Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1012

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,§ 353 TITLE sx.-410; tests as the Director of the Mint shall presioribe. (R. S. 3539: Aug., 23, 1912, c. 350, 5 1, 37 Stat, 384; Jen. 3,1923, c. i2 42 Stat;. 1103.) » ( 353. Disposnleof clippings.-—T11e_ superintendent of coinis demrtinent shall, from time t0‘ time, deliver to the super! teridem; the wrlippings and other portions ot bullion `remainix after the process yof coiningf and the superintendent sha receipt for theosanie and keep a careful reeord of- their weig1 ’ and chm·ecter.~ (R. S. ,§ 3540; Aug. 23, 1912, c. ,350, § 1,_2 Stat. 384: Jen. 3, 1923, c.'22, $2 ‘S`tat.`1103.) .T ` 354. Yearly settlement ofoacc0~unts.¥-—The’superintendent sha debit the superintendent of ccining department with tl amount in weight·d metal of-all the bullion pled in his ha/nds,‘zu;d credit; him with the amount in weiglgbofmai the coins, clippings, `and other bullion returned bjr him to tl superintendent, Once at least in;every yenr, engl at such tim as the Director n the Mint shall appoint, there shall be 2 accurate and full settlement "of the? aecounfs of the -supe1ti temlent ofweoining ·department,` aétl the superintendent of ine} ing and reiining department, :1i;.which· time those officers she deliver np to the superintendent all the coins, . clippings, ax ` other bullion in their possession, respectively; ”acc0mpa,uied`_»I §S{8t(*!dtléil[S of all the bullion éielixtered to them since the In 1 annual settlement, undtall ·the·bu¥li0n returned by them du ing the same period; including theomount returned for tl purpose of settlement; (R. S, §`3541;: Aug. 23, 1912, ‘c, 350, § 3'£·Stat. 384; Jan. 3, 1923, c. 22, 42 Stat. 1103.)] .. ° · 355, Allowance for ia§tage.—-·Whe_n all the coins, clipping and other bullion have been delivered to the superintendent; shell be"-his duty to-examine the acgbounts and statements re dered by the superintendent of e01¤1i¤g.uepa:¢mep¢, and tl superintemleuvof melting andxeiining department. The dilfe o ence between the amount. charged, end credited to each ‘- 0Qq 'shall be allowed as uec·essary."'vs·astz1ge,`if the snperintendet shall be satistied that there bds been a bonsfiide waste of tl precious anetals, and if the amount ghhll nof__e;ceed, in tl case of me superintendent of melting and refining depnrtmer _ one·-th<>usa‘ndth of the whole amount of gold, aux} one and 011 half th0.usandthé of the wl'10le" amount _0f‘silver delivered: him since the lasit annual settiement, and in· the case ot superintendent ·0f_ coiniugi depaitnxent,. one-thousaudthe of Ft}

  • wholé amount of siléer, and one-hn1f_ théusdndth of thewvho

amount of gold that_lms·_bee¤j1elivered to him by the Buperi tendent. .All copper used in the Alloy efgold and silver bullig shall be seperately charged to the superintendent ot melth and refining departmex3t,·.and accounted for by' him. ’(R. ` _ § $@42; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, § .1;.37 Stat. 384-{Jun? 3, 1923, c._‘2 42 sm.1103.) o . ‘ _ · ;_ ·_ ’ 356. Statement of balance sheet forwaxjded to Digector · Mint.~—··-—-It shall also be the éuty of the supeuntemlent to fc %ward_a correct statement ot hié balance sheet, qt the olose such settlement, to the Director of the Mint; who shall con pore the total amount of 89141 and silver bullion and com e hand with the total liabilities ot*the‘-mint. _At the same time statement of the ordinary expense ~· account, and the "inone; therein, shall also be Ymade by the superintendent. (B., 5 3643.) — - , · . — . _ 357. Delivery of coin or_ bars to deposito1·.·-—-When the com or bets wnicp mee the `equivalent to any deoostt qt bullion a.; xeady for delivery, they shell be mid to the depositor, A his order, by the superintendent; and the myments sha,11 I _macIe, it demanded, in the {order in which the bnllion sha novo been brought. to the mint. In eva, howeyer, whe: there is delay in ninnipulating e. refractory deposit, cit tot ·a1 other unavoidablepbause, the Nymntz of sumequxt deposit the yalue of whisk is known, shall not be delaied thereb

In the denomimtiond ot eoin delivered, the guperinténdgeu

shall comply; ivith the wi&1hes.ot·the`depositof,, exéept twm J . tmpfacwible or incmveuientatodo ao. (BQ 8. 5 3544.) ~

NEY FINANCE 998 § 358. Payment in money to deppsitors when valué asm. 2. tained.-——For the purposge of eniabling the several xnims mq- _ assay étiiccs of they United States tb nmlge tetmsns to J;·¤»$;. ng tors with as little delay as possible, it shall be the dui? ws

1- th0€Secretary of the Treasury to keep in SEQ!] mints and zwsny

ng 0mc.cs,— when the state of the '1‘rcasm·y will admit thereof. tum, lll an amount of public money, gr bulliim procured for mp Im, ht pose, as he shall judge convcpierit and nagzessary, out of x~,·&¤i(·s, 37 those who bring bullion to the said mints and assay ~zi1··v,, .. may, under such rules and yegulaticns as may be ,pre·s¢e.;·i1»¤; . lll by the said Scctctary, be paid the ialue thereof, ip win Q; ne bars, ..aS· soon as prgcticable after the value has beén 'asiw. gd tained. O_n yiiiymentthereof being. made, the bullion so d.·;,.,,_ lu ined shalt become the propértyjvf the United States, *5*;,, 5,; ‘ * Secretary of thé Txcusury may, bqwcver, at Huy- time vvit1¤1m·,·, ue thefund or zu1y_ portion thereof; (R. S. { 3545; June 19, m' `1878, 0. 329, § 1, 20 Stat. 191.) “ ~ " ' u- 359. Phjrment for bu1li0h’i¤ bein ccrtihcatcs.-'Ihe Sagsemry lt. of the Treasury may use, as tar is he may deem jt proper am] lu- expedient, for payment to depositors bf bullion at the sevemn ld mints and 'the assay ’0Bice ‘in_Ncw York, under such miles {mq by regulations ,as· he may prescribe, chin certificates, rep;·m»m. St irig coin 'in-. thé Treasury,."and`i§.sugd under the provisions of ll-. Section 428 of thi; title. (June 19, 1878, c, *329,5 l, 20 Sam. he 191; Mar. 3, 1879, c. 182,_§_ 1,20 Stat.  ;. Maxi 4,* 1911, an 2+0, · 1,· 36-Stut.1292,) __ .. ’ _ Y  » ‘ » . ? 7 360. Exchange of tmpgrtcd bullion `fpr Eh: bs:s.——Unp&zrxe»l gg, bullion i;i"g1y'bg exchanged at say. of the mints for hue lmw, it 0l1··SllCh· terms zihd conditions as may` be préscribed by the ng “Director ‘6f__.the Mint, with ‘the» approval at the Secretary or hg the?”Trcasury. _The Hneness, weight, audyalue _0f thé béllian ,1·- received hud given in cgcbange Shall in alf dcterhnineg ef- by' the_ mint assay. `The, chargé~tq the glep0s1t}>r·`!0r·re§¤i¤,g nt _0r parting shall not exceed that allowed had deducted for the he same 0[)(!l'Hti0IriH` the exchange ofunrehnéd for r@ned‘bul1i·m. Bc (*B»S.§,3546.)- _· ~ f_ _ ny, 361, Re6ni¤g_ gud pqyzip-g human.-+Re¤¤x¤g wa parting ar ‘ le-, bullion shalkbe égniried qt thé coirmgé mi,_hts*af_ Uf1i»té·¢1 iq Stgntesiand atfthe assay office QQ Néw York, and ithhakl he ` be lnwfn_;_,L,2t0 appiy - the moneys arising Imm charges cé{}ect;¢~·l' he -trpix;-1 depositors for [these pperations, hud `alscj the pr&·ee·<k< _· gle Gt sale. df by·p1r0dubts ,(spEut_ acids arising troém any gvjrppns n—~· bullion recovered in parting and rc6¤in§ pr ), pursuant cm ·t0 1aw,’s0`,`far as may be I}€C€SS&l'§,` to deirsnying in lull ahh ug expenses Jthpugcf, irxqludling labor, mgtepial, wnstage, and lem ·S¤ -011 sale ofggwcéps. hBut no part gt the memeyg hfyprqpriatwl 52. ·“fo;·‘thé,support of the coinage mints and dsmy gjjiccht $e·v¤; York xshslly be igaed tbhdefray the étpcnses bt parting hm! of reHi1i¤g‘bu1li0q.’ (·Jux;a,19, 1878, c; 3%, Q, *1, 20 Stgt.` 191; »r· July 7, 1&8, c. 571, § 1·, 30 Stat. 661) j ‘ · ,_ —. ` of 362. Sabah; exphmga af. mnpnrted bullm far Enh bars.=—-{ rn- When thehulllcn received shall not, in the Rmfwktc, be in on such proportiqn ot gold and silver is be gdmit at eccnamigjal u Z parting, or the necmsuy suhplies of aciqlé can ;w't be pgocufwi ys at rea,s0xmb1o_ rateé, uumrted bullion may be egzhanged for 8. Bde bars, as lprpvmed in segtimf 360 of this title. (Juni 19, » 1878, c. 3%, { 1, 20 Stht. 191.).` _ — . I { ns " 363; Apiay iéommiximerw-··T¢> secure hs due C0£lfol‘!I1§t¥ ig: rg ,th0 gold .§.Dd`.d1YQ1’ coins to their " ctivg `stindhrds at mae- 01* `nmggnd weight, the judge of the Diitriét Oourt for the Eastern be Distriét at Pennsylvania, the Camptréllgr of tim Curwncy; the all caskajfw of the am? cmce at New Yori, and such .perre t sous is the @1dmt shall, from time to time, designafa, shalt my gem: as asshy commimionem, at the mint in; Philédclphia, » tu ts, examine and test, in.-the pmsencah ot the Director at tha Mint, · U. this and weight of the mi¤,s· regerved by-the sevcmi nt miuts‘t¤r·thi• purpose, on the Wedhmday in Februahi w lthimiliy. and may pcmtimm `their meetihgs by admzirnment, if , °¤ec¤mry.· It A mnjcriw oi; the ¢0xhm§s,sionex·s·Q tail to ’atte¤¢i