Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/830

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, 2138 mnnx. Inland Waterways Corporation·——Contd. Pm I I naanitary, etc., Buildi e, D. C'., Pivtransportation and terminal facilities of appropriation for coiilgemning, etc- - 544, 1237 War Department to be operated Insect I nfeatationa of Forest Trees, by .. 361 appropriation for expenses combating, water carriage above Saint Louis on· in national forests ... 449, 835 the Missisippi to be initiated,. - 361 deficiency appropriation for combating, discontinuing, or developing new. in national parks, etc .. 755 lines, subject to action of Con- 361 Insect Irgestations of Timber, National gress · crests, etc., operation, etc., subject to interstate appropriation for emergency expenses 445, 839 _ commerce and shipping laws- - - 361 de ciency appropriation for emergency Advisory Board to be appointed; quali- expenses Kaibab National For- Ecations, disqualiiications, and est and Crand Canyon National terms of office 361 Park 39 no salary, but expenses of attending for preventing, on hpublic lands in meetings etc., allowed . 361 Oregon and Ca ornia ... 39, 1325 chairman to appointed from civil [Moc; pork, mei °1‘ Am? °H1°¤1‘ d¤t¤11¢d -·-- 361 appropriation for expenses of quaranr¤¤k, Daly, etc-, of ¤11i¢=¢r ... 361 tining against _____ _ _________ 456 847 ?·ug¢:'t{o(iisci>l'mS:::reta—.ry---of W1’ar`_~e— 361 1~·¤**¢·3· 4¤¢· ’ · be d°l§g·tcdtg0Bé_____& _;eEu;;{’ 361 appropgration for salaries, enforcemen:55 847 meetings; su jects consi e , ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ and ssoonnsnnstionsor, 1,0,,.1 sos {gg g;§;;;·=;gg¤g$,¤-sg;-;;,,B;g{n 453 347 corporate powers; general 362 additional 192%% ’ g' 706 incur 0 ligations, issue notes, etc., _ _ ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ limitation 362 I¤¤¤¤¢w¤7¤;¤, _ _ , _ oxcrcix functions of Soorotory of appropriation for chemical investigawsr under Transportation Aot, t¤<>¤¤, etc-, <>f --------------- 447, 837 1g25 ________________________ 352 for preventing sale, etc., of adulterconduct business of common carrier and -———-----------—--—~—-- 455» 847 by water, oto _________________ 352 I nsects (see also Entomology Bureau, other necessary or incidental to pur- ]?8Q8l'f»D1e¤ji of Agmcplture), pow, of it, creation ___________ 352 appropriatmn for invcstigation, etc-- 448, 839 ou asxts of Secretary of wor for trans. or study of, affecting ealth of man, ,¤:m**°¤· ¤*°·· *0 be immfimd ,,2 ,,,,‘i?§;i,‘t?;‘:°,§i°},‘i,t?,§f ······ 213 $33 ... . . -·-·—----- » rights, liabilities, sto., or Secretary of 1Ml¤v,_-4M¤1¢M <w¤1¤w>, wor ss to contracts, leases, sto., i>¢¤¤¤e>¤ ---------------------------- 1418 of inland wstsr osnisgo devolved 7»¤z>¢¤¢w~,¤¤:1 8w·v¢v»_ N<1·¤1/· Beard ¤f» upon ________________________ 352 appropriation for civilian personnel, moneys for expenditures, loans, oto., Navy Q€P¤1'17m611l? -----..--- 185, 864 svsiisbis for uso by _,..,_. 362 Irwvecwr General ¤ Devqrtmm, Army, claims of, or against, Secretary of War ¤PP1¤P1'1¤·171¤¤ 1`<>1‘_ 11111839% FXPW17 8¤· for inland waterways Service countant; 11m1tation 1f on Govenforceable gy or against ._... _ _ 362 ¢r¤¤¤¤¤1gv¢¤¤¤1 ---- - --------- 482, 897 value of assets tran erred to, under this I 7*81134*07 G'¢7&¢1`¢1l 8 0121% W1"` D¢P¢171m¢7¢1, Act to be appraised, oto _______ 353 appropriation for civilian personne1-- 480, 895 determining of statute of limitations, I'*8P“l°"8»_ F 97**9*1- S”'”“» _ _ I glp; rgresoriptivt; rights .,,, _ ____ 363 appropgllrgropngzr expenses, subsistence 1016 nmany · , . ···— . ················ pooogoor ________ 7 __________ _, _______ 1492 I nspectors, I ndtan Service, d Ininen,_ Elizabeth (widow), 1455 8·PP1‘<>Pg311¤11 f<>1‘ P8? 311 3¤P8¤8§F§6 1146 PGDBIOH - ... : ·················*·*·“‘ 7 Inquiries and Investigations, sonnet, ¤1>¢<=1¤;1,_¢1‘¢v·1>¢d; salary, etc ------- 396 appropriation for expenses of --, 16, 581, 1289 f°1`» 8·ddm°9al» 1925 --·--—-—-—---—— 707 deficiency appropriation for expenses I"”P°d°1`8¤,I D°P“"l’”"°t» , f of ________ E _______________ 170, 1314 8PP1‘0P§1l:1E¥<;1;i;;>F ¢XP¢¤S€8$ P8? *118:5132 1143 or Er1 _ ii ______ 23__1;c?glir?i 753 Instructiogigay, Diplomatic and Consular I neane, laska, _ 1237 Si appropriation for care of .. 427, 1181 ¤Pg1'9P1`l¤t1°¤ fm`-; - y -—-——-—----—-·— 208 iuvutigation ood roport to be de ciency appropriation for .. 57 modo of establishing an gust;- Instruction Ray, Fore1gnServtce Oficers, tution ros, in tho Torntory, etc-, 1181 ¤1>Fr<>pr¤¤¢;<>¤ for --------- - ---------- 1317 deficiency appropriation for care, etc- - 41, 683 I'1314 ar A.U`a1]`·* B1”W'4» A7`mZ!; _ _ Insane, D. C., approprration for care of insane F1l1- appropriation for expenses executing pino and Porto Rican so1d1ers-_ 494, 910 · · 24 for civilian personnel, Office of Chief lunacy writs ... 566, 1 0 for support of indigent __________ 571, 1245 of, War Department ..._. 495, 910 for deporting nonresident ... 571, 1245 Insular Possesstons, ’ deficiency appropriation for expenses appropriation for fire control installaexecuting lunacy writs .. 677, 1322 tions .. 491, 906 for support 0 indigent .._,. 678 for plans for fortifications, etc 496, 912