Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/796

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2104 mnmx. Gearhart, Virginia M. (widow), P•l•· General Supply Commiuee, Treasury De- Plvpensiou increased .. - A. - - - 1402 pm-¢men¢—Cont.i¤¤uod. Gearns! John, . appropriation for salaries sud expenses, pcusxon ... - M... 1398 etc.; proceeds from transfers Gears, Captain Frank, Army, covered into the husuml 66, 766 credit allowed in accounts of ; shortage cooperation in storing, 'very, refunded - 1561 etc. of supglics .. 66, 766 Geiger, Henrietta (J'. (widow), uso of uuht ypowriten, ctc., for pension increased ... 1475 exchggge .,.. 67, 766 Gent, Mary M. (widow), repairs typewriters by; at coat pension 1490 allowed . 67, 766 General Accounting Oga, prices of standard machines estabappropriation for mptmllcr General, lished for tiscal year 1925 .. 67 Agistant, and 0Eco 1203 agffstnndnrd estab- 766 u -- , or Escal year .. for contingent . 525, 1203 purchases to be made from surplus for printing and for . 525, 1203 stock of . 67, 766 deficiency appropriation for paying stock in War Department to be claims csrtdied by 54, turned over to, on requisitionu 67, 766 60, 697, 699, 758, 1351, 1352 unserviceabln machines to be fur— for o$oo personnel - 680, 1316 uished for use as part payment designated accounts of Alaskan Emi- for new machines 67, 767 nearing Commission disbursing designated supplies transferred from, to agauts bwslidaiiui, 1355 H¢;use of Representatives with- 585 an c or ou charge ... directed to %y sup ly officers of Navy Genoa, Nebr., and avsl Reserve Force, the approgriation for Indian school st- 405, 1156 pay, cbc., of ra.¤k_for World War or ndiau school, additional, 1925 -- 707 gtge (gzrvnca pnor to approval 860 Gent:-y,_ Frank (um), 1512 u .. - - - pemuon ... - General Aypraiocn, Board of, Geographic Board United States, gppmpbngftion for fccs, ctc., wituessegg 1030 appropyiationdtlgg giationery and prhg;9 1208 ore ___... - .. , m an m ng- ... , clerks aud unplcgzcs of, to bcappoinwd Geological ésurvey, I Deparlmenl, ctc., by rotary of the Treas- appropriation for Director, and other ury _____________________ ,_,_ 748 pemougl gerviccs - .. 419, 1172 _ General Board, Navy, forgjgncral expenses _419, 1172 appropriation for civilian • personnel, wsuce or attending ucientxiic Navy Department ,. 182, 861 meetings, etc . 1172 General Grant National Park, Calif., for topographic surveys . 419, 1172 gp mp;-igtion for commissioner 219, 1028 foxifeologic surveys . ..-- 419, 1173 an- pmtmtiou, etc _.., _ ..,,.,,.. 423, 1176 awaiian volcanoes .. 419, 1173 fog protection, additional, 1925 . 708 arsenic bearing ores . ~ 419 deficiency for .. 56 for chemical and physical researches; Gqwyql Land ju, Commissioner of, potasb deposxts 419, 1173 appropriation for 393, 1144 for miuual resources of Alaska -- 419, 1173 Gmeral Land Ojcc, Interior Department for gauging water supply, etc 419, 1173 (uc also Public Isnds), for mvcstigating, etc., artesian wells, appropriation for Commissions, and ctc., on arid la¤d¤-- .,.. 419, 1173 qmcg uml _____, - ... 393, 1144 for classifviug lands for enlarged homefor ____________ 393, 1144 gtem]5, stock miging, etc ____ 419, 1173 for runs. etc ... 393, 1144 tm- gmxogic m .. 419, 1173 fm- gpplimws ______________, 393 for preparing i1}:strgtiou5 _______ 420, 1173 chico of surveyor gsnenl abolished for reports on mineral resources,- 420, 1173 Jul 1, 1925; consolidated with for printing and binding for . 392, 1143 Ed; surveying service . 1144 for stream gauging, cooperative with for public land service - . 393, 1144 Indjgn Service . - ..* 401, 1151 for public land service, additional, fog, addmoual, {92:5 - .. "708 1925-..- ..,...,.,,, El;. -.6 -6; 706 defimency npproprushou for cxpcxmesééll 1 wvvd by -----------·------ 1257 cm", Jem T., General Corps, Amy, _ _ _ pension ________________________ 1412, 1415 appropriation fm: oontansinzgqnes, M111;79 894 George, Prawn Lu i tu? ;m°§iiii" deficiency appropriation for extra,

 <¤¤¤¤*¤¤I<;{ 3 v¤>g=]gi'.¤I ¤= Mw 761 services ______________________ ms

` General Bspply Comsnittu, Treasury D0- Gmac UMVWWV HMPUGI.

 •¥p,q-W gm- ah,-iu ____ V _______ 55, 766 appropijatzn for care of indigent pgés 1242

or salaries and expenses, tr•·¤¤°¤r- ‘°“ ------·—— · ------—-·-— » é ring surplus cB¤¤ equipment, Georgetown Couqly, S. C'., _ ff ctc., psy restriction. ... - - 66, 766 budge authorized across Pee Dee Ravcr, ·’ ncvica continued to Juno 80, 1925- 66 at Yawhannsh by Horry County gerviee oontinued to June 30, 1926- 766 and ------- — -—·------ — —---·—· 4