Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1000

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§ 173 ,TITLE :1.-uozm _ 1 Previied, That tue length of the leave of absence efany 1 "` Qeyee ot mid bureau doing piecewerk, and the my durim sueli leave et absenee,`sha11 be ·d¢t*er@ine<l by the average amount of work done by such perécn and the pay? therefor during the eevern1_in0¤¤ths 02 theyeatr} {July 6, 1@2, c.. 154, ‘ 27 Stat-. 87 ; June 4,_‘Iw7, c._2, _§ 1, 30 Stat. 18J) » —~ » ° , 173. Same.-¢—~The 'eompositors and D!‘¢$Sme¤'emp10ye<l`in the awards djvisién of the Bureau of Eugmeingmud Printing shall lge allowed leave et absence with pay not exceeding thirtj days , in any one year, or a pro rata portion thereof for a Jess time. than one year, under such regulations —and such. time or times., as the .directpr Of-th0·bl11‘€&l1, ·wi_tlrtl1e,`appr0Yal of, tlie Secretary ot the`Treasury, may preseribe and d€Signate, ang! in con-* ` lferznity with seetien 172 of this title. (J u_ 8, 1896, ic. 373, w Stat. 275;‘Ju11e 4, 1%:1, e. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 18;) a. Q Q _ _ /174; Ignpresaipns of ,pm·n-ma;-—c¤ne Secretary 0t_ the Treaéj , 4 ixry, at The request of a Senator, Representative, or Delegate _in 'C~0¤gl‘éS8, the head of Ja department or b{1reau,_ art associatien, or library, may turni;s{lrlmpresai61is_ fr0m*any'=p0;trait or vignettéwhien is,~ne.w,-or may be a part of the engraved stock ei the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, at such rates and` m1der`such__een<1itions as'he`n1a\y deem necessary to proteetjthe

  • rpubllc interestq, ;(Dec;'22,~18'Z9, c. 2, 21‘ Stat; 59:) . . _

_· · 175.?&1'gra·ied plates of portraits of deeesléed Senators and Hc tatives.--—~Tbe Secretary of.-the` .Treasu_ry may deliver the engraéved plates ofportraits that have been or may be made ot Senators and Bepresentatiies in Congress, to their heirs or legalrepresentatives on such terms and conditions as he ‘may determine. (July 1;,1916, c. 209, §‘·1, 39 Stat. 275.) 176. of receipts for miscellaneous ivorke-Re5 eeipts for .mieee1laneei1s work Qauthorized by law to`be‘ per-_._ formed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing—for tge sereral departments ot the Government, and the amountap operly chargeable to national banks for. engraving atheirvplates sha1l' - be deposited, and covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous " receiptsexcept as otherwise prorided byv law. (Aug. 4, `1886,_' ¢.9Q2,_§1,24Stat."227.) 4 U 1 . F 177. Beads, notes, and ehecks; printing on preeses and power preues directed, by _Secretary of Treasury ;— internal revenue. étarnps.-¢—'I‘l,1e= proviso of the Art of July 1, 1898 (1'nirtieth ,8tatutes at Large, page 604), `directlng that all bonds, notes, and eheckglshall be printed on hand=r01ler presses shall n0t, checks, the_bacl:s and_ tints of all United`

  • States bonds, the backs aud. tints of all United States paper

money, and the backs audtinta of bonds and· paper money by any of the ixnsulaxf possessions of_.tl1e Uniteil States, any. _or all’ of which shall -be printed °“fr0m lntaglio platea and on such plate printing presses as inay‘ be directed-‘by·t11e, Secretary of the Treasurg; sail} presses to_be operated by plate printers, except- that cheekaeaud tinteumy be printed by any deelred process: ·`Prov§ded,, That the `Secretary of the _Treasury· isi au-, thorized to print fromlplates ef" more than (our eubfeets each upon power presses the"fr0nts‘and back; of any' paper money, bends, or otherprinted matter on or after January 3, 1923,, authorized to be executed at the Burezih of Engraving? anu Printing: Provided further, That the Secretary. of the Treasury may,·in his diacretloxfapply motors' to hand·rol1e.r presses that were 0n·Aug,us€ 24, 1912,, or thermfter operatedlln the Bureau nt Engraving and 1'frintingfbut such preases, lf equipped with motors, shall be regarded aa handgreller presses within the meaning ot thieseetion. (Agxge.24, 1912, e, 355, I 1, 37 Stat. -130: Jan. 3, 10%, e.‘22, 42 Stat. 1099.) N. , — f · 178. Appropriations for Bureau-» G·£_·"E§§l‘§Vl1\K Printing.———fI?he appropriationg made torall expenditures ob the -Bureau of Engraving and Printing eshall be need In manner in which appropriations for said bureauI"~were used June 4, 1897,. and no part of said appropriations shall be held to be eontingent expenses of t11e_T¤e¤sury· Department, nor be sub~

Y Arm r11v4N0a — 986 ject °to the -proviei<me Lcf qe®0ns of Title `5_ and 6T5` »t this title. (June 4, 1@7§‘ c.-- 2, I 1, 30 §_tat..18..) · ·_ _ · , -179.·Limit:ticn an expenditure ef_ funds.--Ne fund appmprinted {by any Act other than thelt appropriated for the Bu- `reau of _Engra.ving and Printing ¤h§1l·be·nsed fer payment nf the dii‘e¢t0r,jnssietant eirector, chietef diyisien qt séignmeme end reviews, chief. clerk, disbursing agent, dost egccountamg_ · eteuogrephers; storekeepere, `asetetent Btotekeepers, clerks, ugtendgnts, messengers "and assistant IB€$€¤§¢TE} captains em; ]1Bl1t€¤&1lCé‘0f°W8tC1!, wntc¤me¤,’ ferewomen " ei ebarwomen, cherwemen, or labbrers, in the Burma of Eugrévim ind Priming,_ exeept in mee; et emergenizy aristng aftefthe wget; ·` ri the _Aet making, atiproprietions for seen bureau, em n emily 'on the written approval ex the Secretary of the Treasury, mm `in every‘such» case of emergeney a detailed statement of the expenditures ou- ·.aceou.nt thereof shell be reporte;1 tq Congress at the beginning of each regular session. I (Mir. 3, 1921, c. 124,- §.1,·4.l StatQ.1271.) · _ ·_ > f Z _ “ Chaiptcr. GQ-—-¥Dls1BTS DUE ‘.BYQ OR, .T0,’ THE UNl'1`ED_‘

 STATES.   · » T" .

Sec. "" _. { ‘191. Prmrity establisbedx -192. Liaptlity or nduciarges. 193. Priority ot éureties. ‘ , _, 194. Compr0m§. _  » `

195._Purcl§n8e on eiecutipn. · J ._ - — "

196. Diseharge ot poor debtor; by Secretariat the Treasury. 197.` Same; by President. ·_ ‘ Q , _ ‘ 198. Debts to the United States; in what currency to be paid. ; 199; Same; what coin rcceiveelc. , " 201. Det:ts‘o£ United States: national lbank notes receivebte for. 202. Same; treasury notes; giaynble fer.- _ _ V 203., Assignments of claims yoid. _ · 204. Quth by'pers0¤ presecu·tlug_ clnims. `205. Same; who may administer. 206. Claims otdisloyalinte. * 201. Retention otngoneiv dee Staten mdetault. _ ” 208. Payment- to omcers for horses lost. . . _2Q_§>. Payment for property lost while in military service. 210. Paytnenttor horses lest by`capture.` `· _ — · 2211. Payment for eondcmned horses and équtpaie. f . ,212. Payment to guardian-ter pcrselcit by miner in military •.•crvi¢g._ _213. Peyment,t0· owner for horse furnished and Lest in‘m1st;ry service.; 214, Taking testimeny us to tees. .. . ~ ` 215. Settlement of cInims_n0t exceeding-$1,000; certitlcation of amounts - _ found due to Congress; tiqetor presentation'. ‘ ` ,216. Berne; deunitiens. - - ‘ ·` ~ f 217. Same ; eftectnot acceptance ot amount mend glue. - . 21.8. Settlement of claimi for loss et property~ in military service. 21,9. Same; extent et liabitity. . Z .220. Same ; examination; payrncnt: replacement. _ 6 V 221; Same; tiu;1 dete£min•.tio¤.- · \ _ 222.. Same; tlme`!0r pruénfaticn. . · . . , · 223. Settlement et ‘c1eimn fb: ieee er damage to private premrtyetrom _ _ A operation, etc., ot”Artny. » - . · ‘ _ 224. Settlement ot claims for’dnmngeq_from eperntion ot aircraft: 225. Judgments et Court et Claim; ; pgyment. . ¤ 226. Same; certided by Secretary- ct the Treasury: interest,. __22'§‘,’0§fsets" ngainst Judgments and claims egeinst United-States. ~ 228, Payment of judgments against United Staten made en. settteg . -. ments by auditor!. " _ ~` · 2~29.` Private claims penqtnz before Congress ;` taktitg of tektimeny. 230. Same; subpcene 1'0r_ taking testimen`y;_ compensation ot oncers . and witnesses; return ctAep0$1tions. · ‘ 4 · 231. Liability of pernpns marking` false clahs. 232. Same; suits. . · ~ , · Q _ 233, Duty ol district attorney an to meh cases. " 234. Rights ot persons presenting such suits. _ 235. L1m1thtion.e£_euit. ·. · L Section 191. _ Priotitf é¢t•bIished.—~\\’hene»·er any berson ing debted. to the United Stntw is ineplvent, er whenever the estnte ot any deceaieed t§ebt0r‘:¤tn`the hande of the executore or et1&inletreters, is inmmleient to pay ell the debts -due·_ treme me deceased, the debts due to the United States shall be. nrst sntiee · u Bed ; 'nnd the priority established shut! exteng ss well-te cases ·_tn—.which a debtor, not having sufncient preperty tb. pay all _ hisw debtspmakee Ma yoluutary assignment thereof, or in which. ` t