Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1463

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INDEX. lxxv Electoral Vote for President and Vice Pm- Elk River, Md., P¤8°- Prezrident, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be deficiency appropriation for mileage to made .._____________,.._,__.. 1192 State messengers with the .. 753 Ellis Island Immigrant Station, N. Y., for publishing State certificates of--- 756 appropriation for operation of hospital Electric Cars, Postal Service, by Public Health Service; reimappropriation for mail transportation bursement from Immigration by . 87, 786 Service funds ..,. 75, 775 deficiency appropriation for mail trans- for improvements, etc ___.,.._,____ 240 portation by ... 63, 763, 1338 for repairs to ferry boat 1050 Electric Plants, Army, deficiency appropriation for improveappropriation for installation of, search- ments, etc . - 45, 760 lights, etc., seacoast defenses- 496, 911 Ellsworth, Me., for maintenance, etc., of, searchlights, appropriation for public building ..._._ 777 etc., seacoast defenses .. 496, 912 Embassies, for installation of, Hawaii fortitica.- appropriation for clerks at .. -- 206, 1016 tions ._._.__... 496, 912 for interpreters to designated ... 207 for maintenance, etc., of, search- deficiency Gppropriation for clerks at-- 57 lights, etc., insular possessions- 497, 912 Emergencies, _ oreign Service, for installation of, searchlights, etc., appropriation for unforeseen --- 209, 1018 Panama Caml ______________ 497, 912 deficiency appropriation for ..-.-. 760 for maintenance of, searchlights, etc., Emergencg Fleet Corporation (see also Panama Canal ______-... 497, 912 nipping Board, United States), Electric Sheet Railways, appropriation for expenses of, from provision for inspection of locomotive 8111€1‘g€¤¤g Shipping fulld 530, 1209 boilers, etc., not applicable to-- 659 Em¢?‘9¢M1/_Fimd» - C-, unless part of a general railroad sys- 9·PP¥`0P¤¤t*°¤ f°T -—----------- 1-- 545» 1222 tem _______________ _ _________ 659 Emergency_Fgmd, D. C., Water Sermce, Electrical Communications, I nler-Amef‘i- E appmpmgmn fo? 5 "6 ‘‘``‘' 575’ 12*8 M Commute me '“'”°"°”- t{’“.?“{" ‘m " { indi we - deficiency appropriation for cost of “PP’°P;'!“ 1; or °“ ° g pg68 1242 representation at meeting .. 170 deli . uma *:6**: ·f·6;_‘ég];;,E in- ' sum authorized for delegates to, etc ---- 112 clegécngpmgxts 678, 1322 Electrical Dep“'t'”"'·t¤ D· Cu Emergency Shipping Fu1l¢l—(§e;;1l;¢;§hip- &ppI'Op1‘i8`l5i0I1S {Of $8181788 - ping Board for supplies, contingent expenses- 552, 1229 appropriation for éxpeuscs of Fleeg COP for placing wires underground-,- 552, 1229 poration payable from __ 530 1209 for extending police patrol system- 553, 1229 sources deSignat€d_ ____;__:: 530’ 1209 for altering equipment, etc., in speci- Emerson Street NW_ D_ C_ ’ fied Police P"°°i“°ts· ·········· 553 appropriation for paving, Georgia Avefor lighting expenses .--.---- 553. 1229 ,,,,8 to Ninth St,,,gt_ _________ 545 for extending hre alarm system-- 553, 1230 for paving Ninth Streef to minds for additions to underground cable Avem,g__ __________________ mg; System ·-----· · ··········· 553* 1230 Employees’ Associations, etc., Electrical Planls, etc., Afmll, exempt from income tax -.-...-.- 282 appropriation for maintenance, etc-- 490, 905 Employecsr Compensation gammysgon, Eleezroeution, D. C., _ appropriation for Commissioners, and m·€Sc,·ibBd {0;- capital pumshmeut by- 798 ofhoe personnel -... 624, 1201 Elementary, etc., Edueationh _ _ for contingent expenses ---.. 524, appropriation for investigation of, in- for prmting and binding for ..-.- _524, 1 cludinq night schools .------ 426,1180 for allowances from compensation Eleventh Place bE., D. C., _ _ fund ..-... _.-: --..- ._.- 524, 1202 appropriation for grading, Sayzmnah deiicxency appropnstxon for contnngent Street to Alabama Avenue . 547 expeneeg ...--..·---... , 60, 1316 Eleventh Street NW., D. Q., personnel of i\ava1 ReserYe_to recciye appropriation for pavmg, etc., E to G benefits from, vyhen lD]l1l`Gd.Wl`lllB Streets; from g8S0llD8•t8X fund-- 1225 performing active duty m t1me of Eleventh Street SE., D. Q., _ peace ... ---.F; Tu; . 1084 appropriation for paving, Pennsylyama. Employee; Qompensatzon u , Avenue to Anacostia Bridge; appropriation for pnyments from-- 524, 1202 from iitsoline-tax fund .--- 549 Emp ayees_ Cpmpensatzon Furedh D. E., 542 1219 Elizabeth Cay, _ (]_, appropnatxon or pa; nngawzr s,e c-_ , terms of court at .,-- 661 dencrency approprmtxon or paying Elizabeth, N · J-, __ ewerds. etc --------·--------- 1318 bridge authorized across Arthur kd], Employees, Government (see Government to Howland Hook. Staten Island, EmPl0Y¢}¢S}· from ,---------------,,------ 1094 Employment Ecrvzce, D._C., Elizabeth River, N. C., appropnatxon for msmtenanee, etc- 545, 1222 preliminarv examination, etc., of, to be Employment §ervu.·e, Department of Labor, made ____________ _ ______ _ ____ 1193 gppygpngtion for fostering, e1;(;,, welfare Elizabeth River, Va., of wage earners, etc ,-..--., 242, 1051 improvement of channels, Nerfnik Her- ¤b1e¤t¤_deS¤gn¤§e§ . - . 242, 19% bor, authorized, ,----.-.-.,-,- 1186 for, gdditnonal, 1925-of ---- · -----___ preliminary exammatnon, etc., to be deficiency appropriation or war emer- 00 made of western channci .. 1193 geucy .. 57.7