnate, on sale of property, 547 couihctingdnlswn, ogcf., suspended during 551 sus u .. . .. con uancc .. . ,. pomegigg by ovqner allowed. .. 548 { Dittcr. (daughter), notice to be gxven; dctmled statgment 548 Dtpoxmcn ... . .. 1679 o urposes,reasons,e1; ., u1red.. 1 . not contravention of etc 548 verified returns of payment: of, b cor- . Y recglvery; sett.lemgntd¢;§Pdjsput¢zs by 548 Di Zdi p0rat.10m1t0 be made; details, etc-- 269 o court; pending utes m vn, payment by tenant pending decision S dutv ontextmct, uoualcohclic 864 of court; acceptance uota waiver by 548 Q Dion iiee .i E .. 927 0Wu&f,-... . .- ,_.. , , ,,,_ · POTQJ, ann OBJ, appeals from determination of Commission. 548 jurisdiction of district court in ... 1008 if rent increased, tenant to pay amount _ procedure, qtc . . 1008 therotceg tch Commimicu; bond ac- 548 ; DLwn,_L1II•e (undow), -36 cop in 'eu . nsnon . ...,, 14 disposal oi moneys, on decision oi 548 { Dgeon,_0live (zmliow), 20 court . . ... ‘ peumon ... . ..,... 17 dismissed. if tenant fails to comply with Q Dobbi-ng, Nom H. (widow), vonditions. . . . . ... 548 I pergmou . _ ., , ,. 1 642 if mnt decreased, owner to be paid deter- Dobbmg, Sarah P. (smdow), mined amount. . . . 549 ponmon ... _ .., 1621 racovory of difference in municggsl Dobooq, Alwilda (andow), court, if determination modiii . . 549 pensum . . 1875