Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/264

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SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 233 inspection of instruments, equipment, tools, and electrical and mechanical devices used in the industries and by the Government, including the practical specification for quality and performance of such devices, and the formulation of methods of inspection, laboratory, and service tests, including personal services in the District 0fSC0l1:1mbia and inlighelvfield, $1110,000. 1 St d d tan ard materia : or urc asc, pre aration, ana sis, and dis- ‘“’ 1 SM checktribution of standard matdiials to be Esed in checking chemical mg mm cal °m°1yS°°' analyses and in the testing of physical measuring apparatus, ingliigirég personal services in the District of Columbia and in the e , 10,000. Investigation of radioactive substances: For an investigation of m{§§j,§j°°°“*¤ i¤v<¤¤· radioactive substances and the methods of their measurements and testiliigiiincliging personal services in the District of Columbia and in the eld 11 000. Rope inviestigation: For determining fmmdamental data required ,,§‘g;’{,§j;,f*°-·¤f*¤v¤¤ by engineers and others, regarding internal strains of ropes and cables used in mines, elevators, bri ges, riggmg, and so forth; for developing instruments and methods suitab e for Held use, for indicating stresses and incipient flaws and defects in advance of rupture; and for the study of defective ropes and_ cables with a view to improving methods of manufacture, determining prgper usage, and so fplrth;1i51c;1gding personal services m the District 0 Columbia and in the fie 000. _ _ Investigation, of, automotive engines: For the promotion of i¤$ _°‘”""°’ economy and eiliciency in automotive transportation by land_and by air through investigations of the bas1c_pr1nc1ples underly1ng_ the design, performance, operation, and testing of automotive engines, their fuels, lubricants, accessories, and the power transm1tt1ng systeixgnk used in connection with them, also stillch elemgnltf asdbiglkizs endl b e" ·to romoteeconomin euseo `u1 esan safety lzularptraHic · includinig personal servicesq`m the District of Columbia and in the field, $25,000. _ Cooperative k During the fiscal year 1925 the head of any department or inde- wm.d,p,,,m,¤,,f§2,F__ pendent establishment of the government having; funds gvgilagille g*0;gf°¤*m¤ *¤*•¤¤¤¤· or scientific investig tions an uiring coopera ive wor y e Bureau of Standar on scientifizq investigations withm the scgse of the functions of that bureau, and which the Bureau of Standa s is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations, may, with the apéirovéil gg theh Secretary of Ciiznmerce, trarisgfer to the Bureau of tan ar su sums as may necessary carry on such investigations. The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer .,,,%i'$gif°iir¤f:l.f¤ii°d° t° on the books of the Treasury Department anyasums wlnch may authorized hereunder, and such amounts shall placed to the cred1t of the Bureau of Standards for the_performance of work for the department or establishment from which the transfer is made. norman or ucumousas ’·‘¤”°’*°°¤°¤ B¤¤¤¤· ’ ; or the commissioner and other personal services in the °°" Dgiiizltmdf FColumbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $90,000. _ _ , _ _ Gun, my- 8 uses: For supplies, re airs, mamtenance, and mei- °'°°'“°°‘ dehisal elirl nxgs of lighthouses and other lights,_beacons, bug age, °"’°°*“’*’°°“*°"· fog signal: lighting of rivers heretofore authorized to be light vessels, other_a1ds to D8Vlg§·lZ10{1, and lighthouse tenders, including the establishment, repair, and improvement of beacons and da marks and purchase of land for same; establishment of y • • • . Post buoys, submarme Slgllllsy and fog signals, establishmmt (, Oi] or carbide houses, not to exceed $10,000: Provided, """°'·