Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/928

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INDEX. 2469 Indian Depag·tment—C0ntinued. Pun Indian Department—(}ont:i.nued. P¤s¤· apprepnanon for operating, etc., T0ppen— deficiency appropriation for Turtle Mounjsh-Simcoe il'I'_lg8ti0I1 system on Yak- tain Band of Chi pewas, N. Dak. . .45, 343 11118 Beservatmu, Waph.: ... 579, 1200 for school, Genoa, Nair . 45, 57, 197 for ogeraping Ahtanum xrugatxon system, for school, Greenville, Calif . 45, 53, 1054 _ gkuna. Reservation, Wash .. 579, 1200 for school, Hayward, Wis .. 45, 58, 1554 for ungatnou _ charges agamst Indian for Modoc Point irrigation project, Klamlands withm Okanagan project, ath Reservation, O ., 1921 45 Wash- - Z - -_ ---.-... 579 for roads and bridges, %3BC3.lB1'0 Rewfor Satus ujngation project, Yakima vatiou, N, Mex., 1921 . . ...,.,,. 45 RGSBIVSIQIOH, Wash . 1200 for roads, etc., Shoshone Reservation, for road, Qumault Reservation, Wash.; Wyo ,,,,,_,,,,,__,__,__,_ _ ____ 45 repayment 1200 for water supply, Pueblo Indians, N , for support, etc., Chippewas of Lake Mex., 1921 ..,..__, 45 Supermr, Wis ... 579, 1200 for general expenses. 53, 57, 464, 782, 1054, 1164 for support, etc., from trust funds, of for relieving distress, etc., among In- Indians of Lac du Flambeau Agency, dians 53, 57, 197, 343, 347, 464, 782, 1164 Wis 579, 1200 for support of schools ... 53, 57, Keshena AgencK{uWis . 579, 1200 343, 460, 464, 782, 785, 1054, 1164 for purchase of ds for Saint Croix for additional support of schools . 57 Chippewa Indians, Wis.; per capita for school and agency buildings ... 53, 57, payment ... 579, 1201 197, 347, 460, 782, 1054, 1164, 1169 for s16§>port, etc., Pottawabomic Indians, for timber culture, etc . 53, is 579, 1201 464, 782, 1054, 1164, 1553 for school, Hayward, Wis 579, 1201 for Indian police- . . .. 53, 1054 Tomah, Wis . . 579, 1201 for sgfaport, etc., Indians in Arizona and for per capita. payments from tribal funds, ew Mexico . 53, 57, 343, 1164 to Menominee Indians of Wisconsin. 1201 for encouraging industry, etc .. 57, 343, for support, etc., of Shoshones, Wyo. . 579, 1201 347, 460, 782, 785, 1054 Indians of Shoshone Agency, Wyo. . 579, 1201 for Sioux Indians, different tribes . 57, 197, for fulfilling treaty with Shoshones, 347, 460, 782, 785, 1054, 1169 Wyo ,,...,___ . . 579,1201 for school, Flandreau S. Dak ... 57 for school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyo. for school, Plant, S. bak 57 _,___,_,,, , __,____,..,. 580, 1201 for school, Kickapoo Reservation, Kms- 57 for irrigation, Shoshone Reservation, for school, Lawrence, Kxms ... 57, 197, 1555 Wyo ... 580, 1201 for school, Pigestone, Minn . 57 for roads, etc., Shoshone Reservation, for sqpport, orb Belknap Agency In· Wyo .. . . . . 1202 dums, Mont .. . ... 57, 460 deficiency appropriation for paying claims for school, Sante Fc, N. Mex ... 57 certified by accounting officers. 44 for support of Fort Berthold Agency Infor supplies. - . 44, 45, duns, Dak 57 53, 197, 343, 347, 447, 460, 464, 782, for school, Bmmarck, N. Dak ... 57, 464 1054, 1164, 1169, 1538, 1553, 1556 gor school, Fort Tcgtan, N. .. 57, 1529 for tel hmg` and tele honin 45, or su port, etc., awnees, 7 egmp E5, 53, §7, 197, 343, 347, for scgool, Chilocco, Okla .. 57 447, 460,46»4,1164, 1528 for asylum for insane Indians, Canton, for school, Mount Pleasant, Mich., 1919. . 45 S. Dal: . : ... Z V . 58, 782 for school, Mount Pleasant, Mich., 1920. 45 for education, Smux Natmu, S. Dak 58, for school, Mount Pleasant Mich., 1921.. 45 _ _ _ _ _ 343, 1165 for school, Albuquerque, Mex 45, 57, 782 for Topgemsh-Sxmc0e_ mwtnon system, for school, Phoenix, Ariz., 1919 . 45 Yakima Reeervatmn, agh . 58 for school, Salem, Omg., 1919 ... 45 for school, Shoshone Reservamcn, Wyo. . 58 for school, Tomah, Wis ... 45, 58, 1050, 1054 for encouraging self support, etc 197 for school, Truxton Canyon, Ariz ... 45 for mspechors. _ ... Z . 197, 782, 1164 fgr mad, Quiniault Reservation, Wash, . , 45 for school, Fort Mojave, Anz ... 197 for suppressing contagious diseases for support, Yankton Sugnx, S. Da.k-. . . 197 among live Stock _______ _ ______,,_ 45, 1054 for support, Indians in Utah 197 for support, Warm Springs Agency In- for support, Colville, ctc., and Joseplfs (mms, Om _ _________ _ ________ _ _ , _ 45 Bgmd of Nez Perces, W§sh..._: .. 197 for Cherokee grphan Training School, 45 57 for Clnppewas of LakeSuper1or, Okla. . .. . . - · ·-·-··- · · ·-•-- r f for School, Cm-Sou Ci , Ngv ____________ 45, 347 for irrigation, Wind River Reservation, for school, Chemkeefllil. C . ..-- 45, 57, 464 wY°— - -;- · - ; ---·----—·---------~-· 198 for scum, Fort Totten, N. Dsk., 1920 45 {or ¤uppr¤¤¤¤}g hquor mflic ¤m¤¤g ------ $33 10,- school, Rapid cm, S. Dak. . -. 45, 57, 1050 mr tmnspoyfgng pupils, etc -~--·------ $43,1%* for school, Wahpemn; N, Dak 45, 57, 197, 1553 for detcrm1mug heirs of deseased allotfor barns, Fort Berthold R€B€1’V9·tl0¤, mes- --··~·----·---·—-·- 1- · · 343> 460~ 464 N_ Dak ________________ _ __________ _ 45 forsupport, etc., Klamath Indmns, 3 460 i rks pago Indian vill ·--··----··-···--··--- - ··-·-·-- » Or vg1Q;T?_ _ _ _1?? _______ _ ________ 45 for increase of compensation .. @46, 459, for h` hway, Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, _ 464, 1004, 1164, 1503, 1556 §_ Mex _____________,,.,... - ,. 4g for e¤f-st; 0§¤¤=;b¤ md 347 forsnrveying, allowing etc., 1920 ... 4 _ {DDQ ounen , e r. . i.. . fg] wage; supply, P{pug¤ Indian vi]- for nmum, Fort Hall Reaarvauon, {ages, AHL, lggg _______ _ ____ , _____ 45 I 0 .. . .. . .. 447, 1165, 1539