Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1022

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§ 514 TITLE 81.-¥>-·M{)N§Y_·, T 514. Failure cfditsbnrsing cheer te |¢¢0HRt»?W]}€B€V€f any ir UOQCET cmpleyed in the civil, military, or naval service of the ix Gevernnient, to disburse th<5 public money, eppmpgietcd for cn . these branches ot the public seryiee, respectively, faileto render al his. accounts, or ic pay over, in the manuu and in the times p· lrequiredhy law, 01; by, the nxulationsjof thedwrtment to eg which he is aecountable, any sum of money xjemaining in' his. it hands, xt shall be the dqty*0t\the General Accounting Qmce, al -1:0 cause (0 be stated and certidedbthe faccennt at mich ·de1in¢· 01

 quant ohicer {to the Soyliciter of Ythe Trasury, who is hereby ti

authorized and required immediately to proceed against such 91 delinquent cimcer, in the banner directed `1u= qections 508 to 513 S1 ejrthis title. (R. S. §"3@3;;,Ji11y 31, 1894,.c. `1'Z4, { 4,28 Stat. az .eee;,Ju,ne 10,1921, ·c. 18, § 304,*42 $tat,“24.) · .’ ·' ik _. s1s. Exrmgwr er .pmvi¤i¤¤·m·.,dis¢¤e¤¤.,w¤&- u ' trusts.-~All the pmvmons relating to thé issuing ei a warrant, T of distress against a delinquent eQce1—— shall extend to evgery. °d~ 9§5c¤· OC the Govermxient lwith the `Q1sbu%e¤t of the 'S public money; and to [their sureties, in the same mnnnéf and, f< to the same extent . ag if they vycre- herein described and W wnmemted. (R. S.}-3&4.)-. ·. _ ·· _ " _ " n US! e 517. Pestponenxent- ·ef. ipreceedings for nonncccnntingw-I *" Wien the eppgovul ei the Secretary of `the Treeeuyy, the °' institution of proceedings by a warrant ‘e£\_distresé‘ may be- Wu 1 postponedytor a reesmhblc time, in eases Where, in hte opinion; E the *pub1ic·'integ·est will sustain no jinjurj by `such postpone- mem. (1:,3..; gms.} _ ° · - Q < f ‘_ -4; —' 518. Iniuncti0¤ te stay` diet1fess_wan‘•nt.——Any peréeir who Q ‘ ccnsidexjs himself gieveq by any waqsint oi distress iésueg T under the £0;·e¢0ing_ provisions may. prefer a gbill ,_ ct complaint . ; te any 'district. jndge of the United States, setting forth therein 34 xhe natnre unii {extent of theiirij uni of which `he comgbains; end thereupon the judge ntay grant, arg~injunction» to eta? ·u proceeding en such warrant altogether,. cr` for so much thereof ‘ I ns the nature of the case requires. But - na injunction shall g issue tillfthe ’pdr§;y`app1ying for it gives bend, with sumcienf F security, iin a sum. to be prescribed by the judge, ton the pet- ?° ezcmeme of such 3m1gme¤¢‘¤s, mybc gwnxjded against him; u ner shall the ct such injunction in any manner iinpain jthe Li® produced by·'t;bc_ issuing of the. wlarrgntg And the Q tame. shall be had on such iujunctiqn an in other 2 cnsea, except that ne answcz shall be necessary ·_0n thepart 0t_1` tm United States; and it, upon dissolving the injunction, e ' nppeurstc tm utisfscticn of the, judge their-the a tibn tor the injunction was merely for delay, the e may edd t0·'the_ intereét, aswell on all s _0undAne against a the complninant such damages es, w Rauch lawful interest, P shell not exeeedh the ·1·•té tqr 10 pexfcentum. an yedr. Such · · _ injunction may be granted or dissolved by the district jqdge _B' eithernin of out btcéurt. `(B. S. § 3636.) ‘ · _- " , bA ’ 519. Proceedings on distress.-——·When the district `judge fe- Y" tum to grant an injunction 'to stay procéegiings on a distress CW warrant, as 1 aforesaid, .0r diqeolvm such injunction- after if U ·is. granted, any person wb0 considers himself aggrieyed by_ the giecisipn in the premises may lay before the cincuit justice, It or circuit judge at the, circuit within which such district A _A lies, e copy of the pgeceedfng haq before the district judge ;· T and therenpen the circuit justice or circuit judge may grant ai an injunction, or permit an lappeal, as the- ease may be, it, rt] . in his opinion, theeequtty ot, the ease requires it. .(B.. S. d Q 3%*1 ; Mar. `3, 1911, c. @1, { 2&, 36 Stet. 1167.)' G _ 520. Rights of United Stptes réservecl.-—1¤T0thiu:‘ccntnined R in the provisions ot thts chapter relating to distress warmnta 3 ‘shal!:he construed to take awaynr impeir any right or remedy { which the United Statu might have, by Law, for the recovery of taxes, debts, er demands, .(R, S. S $$8.] ¢ 1 _ ‘ 3 521. Dutié eof cmccrp as at "pnblic memyswv- e1 The Treasure; of the United Statw, all depqsitarlesfdesignnted

AND 1~`·11v41v0¤¤ T 1008 n accqrclauce with. aectieu 476 ‘eftbis title, and those perfm·m~ ng` the dutiea of assistant treasurer, all eollectbrs of the rwtome, an surveyors qt the customs, actin: else as—¤¤um51~r T u reeeivera ct public mémeys épthe several land omcesg ai; estmasters, tang! all . public omeers er whatsoever _ chraréeter, re ,req·uiregisto keeiw safely, without leaning, tiring, . depositing {banks, br exchanging for-» other`%¤ds than _ aa speeigug ‘ llowed · by law, all {the ’public· xmmey collected by them, Q·,;Y .r tberwise at any time placed in their pememimn and cusmdv, ` 11 me Bame is‘ ordered, by the preper department be ofliéer ` tj the Goyermigent, to be transferred of "paid lctnt; and when ucl; orders ter transfer, or payrxrent are receired, faithfully nd proxpptlyr to make the semefaa directed, and to do" and pe;. Jrm allr other. dptiea aa tlscal agents ct the Gévemment which . my: be jmpéeed by- any law, or by any, regulation at the 'reasury Department made in conformity to law. The Presient, is authorized, lf in his epiniqsr the interest of the United tateq ·reqéires‘ the same,_ tb-Qregulate and the Sum >rywbich‘ bends are, or maybe, required by law; of all `distriez , ttorpeys, collectors ‘ of `e`i$te¤is,~ eomptrellers fof custeurs, and , urveyors of %@t0ms;~ Naiy Qaaftermastér General, F egistere dffmblic `lands, in the Army, and by ell . ther. qmcers remplcyed in the Qisbrirsement of Ztlre "pubzle j P iqixeys} under the direction bf the War br Navy Depert- ‘ nents. (R.- S. 5, 3639; Aug._-24;f1912é{é. 391; .5 3; 37 591} T

pr. 21, §l914, c. 72,__ 38 Stat. 358; Meyw, 1920,1
. .214, § 1,

1_ $tut.» §55;;Sept. 21; 1922,}:. 356, Title IY,.} 523, 42 Stat; _ 74.) `. _ . ’ — -. 522. `Tranéfer of moneys from- depesitaries te Treaeuryrg - 'he*_·Sécretary of the ?Treasury may; eicépt pg jprévjdedl ie action 523 of this title, transfer the moneyé ln the har;& et any epositary of public moneyé to the·"1‘rehsury· of United tates t}.¥?”t’h§j·C!Qd!t of the Treasurer; and he rmay transfer · nbneys in the hexgds bt_ ope depositary. to any other depwtary, - s the safety of the public moneys and the convenience of the ` dblic seryice shell sem to htm tq require. (RJ S. I, $640.) 523. Postal debosits: transfer.-—-The, Postmaster General nay transfer money belonging to the Ifostal Service between be Treasurer and dvsiznateil depqaltaries, at his disujetion, ( ‘§ nd ae the- safety ef; the mblic money and the convenience of he seriice may require. (B,. _S. { 3641i May Q, -1920, e. 214, ·1,gLStat.%5.)_ { ‘ . v ·_ . T A

  • 5%. Same;_‘ accquta.¤¥Every depositary. aball kmp his acmmt of the money paieltq or deposited vwith htm, belonging

J- the Pest Omcenepartment, separate and distinct {rem the · ccpunt kept by.._ him ot other publie moneys ee paid or gleosited. (_R.‘S.§3642.)~_ _ _ I — l _` 525.·‘iE¤try di each deposit, transfer, a11d—paymeat.—·-··All perrms- charged by jaw with the aatekeeplng, transfer, and disursemenlr of the public ·‘ moneys, other than those connected rith the Post 'Omce -Demrtment,_ are required te keep ap ec-· urate entry pf_ each sum received, and of each payment or muster. _(R.`S. [SMB.) Q ‘ . . 526, Public moneys, in Treagury and depeaitarim aabject te raft of Trcaanrrer.;-;·A1l ngmneys paid intotge Treasury of the . Iuited, States shelf be sqbject fo the draft of the Treasurer; . md for the purpese- of payments eh the public account the reasurer is authorized tb draw;. upon any ot the depoeltarles. s be may thinimcet nduclve tb the publib iuterestmnd to be convenience et theggublic creditors- Each dwltary so rawq upon shall make returzia to the Trmury- and Post IECG Departments of all m0¤¢Y¤ received and paid by him, t such times and in such Terms as shall be directed by the eeretary of the Treasury be the Postmaster Gerxeml., (R. S} 527. Prawntment of drafta.-—-It shell be the duty of the ecretary bf the Treasury to issue and publish regulations to nfotca the speedy presentation of all _Gevernment `drafts, for ; aymeut, at the place where payable, and ge preeéribo tho