Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/950

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INDEX. 2491 Lcgcrsaczc.-Continqed. Page. LW; um, you P", eiicwncy appropnsuou for care of, Guam. 1165 brlllge authorized across Missouri River amount for mmntemnce of home for, etc., at _,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.. . .,,,., 1032 pnder Pgxbhc Health Service, 1922, IxidSIg7{ Chi, Cisimsc Citizen, mcrpase .. 338 e c1cncy appropriation for indcumit to MPM; 4mm M-» , , f¤¤¤1y of- ----·-----------·--· Y- —- 1162 cred1t 1.11 postal acc0un1:s ._,,,, , ,_______,_ 1712 Lzbena, Leprosamging Natumal, appropriation for minister resident and approprlauon for repairs and preserve- _ consul general to 600, 1069 tum. ... , . 385, 1106 Inbcrty Bonds (scc also United States Securifor meclnamcal equipment ... 385, 1106 ues), Lcslw, E. (daughter), CODS0lid8iZl0¤ of tux exemptions pcnsmn mcrcasod . . .. 1613 _ out of end of World War. .. 317 Leslie, J'. A., Dsberty Loan Acta, etc., redemption of lost certificate of indebted- appropriation for expenses of loans, etc., to ness ...___,,,, 1711 _ foreign Governments under .. 372, 1092 Letheo,_Emma E. (widow), deiicnency appmpriation for expenses of pqmuon . . . ..,,, 1670 _ _ loans, etc., under 1166, 1169,1554, 1555 Ldsmger, Van, Ixebramm of Congress, pension - ..,_,,,,,,._____, , , 1757 appropriation or, chief agisumt, etc, _ _ 431, 1275 Letter Carriers, Postal Service, Dbfofwv, _ apFr0priat1pn for city delivery ...,. 656, 1252 on free hat of personsfrom foreign coupu-im or substitute, augdliary and temporary _ _ used abroad .,,, . .,,_,,_______ 925 cm-im ...,,,,._,___,,,,,______ 656, 1252 Inbranea, Public, for new offices ,,,, , .,__,,,,,,,____, 656, 1252 pn free list books, etc., for; limit ,,_______ 925 for rum] delivery ,__,,,.,,,__ , _ _ 659, 1255 I/tbrmy, 6., Free Public, deicieqcy appropriation for city de- gppropnation for erpgmee . . , ..,,, 675, 1332 livery ...,.,,... 335, 462, 465 eiicnsncy apprnprmtmn for eumiugqm gx. Lzmr Madam, _ . . , ,,,,,, 33 appropriatwn for purchase, etc., of one 659 Drbrury mj the Bl·md,_D. C., National, Lauer Paper, gpproprmtion for md to ...,,,,_ 704, 1363 duty on. ,.,,,_ , ,.,,_,,,,,..,,_,,.,, 911 Izsbrary of _Cqngrm, _ Lcttennan Army Hospital, Sem Fmndwo, appropnstnon for Librarian, amigtmt, Golf, ctc ·····- ;  ; -······---—---·-·- 431, 1275 app12pri»tio¤ for wsr~d in . . . . 732 fo1' chic? of d1V1B|¤D, Bw --··.-··... . 432, 1275 Lewco- ompounds, {G! IOOIDB, ctc . . 432, 1275 duty ou, coal tar, ,,...,...,. 862 for law hbrug. . ... 432, 1276 Leupp Aggym _A1~iz,, for Semitic, lsvic, and Oriental litemappmpmia n for support, etc., of Indians tuff, ---········---.··-. 432, 1276 at ,,,,,______,,_,___,,,,.,,,___,,. 565 for specgal m1d_wmpor·ary service 438, 1276 amount authorized for completing bridge for corner sorvlcc ----------·---. 438,1276 eros Little Golondo River, near . 1288 l0! COPY¤$h$ 0m¢0· -·---·------ · - - 433. 1276 ropaymentfromfxmds of Navajo Indians. 1288 for Iqgnslamje reference: ..., , 433, 1276 Lwecs, Mississippi Rim-, for dmmbuuon of card mdexoe, em;. . 483, 1276 emergency fund gutherizgd for rgpgiying, {Of S\\11dBy_0p0¤1Ilg . : . . : 433, I276 ew., above Cairo, 111. . ..,, 635 for purchasing books, penodncsls, ow. 433, 1277 Levulou, for pnnting and binding for . 434, 1277 duty ou, _ _____________,________________ 890 for contingent expenses ..,. 434, 1277 Lewis, Amanda A. (widow), for supcmxoendent. of building md pension _,_, _ _,___,,,,,,__,,,,,,,___.,., 1672 grounds, clerks, etc . . . 434 Lewis, Arthur E. (son), for watchmen, mechanical force, lspgngigu ____ __ ________ __ ____ _ _____ __ ___, 1609 borergehc . . ... ,... ,434 Lewis, Dena (wélow), for building, administrative anistsnt, pengiggh _, __________ , _ , ,,__, . ,...,,,,,.,. I657 OCC .· . ... . ,... . . . . 1277 Lewis, Jane (widow), for trees, etc., groum·1s_0f . . 434 pension ___________________,,,,. , ,,____,__ 1630 for Sundry, etc., opening .. .. 434, 1277 Lgwig Rim-, vm, ger gene _ expenses: caregf building- $4, 1277 rel1m11mry' ’ examination, etc., of no be or provrding reposxtory or mgm' mp P ulgdg ________________ _ _____ ______ 1044 the Declaration of Independence Lewin S- Ido 0- (widow wt the 0<>¤¤¤wti<>¤ ---·----~·----- 434 pension increased . . .. . ... 1646 {W f\1Y¤1¤1P¤» B16- ·-·—--·-····-·----~·· 434 Lewis, Tabitha (widow), for steel extension in card division. 434 pgugigu _,,,,,,_,,, , ... . ..,.___,.. 1606 for ure of bmlding, gmuuds, etc., under

 W`. Va., Architect of the Capital .,._ , ____,. 1274

terms of court at _,.. . ,,,,... 398 for additional $240 a year to employees Lcwvlvwn, Idaho, of ----. _ . 7 14, 1558 offices of register and receiver, land office employees of bmlding and grounds- . . 714 at, consolidated 557 deficiency appropriation for distribution of " Lczingtrm, “Battle Cruiwr, cgrdjndcxcs, ctc . - ... 34 appropriation for converting, into aircraft for prmizing and bmding for 50 carrier ... . 811 for goutmgeut expenses ...,. , ,.,., 438 conversion into airplane carrier of, author- for mcrcasc of .. . - Z ... 460 ized ..,,.,. 814 on free hst, books, gugnvmgn, ctc., 9%