Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1516

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cxxvm INDEX. I nterior Department—C0ntinued. Page- I nterlocutory Decrees, United States Courts, Pmappropriation for Patent Office-..-- 415, 1165 in admiralty cases, may be appealed to for Bureau of Reclamation .. 415, 1165 circuit court of appeals 81 for Geological Survey ... 419, 1172 I nterlocutory Orders of District Courts, for Bureau of Mines 420, 1173 appellate jurisdiction of circuit courts of for Government fuel yards .. 422, 1175 appeals over .. 936 for national parks ... - .. 422, 1176 Intermediate Credit Banks (see Agriculfor Education Bureau .. 426, 1179 tural Credits Act). Alaska expenses, etc _. 426, 1180 Internal Combustion Engines, for Government in the Territories- 426, 1181 deficiency appropriation for experimenfor Alaska railroad . 428, 1182 tal work on - . 40 for Saint Elizabeths Hospita.l--- 429, 1182 provisions for installing most efficient, for Columbia. Institution for the etc., t pe of, as motive power ou Deaf . 429, 1183 reconditioned merchant vessels for Howard University-; .-- 430, 1183 of Shipping Board or Governfor Freedmen’s Hospital .--- 430, 1184 ment owned -----. - .----.- 468 for Solicitor of the --.-.-.-..-.- 216, 1025 restrictions on sale, etc., after comfor General Land Office, additional, plction .--. - ..-..-.-- 469 1925 --.-..-. 706 Internal Revenue, for Indian Affairs Bureau, additional, Revenue Act of 1924 ..--...-...-. 253-355 1925 .-.--. - ...-. 706 Internal Revenue Collectors, for Reclamation Service, additional, appropriation for salaries, etc .--..-. 71, 770 1925 .-..---.-- - ...-.-... 708 deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc- 62 for Geological Survey, additional, duty of, to ‘report to district attorney in 1925 ----------.----.----.--. 708 30 days, violations of internal for Mines Bureau, additional, 1925-- 708 revenue laws -------. - .-.- 344 for National Park Service, additional, deputies, administer oaths, etc. 344 1925 ..---... 708 unauthorized divulging of information for Education Bureau, additional, by, unlawful ..-...--. 345 1925 --..--.. 709 punishment for .-- 345 for Government in the Territories, to cause deputies to make inquiries additional, 1925 -...-.-... 709 concerning taxpayers --.-.- 345 for Alaskan Engineering Commission, duties of, as to yearly retums of taxadditional, 1925 - - ..--.-.. 709 ayers -.--.-. 345 deficiency appropriation for Alaska in- Internal Eevenue, Commissioner of, sane -...---..-.-..-. 41, 683 appropriation for, assistants, deputies, for Pension Office ...-. 41, 56, 61, 684, 1330 and oiiiice personnel ------ 71, 770 for Indian Atfairs Bureau ..----.--. 42, 56, for office personnel, additional, 1925- 710 61, 684, 698, 700, 759, 1328, 1348, 1351 Internal Revenue Laws, for National Park Service -----_-_,- 42, Ways and Means Committee of the 56, 685, 755, 1331, 1348 Sixty-ninth Congress authorized for Education Bureau ..--. - .-...-- 43, 56 to revise --.----.. 1315 for Alaska railroad .-..--..-.---. 43, 1332 I nternal Revenue Service, Treasury Departfor Reclamation Service-- 43, 684, 755, 1330 ment, for judgments, United States court, appropriation for Commissioner, assistunder ..-. - .. 53 ants, deputies, and office perfor increase of compensation -- 56, 1348 sormel -----.---,.-.. 71, 770 for national security and defense -... 56 for stamp agent ---------.---..-.. 7-1, 770 for public lands ..-. 56, 697. 1348, 1351 for salaries and expenses, collectors, for expenses, Emp10yees’ Retirement gaugers, storekecpers, etc- 71, 770 Act . 56 distilled spirits may be removed for for Patent Office ...-. 56, 61, 1330 bottling in bonded warehouses- 71, 770 for Alaska ..- - -.-. 56, 1331, 1348 for assessing, collecting, etc., taxes- 71, 770 for Geological Survey --.-..-- 56, 697, 1348 amount for detecting, etc., violafor Mines Bureau- - 56, 697, 700, 131, 1348 tions of revenue laws .-.--...- 71, 771 for Capitol Power Plant -..---.-- -- 56 for expenses, enforcing National Profor Saint Elizabeths Hospital --,-. 56, 1348 hibition and Narcotic Acts 71, 771 for grinting and binding, Patent disseminating appeal for law obfiice ...-...--..---..-.-- - 683, 1323 servauce, etc- ..-.-..--... 771 for reimbursing Utah for land sur- restriction on paying for storage of veys .--------.-.----...--- 684, 1328 seized intoxicating liquors ,----- 72 for judgments, Court of Claims, for refunding collections --..-...--. 72 under ..-..-...-...-.--.. 696 for refunding illegally collected taxes- 72 for Alaska, medical relief ----.- - -... 697 for Solicitor of --.----------_-__ 216, 1025 for national monuments .--..-.-- L- 1348 for operating force, buildings for, in for restoring lands in national forests- 1348 the District -.--_ _ ----_______ 65, 764 amendments to Reclamation Act ------ 701 for Board of Tax Appeals ---,.--.-. 1200 expenditures authorized from allot- for salaries, office of Commissioner, ments to, from Veterans’ Bureau additional, 1925 -----.-------. 710 beneficiaries ..-...- 532, 1211 for oohectors, etc., additional, 1925- 710 heat, power, etc., furnished by Capitol for collecting revenues, additional, Power Plant, to be reimbursed 1925 ...,_. , _______________,. 710 _ thereto: . 588 for enforcing Narcotic and National hospital facilities, etc., of, to be utilized Prohibition Acts, additional, by V<->terans’ Bureau .. 610 1925 __._,,,,,, _ _,_,____,,,_, 710