Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/772

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2080 mnnx. Engineer Qchool, D. C'., Army, P¤8¤· Enlisted Men, Army-—Continued. P¤l•- appropriation for equipment, main- percentage of grades prescribed, moditenance, etc 495, 910 fied ______,_______ , ______ ,_ ____ 470 Engimq-my Exercises, Navy, retired,h excepted from restriction on appropriation for prizes, etc 186, ses <>1d¤¤s two ¤ff‘i¤<;¤-_ ---·--»---- 245 Engineerizg Experiment Station, Naval l wh° ,?"§,'?g_,*:',“ &?£m;g“,‘:;:$g ggggegg eademy . · appropriation for investigation, etc., E ,. , d ;y;*¤¤=<,y,w¤¤¤¤g °m°°” ········ 472 E, ,0 °xp°h°°° '‘'‘ Ti ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ 1m' 870 A rhpinioprigtzion ildiygayfhztltive and Class W nd (866 Gmat Britain)- One Fleet Marine Corps Re- English, J udgc George W., _ _ serve ______________________ 202, 879 subcommittee of House Judiciary Com- for allowance for lodging and submittee directed to inquire into sistence .. - . 202, 879 pfiiiiah ggnduct of, eastern dis- 1258 ;or retired .,_... ; ... 202, 879 rio 0 inois . - .. or transporting etc. remains of 197 to report whether guilty of acts re- ’ ’ 203, 875, 880 ’ quiring interposition of constitu- retired, excepted from restriction on tional powers of the House . 1258 holding two offices ,_._________ 245 power conferred to hold meetings, who served as commissioned officers send for persons andpapers, ad- in World War, to have pay of minister oaths, etc . ; - - 1258 retired warrant officers 472 to report to Sixty-ninth Congress--- 1259 Enlisted Men, Navy, authorizedtoemploy assistance etc- 1259 appropriation for transportation and payment of expenses from House subsistence on ischarge, eneontingent fund; limit . 1259 listment, etc 186, 865 ”"”"*"· M‘"”“'°‘ ""*"’°""· 1382 iii-i2“§§i‘§Ei$°p°“d°“‘“ °’ ‘‘‘`‘ {32* 322 pension increased ... F _ —-—-----—-——-—-— » F··v~·¤*··#,,¤~d,,P*;;,,#i·w B~~··¤· T~···w*y $315 §£€is’§2§°S.;1-;.;-;.1i;z.;.·s.i;:ii; ig? Sli e m _ . . ’ appropriatign fpr,Director, and office73 773 gg ;:°;r§?t' °n d°p°S‘tS ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ P°”°““° --··-··-··········· · fo death "éidii ```'```````"```` 193, 872 work authorized for fiscal years-- 73, 773 r sr . Y ········ 1 ······ · fm ¤m¤*·>v¤¤¤¢ ·=¤<=¤¤*i¤¤¤ ———-———-— 7’—’·· "3 di§€§£“§*“‘L‘i‘§fi’E%éri*§i’5§ii‘$$§§13ii;isi97’ 875 for wa. es, of plate printers, etc 74, 773 gitgout O ent of at nts etc for malerials, etc . 74, 773 ° ns P E ’ " on requests therefor 194, 1276 uw °f pmcecds from work '“` 74’ 773 reti ed e ted from restriction on deficiency apfpropriation for compensa- r imiggnp two Omccs 245 tm 0 ¤m¤*¤v¤¤¤ —----——- 5*» 6* *342 who Meigs wmmis§15§iéZf6iriéér§ for wages of plate printers, etc 51, 1343 . 1 for hw rintin 58 in World War, to have pay oi P P 8 '‘‘''' retired warrant officers 472 for matensls, etc ... 58, 761, 1343, 1352 . . Enlisted Reserve Corps, Army, for new machinery, etc 1343 - . 5 2 additional work authorized for fiscal °'ppr°p"°l1(iD fa P”Y¤ °p°··: ······· . 06- 9 I YWMM5 —-----———----——--—— *342 m°“b°€?ai§i§§°deiL‘ “iE‘“i,§’$§hi,“O§{,i€ii detail of ajor Wallace W. Kirby, treatmcht Q . · y etc 365 P?.-"“¤iQ ..f3¤ii‘s’?Yi?Ti.’f}i1i°Z’YT?‘i 252 *¤~¤¤r¤¤¤gi¤¤'§¤¤¥¤ ¤¤<>¤ *¢¤¤i¤¤· 365 ““‘“b°fmgm “;‘;§,“sp;’;§;,°°§:‘;» S,°P“;3‘;‘ 211¤viii(iiIie(;11i'&i§£6ii1%}`i2Iéi§`6§é§ Qi » 365 ’ t s - 1925 51 m‘?“ ·-·-········ · . _ ‘’‘‘ previous payments for, validated-- 365 Enid. Oman burial ex enses etc. in case of death- 365 terms of court at .. 388, 946 Engistmems, Eayy, ’ ’ Enlisted Men Army periods of, established ... 1276 appropriation for pay .. 481, 896 minors enlisting without written connumerical strength authorized- - 481, 896 sent of lparent may be discharged minor; enlistingaéfteg July L, 191205, E on Exp icazailon-it--3 -.- 1276 wit out consen o paren , e ., nsminger, ‘ ian aug ter , may be discharged ---- 896 pension .-..-.-...-..-. - 1420 for aviation increase; limit --.---. 481, 896 Entertainment, Places of, _ _ for Philippine Scouts -------- 481, 896 internal revenue tax on admissions to- - 320 for longevity pay ...--.-..--...- 481, 896 Entertainments, Religious, Educational, for retired -,..-----------. - - 481, 896 Charitable, ete., for retired, on active duty -.--. --- 481, 896 exempt from admission tax ... 321 for interest on deposits 0 -.-. 482, 897 Entomo ogy Bureau, Department of Agrifor transportation of dependents culture, of _______________--._-- ---- 486, 901 appropriation for Chief of Bureau, and for disposition of remains of, etc-- 511, 926 office and field personnel - 448, 838 for disposition of remains of, addi- for investigating insects affecting tional, 1925 .,..--.-..----.--- 712 fruits, nuts, cereals, forage, ete- 448, 839 deficiency appropriation for extra duty cooperation with Federal orticulpay, at headquarters, etc-- 59, 63, 761 tural Board ..----..---...--.- 448 for disposition of remains of ------.. 59, Hessian fly, grasshopper, alfalfa 63, 699, 701, 762, 1350 weevil, and chinch bug -..-.-- 448, 839