Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/714

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2022 INDEX. Bronzes, Pm Brown, Sarah Irene (widow), his excise tax on, sold by other than artist; pension ..._.__. 1471 exceptions ... 323 Brown, Sarah J . (widow), Brookings, Robert S., pension ..._,____.,.._,___.__,______ 1490 reappointment of, as Regent of Smith- Brown, Sopha (widow), sonian Institution ,. 821 pension increased ____,________ _ _____ 1519 Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, Bro ‘ , William, may bring suit for collision damages to . lalgrd patent, to ______,__,____________ 1555 tugboat "Integrity," in district r· Browning, Irvin E. (son),. court "1566 pension 1515 Brooklyn, N. Y., Bruce, Theodore T. (son), appropriation for pneumatic tube mail pension increased ... ---- 1430 transmission, New York and- - - 86, 785 Brudon, Sarah (widow), for post office building 777 pension increased ,.. 1485 deficiency appropriation for 11pneumatic Brule County, S. Dalc., mail transmission ew York bridge authorized across Missouri River City and 691 between Lyman County and 3 , for post office building . 1343 Brunaugh, Susan (widow), bridge authorized across Newtown pension 1464 Creek, between Queens Borough Bruusgaard Kiosteruds Dampskibs Aktiand . 18 11 eselskatz 1 11111 10 Brooks, Alva C., my ¤¤8 ¤\¤ _ Of °° °{{ $8% pension"-: .. 1 . 1408 B S¤¢;,¤1¤¤¤h¤(¤ _‘H¤¤¤d ---- - —----- 1376 Brooks, Fannie N. (widow), T!/°”»_ mj A- ”’)r pension ____________________________ 1.191 pension increased- - 1.. ... 1533 Brooks, Mary A. (widow), 1111 Br11;:1¤;,1i;r;¤111m M · (wvdvw), 1501 ensxon -_- · —"— -—---~—--—-—-— 3,5:,,,,, (3,,,.,,1 Bryant, Nancy J. (widow), appropriation for study of, and im- P°¤¤*°¤ i¤¤¤‘¢¤¤¤d -—--—-—-—---——————— 1521 provomost . 441, 831 Br1¢¤¤¢111Sg1¤::11{*11Ii1;1D·1f»1’111 ,111110111 110111 B'°°"!°» °’°·· pp pw mm Siiieet g' -- - 546 equipment of Leavenworth, Kaus., B ce can on 1va,,,ma, jiénugga, Ugh penitentiary to manufacture, for rymckmgtion Benin aide ’ ’ 1914 sale only to the Government, p 8 ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ Bm 6 Bryson, Robert M., Brother?. Harriet E- (w»dv` w), B,?:,¥,?,,°;1>t t° :°m°° °f ```'`'`'‘’`` 1598 p°{”"°° i”°'°”°d ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1529 approprilgtiini for prevention of epi- Brovaz, Th-, _ _ _ demic .. vc, 775 ·d¤ ¢i¤¤¤Y 9·PP1‘0P¤¤t¥Q¤ f9¤‘ Pay U18 Buchanan, Louise F. (widow), judgment of Virginia eastern pension fucrggggd ___________________ 1458 di¤t¤'i°t court to —------------- 696 Buchanan Street NW., C. Brown, Clarenda (widow), 15311 approp11r11a11on for paving, Eighth Street 12111 onsion ________,,.. .. .._ ansas venue Brgwn, Clark, for a.sgl11:111t covering, Fourteenth to pension increased ____________,__ 1390 S nth Streets; from gasohne· Brown, Edgqr D., _ tax fund .. , .. 1225 and associates m1:.1y bridge Rio Grande, for paving; etc., Thuteenth to Fournggr Torn' o, 1Tex ________,. . _ 1214 toent Streets; from QBBOIIDB- Brown, Elizabeth K. (widow), tax fund . - .-------------- 1226 ponsron ___________ 1 _____ 1502 Buckey, George W., Brown,1 Frances A. (widow), 111110 B pe1nsnoz1;ncrc11s1s?1d1,-;1111.11 ...- 1400 ous on ___________._, - ,_... .. - - - uc 07I»01‘ G -, Brgwn, Grant, deiiiiiency appropriation for contested pension increased __.,__. 1 ... 1390 election expenses .. - ... 673 Brown, Henrietta Buswell (widow), Buckley, Mary E. (widow), ,. ponsion inorosson ____________,._ - , _ - 1503 pension increased .. - 1468 Brown,_Huldah (widow), Buckley, Timothy F., 111117 pension increased ... 1450 pens on ... - -------- Brown, Jesse P., Budget Bureau (see Bureau of the Budget, military record corrected - 1603 Treasury Department). Brown, Julia A. (widow), Buenos Aires, Argentina, _ pension _... 1430 delegates authorised 1to Pan American Bm"'- Lwm I` (w£d°w)’ 1420 B falo $3 !i§;r°i°¤zgioIii$i1iio°°1frioiié E5{o` 1355 pension ..-.----------.- u o ‘ Brown Lucena widow) pany, _ pcniign ino;·o§,sod___t _________,_ 1418 may bridge Niagara River and Block Brown, Mary D. (widow), 1 11.ock11Canal, B111g1811lo, N. Y . pgngon gucrogggd ______.. 1 .. 1528 unne 11111 gu perm: , ...---- 355 Br-own11Mary J. (widow o,fLew H. Brown), 11111 B111_;1¢;ns1$n 19 anada req . PGD OD- -··- --` ---- ·- ---- ——·· -——-· j·· _ Y ° '! , . . a . widow o William brid authorized across N1 ara River Brom, g·oru1:n):I ( f Scand Black Rock Can? at-_ . 355 nngnn innmnnod _________ _ _____ 1468 sale of old Fort Porter to, auth01‘l¤6d-- 902 pe . S ah widow) proceeds to be used for site and con- Brmy ar ( I . ,,,,1,;,,,, increased ________ _ __________ 1505 struction of new Army post