Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1433

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INDEX. xlv Commerce, Foreign and Domestic-—Con. Paso. Commismbn on E itablc Use of Waters of P¤¤•· appropriation for expenses in promot- the Rio (glands, mg,_$0uth and Central America, deficiency appropriation for; reapproadditional, 1925 _____ __ ________ 706 prigtion ____________ _ _________ 1340 deficiency appropriation for promoting] 759 Commissioner General of Immigration, for promoting, South and Central to make regulations, etc., for enforcing America . 1348 Immigration Act . . 166 Commerce, Interstate (see Interstate Com- Commissioners, Court of Claims, merce). deficiency appropriation for salaries Commercial Attaches, Department of Com- and expenses _________________ 1332 merce, appointment of seven, by the Court to appropriation for salaries and ex- take evidence and report the penses 225, 1034 facts in cases assigned thereto-, 964 for clerks to .. ..- 225, 1034 authority, salaries, etc _____________ 965 for, additional, 1925 . - . 706 to expire in three years ____________ 965 deficiency appropriation for - . 759 Commissioners of Conciliation, Commission, merican Battle Monuments, appropriation for expenses of, in labor appropriation for expenses of . 522 disputes ___________________ 239, 1048 deficiency appropriation for expenses- - 35 for expenses of, in labor disputes, adunexpended balances available for all ditional, 1925 ,____,__________ 709 expenses . 1199 Commissioners, United States Courts, Commission, Bunker Hill Sesquicentemnial, appropriation for fees _.,_ _ _,,_____ 221, 1030 deficiency appropriation for partici- deficiency appropriation for .. 44, pating in celebration of Battle of 56, 61, 171, 687, 698, 760, 1348, 1351 Bunker Hill .. 1317 Commissions, Mexican General and Special Commission for Celebration of Two Hun- Claims, dredth Anniversary of Birthday of appropriation for expenses of 1024 George Washington, deficiency appropriation for expenses of 691 deficiency appropriation for expensesu 1316 Committee on District of Columbia, House established, of 19 commissioners -- 671 of Representatives, composition of; to serve without com- chairman to serve on l\ational Capital pensation . - .. 671 Park Commission . 463 amount authorized for expenses ... 672 Committee on District of Columbia, Senate, address by, to the people of its purpose, chairman to.serve on National Capital etc . - 672 Park Commission . 463 plans to be prepared 672 Committee on Finance, Senate, coordination with State commissions, data from income tax returns to be furetc - . 672 nished, on call for . 293 communication authorized to foreign inspection, etc., authorized by agents, Governments . 672 etc., of .. 293 submission to Commission of Fine Committee on the Library, House of Repre- Arts _.__... - - 672 sentatives, employment of clerical and expert as- chairman of, to serve on commission for sistance; compensationn, . 672 approval of plans for Memorial allowance for travel, hotel, etc., ex- to Women of World War- . 666 penses - ..,... 672 Committee on the Library, Senate, report to Congress by March 4, IQ25- . 672 chairman of, to servo on commission for expiration within two years uftcr De- approval of [plans for Mcmorlal ccmber 31, 1932 ,.. -.- - 672 to Women o World War ... 666 (,g‘€cuvg immediatelv __ . . 672 ('ommiuee on Ways and Means, Home of Commission, Mecklenburg Sesquicenten- Representatives, nial, data from income tax returns to be furdefrcjency appropriation for expenses of nished. on call for ... . - 293 participating in celebration at inspections, etc., authorized by Charlotte, N. C ___, - .. 1317 agents, etc., of ,.___. - ..,,___ ,- 293 Commission of Fine Arts, Committees, House of Representatives, appropriation for expenses of .. 523, 1201 position and pay established of clerks for printing and binding for . 524, 1201 and janitors to designated . 150 advice, etc., of, as to erection of memo- Committees, Senate, rial to District forces, serving in positions and pay established of clerks the \Vorld \Var ,_____. ---- 666 to designated ...,,.. - 147 approval of, required of design for Commodore, Navy, _ bronze tablet on Francis Scott no staff officer to be retired as, unless Kev Bridge, D, C ___________.. 3 3. captain at the time __________ 1271 of design and site for Navy and Ma- Common Carriers (see interstate Comrine Memorial dedicated to merce Commission). Americans lost at sea ,_..,. 14 Community genter {Department, D. C., bu of design for marble tablet on Francis ¤PP¤'0P¤'¤¤ Km _01’_ €XP€¤8€S» PU _Q · , · q school buildings _______, _ , _ 0.16, 1231 .S°°tt ke} BndgE?’ D' C ``'`` °3 deticiencv appropriation for increase of of site, etc., for erection of statue of pf. etc _______ ___________ 675 “S€"€mtY" -·-·-··· ··;··j ····· 21 Community Chests, Plans, etc-» for George “8$hml!tO¤ exempt from income tag _____________ 282 Bicentennial Bi1’fhd¤·Y C€l•?b¥'8· Compensation Act. World War (see World tion to be submitted to, etc 672 War Adjusted Compensation Act).