Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/985

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2526 INDEX. Na·vy—Cont;inued. PMN- Navy-Continued. Pass. ap no tion for Naval Home 127, 793, 1138 appropriation for personal property losses; gr grgreau of Ordnance, ordnance and pay appropriations accounted for as mdmmce mm_ _____ , __,_.. 127, 798, 1142 one fund . .. : . ._ 799, 1143 antiaircraft guns, etc., for "Marylsnd " 1142 retainer pay resmctron, Naval Rechemical, etc., services 127, 798, 1142 serve Force .. :- 799 for smokelem powder . . . 128, 798, 1142 employment of 500 Boserve officers m transfer from balance of proceeds of aviation, etc., service, repealed . 799 sales of ordnance materials, for pur- 1142 reduwn of enlisted strength to 799 chase of oes, etc . 86, . remaining mm to be covered into 1142 reenlistmengs prlipr gw retiremgnt 799 the Treasury ,.,,,,,..,. trans ers 0 e 1BtB men ee for experimental work in projectiles, Naval Reserve _ . 799 armor, etc ,. 128,798, 1142 discharge or furlough of enlisted men for contingent _.,_.,_.,...,. 128, 798, 1143 serving less than twelve years, in use of appropriations for construction excess of authorized total number. . 800 of sho , etc., forbidden, nmlem spe- travel allowances if pr fur-

 authorized therefor ... 1% loughed; reenlxstment gratuities  800

existing contracts, etc., not interfered additional Medical ,pers¤nnel authorwith { .. 128 ized for Bureau patrenstgo 1 43 moneywbeusodonl orpurposesor inNsvy cspi ... , 1 which agproguiatenf for ... z . 128 restriction on admissions to Naval dloqtiou armor, ew., acoording to Academy hereafter . _ 1 144 service rexiruirements 128 appointments at large or from enlisted fer Bureau of ards and , mamte- personnel not affected ... . . 1144 nmog ,,,,.. . . . . 128, 803, 1147 for provisions ... 132, 800, 1144 cIerieal,°i;c., services . .. . 129, 803, gg for maintenance; equipment supplreséél motor v 'cles, etc., restrictions .. , , 804-1147 credit for loses in d1sposal' of excss for contingent .. . ,. . 129, 804, 1147 stock! ____________________________ 132 f<¤ public w<¤k¤_ at <i¤¤iz¤·¤¤¤ Mw mmm, sm., services 133, 801,1145 yards and ¤¤•¤¤¤¤ ---··-··-· 129, 804, 1147 mms, uniform gratuity, etc. from for ammumtion depots . 130, 804, 1148 clothing md umu mm, mmf ______ 133, gm- fuel eicpcts, ...·..-·· - -·--· 1}% 801, 1145 fg Hummug mgun oml ,1 ’ga; 6P' "'mng E l BB: 1:% for freight, Department and bureaus. for San giego, Cali}., Marine Barracks. - 130, _ ’ 895, 1].;,3 for fuel and trausportauon ... 133, 801, 1145 for gm Diego, (_]a]jf_’ my,] hue ________ 130 coal from public of Alaska. . . 133 for San pgggo, (gang, ugvgl h0gpjg]__ 130,305 for Bureau ot Construction and Repair; for gubmging bam ____,,_____,..,,,,,, 130 cqnshructwn, ey: ~------.·--- 133, 797, 1141 rot sm Di , cam., naming mason. . . 130 eq$5>mq¤t‘g¤;}3ph¤¤-_; --·----- 133, 797,1141 rm- Gmtrxss mining muon . sos na _ bus ¤¤z¤5r¤ --------------~ 134 for submarine base, Pearl Harbor, d611¤l·L ·-·- -~ ·; 134, 797, U4} Hgwgji _,,,,,,,,.,..,... 805, 1148 fvr Bureau of ¤8m¤€¤¤g. 1‘¤P•·11¤» Bic-. for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, oi !¤¤¢}¤¤¢!'Y» ?t¢ ···· · --·-- 134, 796. 1140 surgeons’ uecesmies, em 130,802, 1145 eq¤;pm<=>¤t ¤¤1>p1¤s>¤ -~-- · --·-- 134, 796. 1140 amen mmm ... 1%,802,1145 clenqai, etc-. ¤¤ry1¤¤¤ ---- -- 134, 796. 1140 fm- contingent ______________,_,, 130, 802, 1145 for engineer expenmeut station, Naval ears of means on the Pacific coast 131, Academy -·-··-···— _ -~~·-~ _ · - _134» 796, 1141 » 803, 1146 for Bureau of Aeronautics, aviation ex~ for bringing home remains of officers, P¢¤¤¤¤ ---·-----·--—--·-—· - -·--- 805,1148 etc 803, 1146 allotments designated . 805, 1148 for hospital treatment, etc .. . 131, 803, 1146 accounted for as one fund .. 805, 1148 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, ent of damages from aircraft. . 805, 1148 pay of the Navy; allotments desig- plant ..,,.,,,.. 805, 1148 nated . . 131, 799, 1143 shore stations limited to six ... 806, 1148 credits to midshipmen for initial cloth- construction of airplane factory foring and equipment imues .. 131 bidden ..,.,... 806, 1148 · accounting and disbursement here- for Naval Academy .. 134, 806, 1149 under as one fund ... 132, 799 for Marine Cc . 136, 808, 1150 retainer Fpay restriction, Naval Re- for increase oggaval Establishment . 139 serve ores .. 132. 799 for construction and machinery . 139 for rental allowance .. . . 799, 1143 for torpedo boats, submarine ... 139 for subsistence allowance - .. 799, 1143 for armor and armament; restriction. . . . 139 for Fav of enlisted men, etc .. 799, 1143 limited to vessels under construction. . 139 for odging and subsistence allowance". 799 for increase of the Navy, together with for apprentice seamen on training ships, remaining balances . 810, 1153 etc ... 1148 also value of amignment from Shipping for pay and allowances, Nnuse Corps. 799, 1143 Board to Navy Department of exfor retainer and active service pay, Fleet isting debts, etc ,...,,,,,,, . .,.. 811 f Nav:181 .. 799, 1143 cont.inuit1;egdcolr:str12:e>til¢;n of vessels, as or perse property osses; eathentm— rmx erence , ties ... . 799, 1.143 ffoluding "lLryland". . ... tgll, 1153