Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1359

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1328 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sm. 11. oa. 555. 1925. · intendent of Lighthouses, Portland, Maine, expenditures made by him from the appropriation "Vessels for Lighthouse Service" V°l·“·P·1*m· (F orty-first Statutes at Large, page 1416), for per diem in lieu gf subsistence which were disallowe by the office of the Comptroller enera . ga§_‘f'°°’d W- S°““" The Comptroller General of the United States is authorized and Greditiu ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- directed to allow in the accounts of Bernard W. Southeate, special disbursing agent, Deplartment of Commerce, in the office of the Superintendent of Lig thouses, Cincinnati, Ohio, expenditures made V¤1·4<>,1>·160· by him from the appropriation, “Tender for third lighthouse district" (Fortieth Statutes at Large, page 16033, or per diem in lieu téfesubsistence which were disallowed by the office of the Comptroller nera . S‘°""“"“ B“‘°“°· BUREAU or STANDARDS ,,,,‘f;,°‘},% “‘*‘““°"““ To enable the Secretary of Commerce to acquire by condemnation or otherwise a certain parcel of land described in the Act entitled AMP- 951 "An Act authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to acquire, by condenmation or otherwise, a. certain tract of land in the District of Columbia for the enlaggement of the present site of the Bureau of Standards,” approved ebruary 19, 1925, $17 3,117 , to remain available until June 30, 1926. S,£,,°§§I ““° °°°°°"° coAs·r Aim emoormc stmvny ,,§,‘§{“‘°”° °‘ °°“‘““" Damage claims: To pay the claim adjusted and determined by V°*·*1·P·1°5*· the Department of Commerce under the provisions of the Act approved June 5, 1920 (Forty-first Statutes, (page 1054), on account of damage occasioned by acts for which the oast and Geodetic Survey has een found to be resgonsible, certified in House Document Numbered 566, Sixty-eighth ongress, $15.95. I°t°"°"D°°°”°m°°°’ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Orrrcn or mn Sncnnmxr xngmmng md md` PRINTING Aim BINDING P°‘°°‘°m°"- For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trademarks, prints, and la els, exclusive of illustrations; and for printing, en- _ graving, illustrations, and binding the Official Gazette, including {gx ,,,,,,,p,,,,_ weekly and annual indices, fiscal year _1925, $100,000: Provide , ¢i¤:,3j¤¤¤g§_§· That the appropriation of $75,000 for this purpose contained in the ’p` Second Deficiency Act fiscal year}924, approved December 5, 1924, is hereby extended and made available until June 30, 1925. . P¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤d¤· GENERAL Larm Orman gggbmement for To reimburse the State of Utah, as provided in the Act approved smm. An st 8, 1894, for moneys advanced by said State to the United gu States on May 11, 1923, August 8, 1923, September 24, 1923, and gecemggg 26, 1923, to secure the survey of ands granted to said tate . ,000.

 ‘“’“i" B“’ , BUREAU or Ixnmx Arrarns

_ §§‘§$§,“y{,’I§f,’f’*;,u,,,,¤g Ixnnm mans: For the survey, resurvey, classification, and allot-

  • ¤,=;°°{¤,g'*g;§ ment of lands in scveralty under the provisions of the Act of Feb-

’ mary 8, 1887 (Twenty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 388), entitled "An Act to provide or the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians," and under any other Act or Acts providing for the survey