Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/880

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INDEX. Federal Highway Act-Continued. Page. Federal Hm-gm, Patio of apportionment of highway fund; Agrimlgiizal Board, Department of Page. ¤10(i¤€y;:§Ph®bl€ to apportionment appropriations for: salaries . 534, 1315 ‘·‘" ‘?’ °“’·l Md Act -··-- · --···-· 217 for general expenses; regulating importaapgxgonmeut °f ¤¤€XP€¤d<>d bil- 217 f tion of nursery stoc , etc 534, 1316 . .· ···-~- - ··---—·-··-—-~· · - --··- 0 ‘ ¤·»¤¤e¤¤¤ w be me within so days of p°3€l°&‘¥1?.§.$’F?$????i..?T?‘TT??“”$§4 mt hmm °pP°""°°m°“*» 8**** --—·~--·-· · 217 deficiency appropriation for general ex- ’

  • 0* fm! Yew 1922 -------------- 217 penses. ..._,_ 58, 1553

i°' S“?°€°dm8 Y€¤·¥¤ ··--··----- · 217 "FederalI1u:, U. S, A,," appropriation for forest roads and trails for penalty for use of, by individuals, etc., , 6**] vm 1922 —-------- - ----.. 218 . not incorporated under cunt Trade ¤r fiscal yea; 1923 . . 218 Act _,,________________ _ ____________ 855 amount authorised for roads and trails of Federal Intermediate Credit Banks (see also §;'1l1;1;;g'n‘$po¤tasnce for protection 218 Agricultural Credits Act, 1923), _ ores , e c ... . .. revisions or orgamza' tion urposes . gpgortionriignt to States, Alaska, and P of ________,, , ,,,,,_, ,,,,,__ Y, lei:] 1454 _orto Rico 218 Federal Land Banks, of primary importance to States, etc., additional deposits authorized to, imtil adyoimng national forests- . 218 aggregate capital reaches $50,000,000 105 apportionment to States, Alaska, and redemption, after general offering of ortp Rico. . _- , 218 farm loan bonds 105 cooperation of local authorities, etc., limitation of amount ... 105 may be accepted .. 218 interest rate ... 105 contracts with States, etc., for construe- exempt from income tax .. 253 tron,_etc., authorized ... 218 Federal Narwtvk Control Board (uc also Narconstruction work costing $5,000 to be cotic Drugs Import and Export lot to contract ___, _ _,,. . . , _ _ ___,__ 218 Act), of less amount may be done by Seere- established; composition, etc ,.,...,.,,,,, 596 tary of .Agl'lC\1.ll',`l].l'€ .. . ...,.. 218 Federal Power Cmnmission, appropriations available for expenses appropriation for expenses ,,,,,,,,________, 1230 of ... I . . ... 218 or printing and bmding for ._...,.. 1230 approval of projects where State laws, etc., amount allowed for printing and binding, dprevent use of revenues therefor ..., 218 1922 ...,..,..,_,,. 34 _ con itions permitting ... 218 for printing and binding law books, etc., mvalrdity of any provision not to affect from agpropriaticn, 1920 . . .. 639 remainder of Act .,.,_. 219 Federal Railroa Control, effective on p e ... 219 additional time allowed for bringing suits Federal Highway Act Amendments, for damages caused byviolatinginterrural post roads, additional authorizations state commerce laws, etc., awarded of appropriations for, fiscal year 1923. 660 by the Commission . ... 394 fiscal year 1924 ..,,,,,,,.,...,,.,,,,, 660 complaints for reparation of da.rn?es _ iiscalyear 1925 ..,,,,,, , .,_,, 660 caused by unjust rates, etc., un er, immediate apportionment of authori- may be filed in one year, after termizatigg for é923 ... . . , 660 f nauogé ... 394 ap ro by ecretaryo project un er, or overc rges, in two years an six dleemed Federal obligation to con- months. .: .. 2 . 394 tribute ..., 660 procedure against agent of the President . 394 roads and trails in national forest; addi- jurisdiction of Interstate Commerce Comtional authorization of appropria- _ miB§19¤ ·... 394 tions for, fiscal year 1924 .,. . . . 660 actions_ar1s1ng under, not to abate by retiscal year 1925 660 tuement, etc., of Director General, milroad crcmings included with bridges 0I' 880¤t· · ---·-·---·---·--- _· · .·.-· 1443 in mud construction ____,,,,________ 660 designated agent may be substituted. . 1443 Payment per mile of roads to States limited brought by any officer to enforce obligafor 1923 ..,,,.,.,,. , ,,,.._,, 660 tions, etc., not to abate by his refor subsequent, vears ..., - . . 660 tirement, etc I ... _. . . 1443 proportion of United States increased successor may_be substituted any time in publir land States ... . ., 661 _ before 1inal]udgment.. I . ; . 1443 temporary a proval of projects when State prior orders forsubstitutron in, validated 1443 laws JL not allow use of funds there- remstatement it dismissed solely because for, extended to five years after of such retirement, etc 1444 November 9, 1921 ___,_,..,,,,_,___. 661 motion for, to be tiled m one year. . 1.. 1444 Punishment for making false statements proclamatloll ¤·Rpo1nt1ng James C. Davis, of material, etc ...,,,.. 661 Dkrejftor (reneral of ..,, . , 2237 of work performed ...,,..,. 661 designating same, as agent ID actions Posts of construction, etc 661 Uising from -—--·--··--—·---·····-- 2238 claims for work, etc .,,,,,,.. 661 Federal Reporter, _ _ Rpm-ts r uh-ed to bg made, etc ________ 661 apgropriation for continuation of ... 617, 1084 illvalidity E3 any provision, etc., not to de CIBDCY Gppmptiztion for Digest, Vol- _ affect remainder of section .. 661 llme 12 ···----··-·-···-·-····----·- 40 lnc0 ntlawSrePw£d·.·_·_·.__.-____. ].3..•.••••.•;•¤•