Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/894

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INDEX. 2435 FF;1·'•¢WE¢·¥¢¤¢¢·¥, _ _ al hcl Pts?0 F»:1clii1}Tavy—C0ntinued. f d Pan. ¤1 011, ¢0¤ 00 .. e men an ro riation or sm transpor- Frw Flavors, uc., _ merino?} .. Z 43,56, duty on, containing no alcohol, not spe- 197_, 346, 450, 459, 463, 782,1055, 1166 _ cmlly provuiexi for - ... 864 Fuel, Publwk: Buildings, Frusl Growers’ 4.rsocu1twm, appropriation for . . 387, 1108 ezgeujpg. from mcome tax . . .. 253 contracts in advance authorized. . . 388, 1109 Frusl uwes and ${1:%, Fuel Yards, Government (sec Government duty on, not spec' y rovided for .. 897 Fuel Yards, D. G.). Fruit Juices, Unfcrmenlag Fuels, intemal revpnuteetax on, sold by producer, 285 spgpropriadon for investigating mineml. 587, 1209 etc., or vamges . . .. cien ap riation for test} . 57 197 mu Tm., _ mu, Lac-; (..511*,.%, · appmpriation for cooperative mvestigations pension . . 1691 d ty of propagating ... E Z . .F'ullar,_S14a¢m(w1}Ima), u on seedlings, ayers, an cuttings. . pension ., , ,,,,.,.,.,,,.,,,__,_,__ 1612 gmfteci or bud ed ... . 894 Fuller'; Earth, F'ru1.¢ Wiles, dc., duty on . ...,.,.. . ..,.,,_, 869 · duty on, cuttings and seedlings .. 895 Fulmmates, dc., Fruits, _ _ _ duty 011 .. 887 appropriation for investigating diseases of Fulton. County, Ga., orchard and other . : .,.. 514, 1299 granted stnp of land Atlanta, Ga., penifor investigating, etc., growmg, market- tentiary, for pu,b1ic road ... 1065 ing, etc., of _ .. , 516,1300 Funmbukc (see also Insecticide Act), for investigating insects affectmgdecidu- appmpriation for chemical investigations, { ous . iff . 524, 1308 .E .. 522, 1306 or investngd ting insects ecting tropi- .F'·u.qw1, ar . undow' , cal am subtropical . 524, 1308 pension increases ... . 1634 for investigating and certifying condi- FurBcari·n.g Animals, _ tion, etc., of mterstate shipments appropriation for experiments in rearing 526, of .. . . _532, 1313 1310 for distributing commercial information for protecting land. in Alaska ... 526, 1310 of supply, market prices, etc., cf. 532, 1314 Funjak, Kristina, for executing law fixing standards for paymentto .. 1581 containers of small .. . . . 533, 1314 Furlong, Ruby JZ C'. (widow), duty on, dried, evaporated, etc., not spe- pension increased . . .. 1752 cially provided for. ... 894 Furnaces, _ jellies, jams, marmalade, and fruit but- duty on, welded glylindrical, remforced .. 879 ters . . 894 Furness, Withy and ompany, not edible, drugs advanced by as? treat- appropiiatzion for refund of fines to 1128 ment, not specially provid for., . 864 Furniture, _ prepared or preserved . 894 duty on, house or cabmet, wood, not spealcohol content; restriction. ., 894 cially provided for . . .. 890 on free list crude, drugs . 927 rs.ttam,_etc  : 889 Ii'1‘·i;, C. Brooiza, on free Lust, of ersons from fore1gu couneiiciency appropriation for services . 1528 tries, uses abroad .. 925 Fry, Carrie C. (widow), Furnitwe, Public Buildings, pension ., . . 1737 appropriation for, repairs etc  : . 387,1108 Fry, Martha E. (widow), de ciency appropriation lor, repairs, etc. . 88,51, pension ... . .. . . 1677 196, 341, 345, 780, 1056 Fuel Adminalezratabn, _ Fun, _ deficiency appropriation for salaries and duty on dreeod on the skm .. . . . 916 expenses . . 198, 460 bats, Bonnets, and hoods ... 917 for national security and defense under. 198, hat,oem’ . Z . : . . . 916 344, 347, 460, 1164 manufactures of, not specially provnded Fuel (see Coal Commission). for ... . .: .. 916 Fuel, Army, plates and mats of dog and goat shun 916 contracts may be made for, of sumdent silver or black foxskms 916 quantities for one ear, without wearing apparel .. : 916 regard no current tiscai year 78 on free pst, imdressed, not specmlly pmpayment for, from funds of year when vxded for . _ . 9 27 delivered .,... 78 undressed slnns, not specially provided Fuel Com xritiovw, for ... . 927 ou free mt, coal ... . .. 926 Fuael Oil, Fuzl Distributor, Federal (see Federal Fuel duty on . . 859 Distributap). Fuses, Fuel, Izzyhts, and ater, Publ1b Buildings (see duty 011, mining, blasting, safety, eu: . 915 Operating Supplies, Public Build- Fustwh, ings). duty on, extract, nonalcoholic 864 Fuel, Marine Corps, Fusth: Wood, appropriation for .. 137, 809, 1152 on free list, crude ... 927 Fuel, Navy, Future Trading Act (see also Grain Futures appropriation for, and transportation ..,... 133, Act), 801, 1145 appropriation for enforcing; pay restricforcoalmining, etc., inA1aska .. 133 tio¤s. .. . . 539