Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/872

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2180 INDEX. National Guard—Continued. P¤s¤· National Guard Reserve—Continued. Plt funds allotted for support of, available transfers to, from National Guard, or for care, etc., of animals- .. 471 to National Guard from, authorcompensation of help; number al- ized . 1076 lowed; enlistment, pay, etc . 471 period of enlistment not changed .,.. 1076 civilian caretakers - 471 members of, in active training service longevity credit to officers serving with National Guard to receive under Federal pay . 250 ‘ Federal pay, etc .. 1076 oflicers recognised as reserve officers no other pay from National Guard during period of Federal service- 470 alypropriations --..-- 2 -...-.--- 1076 periods of enlistment for, original and National ighway Act, _ subsequent, modified .. 470 transfer of Eve per cent of the distribuproperty unserviceable from service tion of materials, etc., under, for wear may be sold, after inspec- national forest roads, etc., to be tion thereof .. 363 used for roads, trails, etc., in na- State, etc., relieved of accountability- 363 tional arks and monuments- - - 90 inspection, etc., a substitute for- sur- National Home Ear Disabled Volunteer Solvey, etc ...-.- 363 diers, yearly requirement for drill, etc .--.--- 363 appropriation for expenses, Dayton, participating in encampments target Ohio ----...--.-.--...- 516, 931 practice etc .--... » 363 Milwaukee,Wis ----------.--.- 517, 932 assembly of formation, or part there- Togus, Me -.----.--.-.--- 518, 932 of, allowed -.-... - 363 Hampton, Va --.---.-------.. 518, 932 attendance at separate consecu- Leavenworth, Kane .--------.- 518, 932 tive formations counted ...- 363 Santa Monica, Calif .-.--.-.--- 518, 932 credit limited ..-.. - . 363 Marion, Ind -..------.-.-.---- 518, 932 minimum practicteuperiod and actual Danville, Ill .----------------- 518, 932 duty prescri - .. 363 Johnson City, Tenn -----...--- 518, 932 pay of captains, lieutenants, and war- Battle Mountain Sanitarium, S. rant officers for prescribed at- Dak ---- - .-------.--.---.-- 518, 932 tendance at drills, etc -.-.-. 364 for clothing, all branches .--..-... 518, 932 restriction above captains --..-- 364 for Board of Managers ----..--.- 518, 932 below grade not belonging to organ- number and ‘ eligibility of manizations. -.-... - .-.-.. 364 agers, modified ---.-.-.-.----- 518 additional, for administrative work, extension of benefits of, to other officers commanding less than a veterans, etc --..-..-- 519 brigade -- 364 for additional, 1925 .------ - ..-- ---- 712 restriction ...-.. 364 deficiency approgniation for Battle oflicers of, and Reserve, ma purchase Mountain ‘anitarium, S. Dak- 53, 1346 uniforms, etc., for cash -..-. 364 for Santa Monica, Calif ----.----- 63, 1346 members of, injured at encampmeuts, for Dayton, Ohio ---.------.---. 63, 1346 etc., entitled to hospital treat- for Milwaukee, Wis -.----.------ 63, 1346 ment, etc -..-.-...-.. 364 for Johnson City, Tenn- 63, 762, 1346, 1350 pay continued, and transportation on for medical and hospital services-- - 63, 762 termination .----..--. 364 for Marion, Ind .------.--- 762, 1346 allowance for injuries in aerial for clothing ---..-----.-.--... 762 flights . 1- 365 for Hampton, Va .---.--.---.--.-. 1346 allowance if remaining over six for Leavenworth, Kans --.-------.- 1346 months in hospital etc - 365 for hospital construction, Santa Monprevious payments of, validated- - 365 ica, Calif- ----.-------.------- 1346 payment for funeral expenses and re- hospital facilities, etc., of, to be utilized turn of body home if death oc- by Veterans’ Bureau .---..--.. 610 curs . - ... 365 hospital to be erected at Santa Monica, propertg and disbursing officers may Calif ______-_-_.--_--- _. -_-_-_ 534 esignate other OECGH fol' dis- manager appointed, John J. Steadman- 17 burscmeuts .. 365 Nationa Military Parks, accountability, etc --.. ,--- 365 appropriation for Chickamauga and enlisted men with specia1ists' ratings, Chattanooga __,-_--.----_-_ 512, 927 ¤¤ti¢1¤d to my thereof while at - · memorials allowed Spanish war encampgients, etc .-.-..-----. _. 365 veterans who were encamped payments retofore made to, vali- in _________-___.-._--._._-_ 513, 928 dated ..-------...- _ .--.. _. - 366 for Gott gburg _,__.----..------ 513, 928 W&¤‘•¤t OGGGI1 to bGjl>A1d fol‘ ¤€fV1¤¤ for Guilfybrd Courthouse ---.-.-.- 513, 928 between July 1, 922, and Qcto- for Shiloh ______________________ 513, 928 ber 29 1923 -.--.-.-.--- _-- . 366 for Vicksburg ___-,__-_-----_.___ 514, 928 payments heretofore made, for drills for Chickamauga and Chattanooga, for_on1;(part of an organization, additions], 1925 ______________ 712 valida -..---.-...-.--.---- 366 for Gettysburg, additional, 1925 --.- 712 status of First Corps Cadets, M8888·· for Guilford ourthouse, additional, chusetts - 471 1925 _____________,-_--..---- 712 National Guard Reserve, for Shiloh, additional, 1925 --.-.--.. 712 enlistment in for one or three years for Vicksburg, additional, 1925 ---.- 712 authorized if qualified for active deficiency appropriation for Guilford National Guard; oath --.--.-.- 1076 Court ouse, N. C .-...·.-- 762