Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/338

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TREATY—NAVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATION. FEBRUARY 6, 1922. 1 685 PROCES-VERBAL Pikugust 121 im. VST . or nnrosrr or RA'1’H'ICA'1'IONS or THE ·rREA·rY nE·rwEnN mn mvrrnn srlvrns or AMER- res, mn Rnmsn Emma, maven, ITALY sun rum, ·r0 Lmrr mmm BESPECTIVE ruvu. Anunmnm, couctunnn AT wssnxrrerorr, FEBRUARY 6, 1922. In conformity with Article XXIV of the Treaty between the United States of it N*}wi°?jg°¤§‘d°Pg°‘ America, the British Em%ire, France, Italy and Japan to limit their respective naval th°°,°{,°}°SG§‘{a§$Ses gf armament, concluded at ashington on February 6, 1922, the undersigned re resent- the Contracting Powatives of the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy and) Japan, °'SAm 1683 this day met at the De artment of State at Washington to proceed with the deposit °’ p' ‘ with the Government ofp the United States of America of the mstruments of ratification of the said Treaty_ by the governments they represent. _ _ D 6 c I M 5 mm b dégllgeaxgggesenmtive of the Government of the French Republic made the following Fmmh mpmmtativg "Le Gouvemement francais estime et a toujours estimé que les rapports des tonnages globaux en batiments de ligne et en porte-aéronefs, attribués A chacune des Puissances Contractantes, n’expr1ment pas ’importance respective des intéréts maritimes de ces Puissances et ne peuvent étre étendus aux catégories de navires autres que cellesfpour lesquelles ils ont été expressément stipu1és."l The instruments o ratiiicationtproduced having been found u n examination to be in due form, are entrusted to e Government of the United Sptgtes of America to be deposited in the archives of the Department of State. S, mus IN wmvnss wrmnnor, the present procés-verbal, of which a certified cop; will ‘ be sent by the Government of the United States of America to each one of the overs sigligtory to the said treaty, is signed. ne at Washixton, August 17, 1923, at 12 o’clock. For the Unit States of America: Cnnnnns Evans Huonns [sun.] For the British Empire: H. G. Crmxmu [snn.] For France: Ammi: nn Luzomnrn [1] For Italy: Ancuswo Rosso [sun.] For Japan: M. Humans [san.]

l The French Government considers and always has considered that the ratios ol total tonnageiu capital ships and aircraft carriers allowed to the several Contracting Powers do not represent the respective im ee of the maritime interwts of those Powers and cannot be extended to the categories o vessels o those for which they were expremly stipulated.