Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/941

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2482 INDEX. Jckmem, §'wq·n., P¤¤¤· Joint Meeting of the S¢mate_a·nd House of Rep- Pate. appropmmou forment to . 570 resenta¢wes—Conzmued. Jolmaoin, Vida V. ( ), 1727 orgercii for 28, 1922 ...,.., muon- , ..,... or ugu , .,,,,..., . .,_____,. Jogemojn, Kmliam, Thirty-eight U. S. Infantvjy, 1 31 ger governgergla . ,,,,, 1817 usnou 111 ... . 7 or e m er .,_,,,, 1818 Jolizmn, W'illiam,dTwentieth U. S. Infantry, J fo}Fel$§1:gary 7 ,,%>23 .. , ,... 1818 nsion increase . . .. 1738 aint osta ewiw mnmissian, Jallzgmton, FredS., time extended for 1 tin in es1;ign— · !0iIl1b|.1l'B8lI10I}t to .. . . 1584 tion of, etc.; eizanggsgs ligniteg ____,, 659 Johnston, tqgzmdten Okay, 1767 Joint Sega; Cornmaltczioin Flgzul alxilatwm of puymen .. Mkt 0 U Wd Joint Cmwm Cmgreszicmml Compema- Creati Stages, f 1; um n 670 rnwhrwnl, - 0110 ; compos1 on ..,, ;,, creation of; scope of iuvestzigsitious 1560 scope of investigations; all ex ditures Joint Cmqmiyu on Printigeg, since July 1_, 1874, by Umx States appmprmtqop for clerk, pnspectpr, etc. . 429, 1272 or the Distnct for public purposes. 670 _ fo1'COIl1R11111gG01'1gl‘BBH1ODBlDH8Ct01;,‘429, 1272 Federal buildin , etc., excepted 670 Jomt Cc1&m·•tteedc0n Pay of y, mcuiay dugd to enc? other on account of 7 ·» Pwd. 08116 , tc . 6 0 quthorizgglizo sit at my time. ... . ...,. 1810 imemgi to wm ___________ _ _ _ _ _ 570 Jtgirtne fol‘1l£6'p01’C ... 352 ifs¤1r;;lugexjs:sh;1(1:theTre¤sul;rytocredit 670 0* _ M} www _ , _ 0 c m taxes or 'ce

suilzonzed to tsgppptxgnt s repmscn- 3   1:% ble reportiggy the iirstlggnday 670

V8 C00p€1‘8 W! m e mary, 3 _____,_______ _ ____ _ salary, etc. ... 4 administrati i oaths mma { 1. tnme extpngled until July 1, 1924, for sub· pq-;¤gu?];;;)odu?u0;;8°f pax; gm? _ 670 Joint C inaihmgrt by. . . 1 . 1562 pumsbmezgnfoxi; to attend, etc., as 670 'm 0% 44 8 ¢0¤ 0 BUGS -··-·-·-...··- deficiency gppmpriatiqn f;>r_ bust md acc0u¤tzmt¤_, aug, to be employed ..., 670 portrmt of late Chxef Jushcc Wlute. . 1541 qualificaunns; prohibition against Disappmval of, of mto and deniggf trict or Umwd States service ...,... 670

memo to employees of _ _ · pay restriction 671
:;eut vrhp d1ed ang attomeytobeassigned; exa.mins.tions,etc.,

or ¤r,¢¤ erectedm un b M bers fCogre¤¤ - 671 of the Department . 1 70 a ru ny;1t.i:1:ufor gx sees 60 t designated reservatiox? in th? pp pfmm District rolireeuué . 671 transferred tc, or use 0 tunic Joista, _ Garden ... , ... 540 duty on steel . 877 me mq demgn of nqemorml fn Divi- Jolley, Ju11%x!°Il}n;)arWicklm (www), smn, American Expedxtmmuy ugiou ,_,,,,,,,,,, _ __________,__________ 1688 Forces, subject to approval of .. 349 Jogg, Mary Ann (wélow) Edmund Burke subject to approval cf, , 500 pension mcmased ..,,, I ,____,,,,,_____,,, 1691 Join: Commiuiem on Agri- Janes, Agnes E. (widow), W W" nw. pe¤¤w¤` .. . .. , _,,,...,,, , , , . 692 cregtiou and duties zz, ... 1807 Janes, Araminta (daughzer) ` 1 tune extended for report by. ... 1809 pension ...,____ _ T _______________, 1655 extended further for report by. . . . 1811 Jams, Bmjamgn, additional copxes ordered printed of report pension _________ _ ________________ _ _ _ ____ 1668 0f, g4¤’t¤dl4¤¤d 2 ..·...·. . .. Jones, {73/nthia C'. (whom), - P“°’ ““ ··--····--·-·---~····~·- · -------~---. . Joint Cmsgressional Committee on Federal J ;ig;·ng .gmnp¢my’ Fm; ’ 1656 _ RWWW S!/¤¢¢m» _ _ HEY b mnt for damages to IU ncow 1787 appomtmeut and composmon 1481 Jmm, Egggemm (wqumy) authorized to inquire as to effect upon pension ____________ _ _ _ _’ ____________ _ _ _ 1533 financial conditions in agricultural .T¢mc•,Glm L., sections of limit of State, etc., banks pension ____________ _ _____________________ 1729 as Feder:] repewzlrsembexis- - 1481 Icrnes, Grace Olive (daughter), IBBEDB SCIII UIQ B penal.;) creased _______ __ ____ ___________ ]@2 banks, etc., e-. W ig 1481 Jones, Jgnlig M. (widow), what meapures taken to increase mem- pension increased ________________ _ _______ 1741

 .     . . 1481 Jana, John D.,

¤·¤ V6 0 6 -. B9- peusi creased .., _ _,,,,_,________, 1719 cure larger membership of such Jones, Balt? M. (unkiaw),

 BH!  . . 1481 pension ,,,,_,_,____ _ __________ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 1655

power gnven to conduct hearings, take testi- Jones, Lucinda E. (www), m0¤Y, GW- -... . ... 1481 pension ..,.,,_, _ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1657 employ experts, stcuogmpher, etc 1481 James, Margaret (wadow), ' expenses from contingent funds .,._ _ ,,__ 1482 pension ______________ _ ______________ _ _ _ _ 1633 report of results from time to time 1482 Janes, Mary A, (widow), ° iiml, not mer than Jam 31, 1024 ,.,, 1482 pgusipu _______________ _ __________ _ _ _ 1633 Joint Meeting of the Senate cmd Erase of Rep. Jones, Millk S. (widow), ` ` ° resentatwca, pension _____________ _ _____________ _ _ _ 1695 ordered for April 12, 1921 ... . .,.. 1807 Jmm, Rm ,4, (widow) °°'` for December 6, 1921 .., , 1811 pgugigu ,___________ _ _° ____________________ 1615