Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1634

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ocxlv1 INDEX. Thirty-third Place NW., D. C., P98°· Tobacco Cooperative Growers’ Associations, Pegeappropriation for paving. Macomb not regarded as dealers in leaf tobacco- 320 Street to Woodley Road .. 1224 records of purchases and sales to be Thompson, C'. H., kept by; purpose of, described-- 320 payment to, from Alaska Railroad oper- Tobacco M amtfacturers, ating revenues _____.__._. ‘ ._._. 1356 special tax unposed on annual sales by; Thompsorfs erry, Ga., rates 327 bridge authorized across Oconee River sales for export exempt 328 at __,_________... 665 Togus, Me., Three Mile Harbor, N. Y., appropriation for expenses, Volunteer preliminary examination, etc., of, to be S0ldiers’ Home . 518, 932 made _.__.,.. 1192 deficiency apprcgriation for Volunteer Tiburon, Calif., Soldiers’ ome- .. 59, 63 appropriation for naval coal depot 198 Tokyo, Japan, Tick-Infesled Cattle (see also Cattle Ticks, appropriation for ground rent of em- Southern), bassy - . - ...,.. 207, 1016 permission for admission of, below deficiency appropriation for land, build- Texas simthern quarantine line, 98 ings,) fg Foreign Service 1340 re le . es en . --- Tickets, Forlgizn Passage, acquiring additional land and constamp tax on; Canada and Mexico ex- structing building f’or embassy 'cepted .. - 335 at, authorized--- .. _-- ..._. 961 costing less than $10 exemgt ... 336 amount authorized m addition to Tidal Basin Bathing Beach, D. ., former appropriation .. 961 deficiency appropriation for removal, Toledo, Ohio, T1 etc .. 1323 Tsalehauligiorized of old Federal buildingat- 1258 i e, oma , za., ‘ appropriation for study of processes, appropriation for Indian school at-- 407, 1157 etc., in manufacture of . 231, 1040 or ndian school, additional, 1925-- 708 Tillamook Bay and Bar, Oreg., Tombigbee River, improvement of, authorized -----. 1189 bridge authorized across, Columbus, Ga- 665 Tgmbcn l Tonawanda, N. Y., _ forest experiment stations to be estab- upprevement ef. berber sptlwnzpdh- 1189 lishedtodetermine best methods Mme extended fer ¤¤ds¤¤s Nmsm of protection of, and other forest River et -——-——-——------—-~—-- 1216 products .- - .. nos Tewue R¤1>er_Aueney. MOM-. 11**9** De1*e·’¤’9"e· "ub“¤ ’·ee9» “""'°"iii‘£2.’I.'e .2°?ee$t"3-’ii.'§iin‘ET§e’ iii noi appropriation for expenses preventing-- Tongue Indgm Rqqwation, MOM., for expenses preventing, additional, °Pp'°pg': mn er ’mg“t’°“ Pmleggo 1151 . lg?5 ```````“' . '“``'`'‘ 7 06 Tonkawo Agency, Okla., T"”b"· I *1*11*1*1 R°“"’“"°""‘· appropriation for sup ort etc of evereveetieefer ¤1eee1v1¤¤·e1e--- 3991149 ineieneet from n*ibei’rnnne’ 411 1161 Timber, National Forests, Topeka, Kano, ’ ’ appropriation for preservative treat- appropriation for public building .---.. 778 ment. testing. 9*9 ---------- 445, 835 Topographic Surveys, fo1‘ ¤PP¥‘¤1¤1¤8» €1’·1>·» Y0? 8316 ------ 446, 836 appropriation for, of lands in national sales of small quantities of, without ad- {0,-,,,;, ___________ _ ________ 419, 1172 V€1’t1¤1¤8 -----~-—---·--------- 1132 restriction on cooperative work Timberlands, with States, etc ------------ 419, 1172 amount authorized for investigations to Tepvcraphiwl Survey of we United Stem, determine development of out. completion of, authorized -----_----__ 1011 over .--------- - --_-__________ 704 utilization of public agencies, funds, Time Measuring Devices, etc-; —--—— _ --·—-—--~—-——-——--- 1 Ou D0 part of Army appropriations avail- °°°P¤1'¤t10¤ WW11 States, ¢t0·, au- Bble for pay of omeoni, ete., using, *11e¤¤ed- -, ---·--------------- 1911 on work of employees ------- 510, 925 amtnmt ?‘uth°"°°(l fm °*P°n?°S* ·.;· · 1011 Navy appropriations available for T°pp""’h'S‘m,,;°,.°° '*¤re*· 'mv¤*1e*· D?/·*' pay of officers, etc., using, on ‘€'”·, ‘”h·» _ work of employees __________ 204, 881 appropriation for maintenance, etc- 403, 1154 · Tindulh Margaret E., or migitenance, etc., additional, 707 Til:;l;cA(§dglr?ig1Mk1 Tn;ep1€;uét,t0 `````'`' ° 810 To$$‘1g§;¤¤;Zx¤ppropHstion for .--- - _-___ 56 excise ax on sa es 0 , roducer etc-- 322 · ’ " - · to other than manugvagturcn cia"-- 323 bndge naaighonzed across R10 Grande 1214 Tvbeew. rorpedm `‘‘``'‘‘‘'``‘``'```’‘ ‘ appropriation for census reports on- 228, 1037 apprgpéggguxgybumhgg and manufor mvestigatiug improvedmethods fnoture or 192 871 _<>f predeetien. etc ... 442, 832 roueneiu, N, y_ ‘‘°```````‘‘`'‘``‘ ’ fer¤¤ve¤1is¤1i¤si¤¤ee1¤ effeetinsu 449, 839 bridge Qntnoriiieu serose Arthur Kill tax on, manufactured or imported 31 T Perth Amboy, N. J., and ----- I 1094 , ***8***8 ----—-—~--· - ---·~-- 6 ozim, ao. °*¤1’*m9¤ -—-—--—·---- - ·-··-.-.. 316 appropriation for reguiating pmpage. manufactured tobacco and snuii --.. 317 tion, gg]g, emu of ________ 76_ 775, ggg