Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1024

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1{llTI»B_`81.-·-··-HONEY · 538.. Supxei idiustmmt of llahélitim viith ncoeunte;-The 3 General Aeeoxmtirig O§ce shall declare the, sums dine from ¢sevenl_special~epprop1—ietions upon eorewete voixehers, as prior to Jesse 5, M20, weeording to law ; hed sa1do&m shall adjuettlie v mid liabilities with the “Army account of §dV&!I0€·S.” - (June 5, 1929, c. 2»;0, 41 Stat. @75; June 16, 1921, 'c._i8,¢ § 391. 42 Stat. 2539. Reqdisitirms of Secretarry, of Navy for advsmoesr-:Thé_ Seeretery of the Navy uidy, issue his requisitions for adva.uces“ to idisberslug o§cers ap;} agents of the'»Nary under —a "‘ Generel seeotmt of advar1ces,". not to exceed the tota1"_appr0p.rjaption for the Korg, the amount so advanced to be exclusively used to per current obligations upor1oproper»vouehers‘for_" Pay] not the News " ,-shell be used only for` ltsvlegitimate purpose, as prorided by law. _ (June 19, 18*28, c. 312, 5 1, 20 167,) 54d. Same; here chirged.—=The amount so advsneed shell, _w, charged `to the proper appropriations, and ‘ returned to. "‘ General account of advances " by pay and ,countervp·g1rrdrjt; . the said charge, . however, to mrtleularl appropriations, shall ‘ be liplited to the omou:1t·ap_propfiated·t0 each. (June 19, 1STS,_c.312,'§2, 20-Stgt,·1§7,) _ , e _ - · ‘ $41. Sdwe; settlement of accomrtsr-The —,Genera1·Aec0ur1ting 0Eee shall declare the sums dl1€’·f1'0II1 `therseveral special ·` o appropriations upon z complete vouchers aegording to law; edd , w shell adjust the said liabilities with Lthe “General account of . edve.eees."’ (June 19, 1878,}:. 3),2, .§' 3, 20 Stat, 7168; `June 10, 1921, e, *18, § 304, 42 Stet. 24.) __ ~ _ l ’~· `_ · __ 542. Partial payments- on iressels for Treasury Deparb ment; lien.-—rThe Secretary of the Treasury mey‘make`_ partial ’ ‘ peymeuts, fred time to time, "nipon till pcontrsets made after or existing May‘5,·1894,·fo1*,the coustructionof vessels for the Treasury Department, but not in. exeess of- 75 per eexltum- E of the- amount of the valhe of the rvork’ already done ; and eontreets made after said date shall provide for a llesjupou. such vessels for all adveneesrso made:. Progvidéd, That nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize anypartial pay-’ meets, except on contracts stipulatiug for the same end then only ip- accordance with such eonitreet stipulation. -(May 5, p` _a1894; No. 24, % Stat. 582;) . - 4 . * ·` 543. Exchange of finds restrlg:ted.·-——No exchsxige of funds shell be made by any dislpursing ofdcer or agent of the Govemq 'zeent, of.- any grade or `dQf10millHtiOI} ·whatsoever,"0r connected _ with any branch of (the public service, other thaxrau exclfaege for gold, silver, United States notes, and nationallbemk notes; l add everrfsueh disbursing omeer, $%21(QIl,~@}1€i1i1€&l1.S for his dis-_. tuxrsements are furnished to him lnsgold, silver, United States notes, or ilatiosal-lzmak notes, shall haake his Vpaymernts in the ‘ meneys ss°zm·s1s1lea; or when they are e :m·¤ishéo to_ him lur dréfts, sllel1"cz1(1se·tl1ose”drafts to Be` presented at their place of [¥&§’{Hlé11{,`S!ld properlyvpeid according to law, and shall make ‘ his peymeiits in the mosey sotreeeived for the drafts furnished, unless, in either ease, he`can·exehar:ge. the means in his haxids for gold and silver at par; And it shall be theddty of the heed · or the proper department immediately to suspend from duty; enyodisbursing odlcer or agent who violates the provisions of this sectiop, and forthwith to report the xremeof the omeer or agent to the President, with the __fe·=et of the violation, and all the circumstances seeoélpenylng the"sdme,, and within the knowledge of the Secretary, to the end that suchoweer or agent me.y’ be promptly remoyed from odlee, or restored to] his trust and the performance, of his duties, as the President may deem? just, · and proper. (K. S, {@51.) do p . W . , 544, Premiemi nm ales of public moneys tei be neecmitedi ferl——-No ethoer/of the United States shell,»elther directly ora iudlrmtly, sell or dispose of to any person, for a._ premium, any . Treasury, note, draft, warrant, or other publie seem-ity, not his i private property, orlsell or dlswxxf the- svnlls or proceeds of { such note, draft, warrant, or security, imithis hands for disburse-

4Nn~_.r·.w.urc¤ , 1010 t · mgt, iwithout return of such, premium, and écéounting ~ - { tborafor by cmxgiag the aamo in his k accounts to 'tho crcditi I of the ·U¤itod· States; and any *o@cor violadag this? section shall botortl1witl;·diamismd from o@ce. (R/S.} SM2.) ‘ ·_ 545. Egpcnscs of o agwts.¥·4'I?lic’ o1T»ccra, rowcctively, whmo datyjt ia made by this chapter to roccivonkeop, or dis. lmfao the public moneys, as the -§oca1 agents of the Govommoot, _;3;tay.» be allowed any nocmary addltiooal expenses my tlxjoproot, chests or vaults, or other . necessary oxpcum of col- 1ecting,_-aafokoopihg, transferring, oc disbursiaé the monoyo; but all such expenses of ovary character shall bc r3rst.ox;>z·oa§1y· · authorized byitilc Secretary of to Txjwsuiy, whose diroctiona upon all 'tho__abowo”_ aabjocts,f’by way of __rcgolatioa sad .otho:- wise, so for as autlxorizéd by 1aw,_shalI be strictly followed by all tho 'o§ccrs.j Bat no part of tho money, appropriatpoid for tho p¤@,smva axontionodshall bé oxpoaéiod fogoloricai sorvicea or payment of oxhploycgo otaoy aatoro or grade. (HPS, 5 3653; Aug. '7, 1882, .c._ 433, 22 Stat. 312; Jaa.r`2,‘1925, o. 87, . ." 43Stat.767.)-. ` · .. · 546. ‘Appropriatioa§ fom ccaxraction of 'pwblic. baiwags; ;. disbursca1cnt,e¥A1l"disbursements of money appropriated for tho; construction. of public buildings. under the control of th~o·· Treasury Department shall be made; by tm Tréaoary ‘Dopart·-N , mont at _Washi¤gton, District of Columbia, except M (cues of publgc `buildihgsr located · so remote from sat of govern- . mont as to occasion rby.uoduodo1ay_in bil'- ments to contractors. In ovary auch excoptioaaluoo Sooretary of ,tl1o·_Troasury_’xhay; in his_/discretion, roqairo the collector of customs at or noaresttho place where such bmlding ia being constructed to make tho disbursement, aa r[31'Q¥I@d“` ia S€Cti0l1;70`(lf Title 5, but in such exceptional csaea uoaooxooao ‘ compensation ahall lie paid to any colloato; of custom {or " disbursements made hereunder; and I no compwSat1oa°or *oom— _m’iss*iona shall bealiowod for thé .d1sburacma¤t'o£_a¤y appéo- priation for the c`oostmc!:io11,_oxtoi1a1on, éalargomaat, romoécle ing, org repairs ofauy publicbullding omlor tho control. or the Treasury Department, oxcopt to disburslag agoata appoiatmi before March 4, 1911, and who haro qaalifiod by giving bonds, (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 2So, 5 1:36 Stat. 1387.) · V ¥ l V * , 547; Disposition-of trust frmda received from fordga gov- I ornaments for `citizcas of United Stiles.--—-All moneys mocivod _ by the Secretary of Staté from foreign govommoots and other songrcos; in trust for citizens. of tho United" Statw or others, shall `be dt?[)0Sit€(}"£li1d coyérod `into. thoi,'1‘roaam·y.· f ‘ J The Secretary ot State shall tlotoxjmioo tha aaxoonts doo claimants, respectively, from! each _- of auch! trust funds; and . certify thosamo to tho Secretary- of tho Troaaory, who shall, upon tho prosontation of tho qeroocatga of the Secretary of State, the-amouxmts so fotmd to be doo. · " . 5 Each of tllé trust foods éoyercd into tho Treasury aa aforesaid is hereby appropriatoddor the payment to the ascortaiaod boinofioiarios thereof of tho cortitlcatos heroin provided tor. (Feb. 27, 1§96,.c. 34, ® Stat. 32.]) . ; { _ · 548; Examination of dopoaitarioa.—·-The _So<:rotary· ot tho Treasury ia authorizétl to caoso oxamioatioaa to bommaéo jot [tho- books, accounts, and moaoy on hand, of tho sovcral dopositarioé ;‘ and for that purw to appoint special agents,. as occasion may require, with auch compoosatiou, not xéxccodiog $6 por day and traveling oxpaoaca an ho. may think rmaooablo,. . to be Exod and declared at tho tlmo of woo appoiatmoht. Tho ` agent palcctod to maké those examinations aliall be instructed to examine aaa ¢wo11 tho books, accooats; and roturoo of tha o@car, as tho money oh hood, A tho ot itc boipj kept, to tho Hood that uniformity, and accuracy in the accounts, as woll .a¤ anfcty to tho public tooooya, may be aoourcgl thereby. (B.S.I“%49.)_` l J .· 542. Binminlstion of accooats of custodians, of. public non¢ys.—·#-In ndditioo to- tha oululiflttions providcd for in soc-