Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1555

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INDEX. clxvu N avg-Continued. P¤89· N avy—Continued. Pageappropriation for one submarine- . 204 deficiency appropriation for Bureau of two submarmes . 881 Medicine and Surgery .. 700, 1349 settling contracts for ships de- for Naval Observatory _.._.. --- 756 _11V€f8d_ ..-. 204, 881 for investigation of fuel oil, etc .. 760 re1mburs1ng contractors on account for major alterations to designated of constructing authorized ves— vessels _______________________ 1335 $615 -.. - . 204 for increase of the Navy - ... 1336 gyro compass equipments and iire for aviation claim . 1352 control instruments for de- adjusted compensation for World War stroyerg ___________________ 204, 881 service in _________ - __________ 121 hre control apparatus on "C0l0·· alterations, etc., authorized in desigrado" and "West Virginia" ,... 881 nated battleshws .._.. 719 completing armor, torpedoes, etc., new tire control, ‘ New York" and for authorized ships . 204, 881 "Texag" _______ _ _____________ 719 transfers from naval supply ac- construction authorized of eight scout count fund to this appropriation- 204 cruisers; cost, speed, etc ... 719 President requested to negotiate six river boats; cost, etc _-__-_----- 719 agreements with Great Britain, armor and armament at South etc., to limit ship and aircraft Charleston, W. Va., plant- - 719 construction, and number of work at navy yards if cost not inoflicers and men .. 204 creased thereby -...--- 719 use of naval appropriations for above authorizations subiecttotreaty Department purposes re- limitations -.--.--.------.-..- 719 stricted --...--. _204, 881 suspended if international conference details for dispensaxq) or rad10 for naval limitation held -...-.. 719 ¢0mm11l1i¢8t10¤ I101i ¢P¤·¤'l>¤1¤11l> appointment authorized of Richard service -.--...-.. -, 204, 881 Evelyn Byrd, jr., a lieutenant no pay to officers, etc., using time commander on retiredlistof .-.- 821 measuring devices on work of Henry F. Mulloy as ensign -----.--- 961 employees ---__--..--..---- 204, 881 Captain Douglas E. Dismukes, in cash rewards, etc., restricted"- 204, 881 recognition of gallant service in no repairs, purchase, etc., from World War when retired to have private contractors, of shlps, rank of rear admiral ...-... 1279 machinery, etc., that can be disbursing omcers relieved from remade at navy yards or arsenals, sponsibility for certain losses, if cost not increased thereby-- 205, 881 etc., incurred in World War for pensions .-...-. 414, 1164 service accounts; time extended- 860 for Naval Home, additional, 1925--- 709 enlisted men retired, who served as for Naval Academy, additional, 1925- 709 commissioned officers in World for Marine Corps, additional, 1925-- 710 War, to have pay of retired deioiency appropriation for Bureau of warrant officers ... 472 Navigation ---.-. 46, helium for, to be obtained from Bureau 57, 61, 698, 700, 760, 760, 1349, 1351 of Mines -----...----.-.---..- 1111 for pay, miscellaneous - ---- 57, production, etc., funds of, to be 61, 689, 698, 700, 760, 1349, 1351 transferred to Mines Bureau,- - 1331 for increase of compensation ------- 57 insurance provisions in World War for Bureau of Engineering .. 57, Veterans' Act ..--... - 624 698, 1336, 1349, 1351 limits of cost increased for converting for Bureau of Construction and "Loxi¤gt,on" and "Saratoga’ Repair _--------- - 57, 1336, 1349 into airplane carriers .. _ 8 82 for Bureau of Ordnance ------- 67, 61, 1349 loan of flags, for inau%ral ceremonies in for pay of the Navy -... - . 57. Washington, . C., March 4, 61, 698, 700, 760, 1349, 1351, 1353 1925 ---.------.--..--------- 944 for Bureau of Supplies and Ac- Naval Reserve established as part of; counts, --.-. 57, 61, 698, 700, 760, 1349 provisions relating to .--..---.- 1080 for revisions -..--------.-------- 57 per diem allowance for making aerial for Freight, __-- - -.-.. 57, 61, 700, 1349, 1353 surveys of rivers and harbors-- - 1191 for fuel and transportation - @7 rental allowances to, officers modified-, 250 for aviation 57, 61, 689, 698, 760, 1349, 1301 repeal of authority for turret gun for Marine Corps .. - . 57, 61, changes .. 45 698, 700, 1349, 1351, 1353 retainer pay of transferred members of for Bureau of Yards and Docks ---- 61, Fleet Naval Reserve July 1, _ 698,1336, 1349 1922, computed at rates mrfor transportation and recruiting, - - - 689 enlisted men . 251 for expenses, scrapping of naval minimum allowance- ... ‘ ... 251 vgggg]g__ ___________________ ,_ 689 sundry specified matters gffggtgug the_ 1269 for Panama Railroad Company, men reenlisting in, after transfer to refund ... 689 Fleet Naval Reserve credited for damages claims, collisions with with pa , etc., while on active naval vessels ,_,..,.. - . 689, 1335 duty in izleet gif-zservew .. 1269 n at Charles Fort, enlisted men in, or arine rps, .1-e· for s_ C ___,__,___.. 690 §c€re<11§¤rh¤;¤k,<;f¢·,¤¤r¤?¤1¤i¤gs r , 1 ‘ ___________ _ 698, er me rge rom servrce o e for hm E1 Reherve Force 760, 1349, 351 enrolled as officer in Reserve 1269