Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1553

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INDEX. clxv Naval Reserve Force-—Continued. ?¤8°· Navigation, Pm appropriation for retainer pay, of other penalty for owner failing to extinguish tnan Fleet Neval Reserve 187, 866 fire and stop motor of automofcr avmymn material, etc . 187,866 bile when taken on a vessel in additional to other appropriations navigable waters _____ _ ________ 1093 for assigned vessels and air- Navigation Bureau, Departmem of Cam- Cfaft - . 187, 866 merce, gonsent for training required- -- 187, 866 appropriation for Commissioner, and issue of uniforms, etc., to V01un— office personnel ____________ 229, 1038 teer Nays} Reserve ... i-- 188, 866 for admeasurement of vessels 229, 1038 Naval Mxhtm made part of, until for instruments for counting pas· June 30, 1926 .. 188, 867 sengers ,_____________________ 229 benefits, etc., on enrollment 188, 867 for motor boats, etc., to enforce naviduty credited as active service-, 188, 867 ggtion laws _______________, 229, 1038 no retainer pay if failing to train- 188, 867 for preventing overcrowding of pasfor subsistence of members in active senger vessels, etc .. 229, 1038 service . 194, 873 for enforcing wireless communicafor transporting, etc., remains of, tion laws ,_,_____.. 229, 1039 dying in service . 197, 875 for shipping commissioners .. 230, 1039 deficiency approgiatiou for 670, 698, 760, 1349 for clerk hire; contingent expenses- 230, 1039 abolished, and eval Reserve created for enforcing navigation laws, addiin lieu thereof -----.-.-.-----. 1080 tional, 1925 ----..---. - --..--. 706 appointment hereafter of oicers of, as for preventing overcrowding of pasofficers in Regular Navy for- senger vessels, etc., additional, bidden .--.--..------...--.--- 1273 1925 ..---.--------.--.---.--. 706 status of members not prejudiced by for enforcing wireless communicatemporary appointment in Coast tion laws, additional, 1925 -..-. 706 Guard --...-.---.-.---... 106 for shipping commissioners, addino retainer pay, etc., while serving-- 106 tional, 1925 -. - -------..-- 706 credit given for service -.------..-.- 106 dehciency appropriation for enforcesupply officers of, to have pay, etc., of ment 0 navigation laws --..--- 759 rankfor World War active serv- for preventing overcrowding of pasice prior to approval of bcuds--- 860 senger vessels, etc .---.----.-.. 759 uniform gratuity to enrolled men of Navigation ureau, Navy (sec Bureau of charged to Navy clothing and Navigation, Navy). small stores found .-.----- --- 195, 873 Navigation Laws, Naval Reserve Ojficers’ Training Corps, appropriation for motor boats, etc., to establishment of, authorized- ---.----- 1276 enforce -.-..-------------- 229, 1038 regulations for, to conform to provi- for expenses, enforcing, additional, sions for Army Corps -.-.----.. 1276 1925 ..--------.--------.--.- 706 powers conferred upon Secretary of deficiency appropriation for enforcing, Navy ----.-----.---.--.-- 1277 etc .-----..---------.-..--.-- 759 operation expenditures, etc., to be spe- Navy, cifically provided for -----.---. 1277 appropriation for Secretary of Navy, members eligible for appointment as Assistant, etc ..--.-----.---. 182, 861 Naval Reserve officers --...-.-- 1277 for pay, miscellaneous -----.----- 183, 862 inclusion of Marine Corps in all pro- mileage, etc -.-.---.-..----.-..- 183 visions --------..-.--.--.-. ..-- 1277 delegates to International Retotal personnel limited --.------.-.--. 1277 search Council ..-----...-----. 862 Naval Stores, collecting information, etc --.-.- 184, 862 appropriation for investigating grad- interned prisoners of war ...-..- 184, 862 ing, handling, etc --.--.- 447, 837 damages claims ..-.--------.-- 184, 862 deficiency appropriation for expenses, restriction on use at naval disestablishing standards, etc., of -- 682 tricts ...--..--- 184, 862 Naval Training Stations, limit, clerical, etc., services at appropriation for California ---.-.-- 187, 866 yards and stations --.----.-- 184, 862 for Rhode Island -.-..-..- - . 187, 866 {Of contingent ...-...--..--. 184, 863 for Great Lakes, Ill ----- - .-.---- 187, 866 for expenses, government for Virgin for Hampton Roads, Va ..-.. 187, 866 Islands -..-..-. 184, 863 limit, clerical, etc., services --.-- 187, 866 for marine schools, New York, Mas- Naval War College, sachusetts, and Pennsélvania- 184, 863 appropriation for maintenance, etc,- 188, 867 for care of lepers, etc., uam and N avigable Streams, etc., CUHOH . 184, 863 appropriation for investigating pollu- for research laboratory -...--.-.- 184, 863 tion of _____------. - --.-..--- 76, 775 for Bureau of Navigation, transpordeficiency appropriation for Confer- tation, recruiting, etc- -..---- 186, 864 ence on prevention of oil pollu- transporting dependents of oficers tion of ------------------.-.-- 1339 and enlisted men .---.------- 186, 865 provisions for preventing oil pollution for recreation for enlisted men .--- 186, 865 by deposits in -...-- -- 604 for contingent .. 186, 865 surveys, etc., of, for power develop- for gunnery and engineering exerment. authorized .. 1190 cises . - . 186, 865 N avigable Streams, Watersheds of (see for equipment supplies, instruments, Conservation of Navigable etc 186, 865 Waters, etc.). gyro compass testing, etc .. 187, 866