Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1029

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1015 :r1a·LE ‘31.·—-~MON. wittvd separatdy. (July 1, 1882, c. 262, 22 Stat. 133; Mar. 3, ` ; 5u>5, e._1484, 5 1, 33 Stat. 1214; May 24, 1924, q, h182,"§ 1, gg Stat.1-10.) l ‘" ._ 604. Same; for river and harbor improvements.-Tl1e_ Secwmyy of Wai sbi1`11.·'¤1uuua1ly submit estimates in detau fo; yiwr mid harbor improvemezips required fo1g.tbc ensuing fiscal war ti} the Bureau ·of the Budget to be included in··and cat-

·i¤d into the sixm total of, the Budget. (June 4,` 1897, c. 2,
 1, :;0 Stat. 48; June 10, 1921, c. 18i 5 215, 42 Stat. 23,) _

605. Same; fur conétruction of modernization of bat-

{‘l·ics.-·—I<},<ai1nutes·sl`mH not be submitted to Congress for an
·x·§priati0us fdr construction of gun gud-1p0rtar’-battéries,

3 . qwuizing older cmplacgments, ap;} other construction under {hc ‘1-lxagimber Department, in. connection with fQl;tiHQ&ti0D§,.”uDti] ` ;zs`t¢-1* p1zms’ and estimates ofcost, shall hhie been prepared znwéfer. (Fe-b. 13Q 1913, c. 51,.37 Stht. 6,71.) . : ‘ , _ ‘ ·

 606. Same} fm; fortifications; for insular p0as¢ssitms.——Al1

¤·»simates_ for fortiiigzations for insular possessions of the United 'Smtus shallbg made and 'submittedto Congress showingamoum `pmpused to be enrpended at each harbor In each insular posses sion. (Maxi 3, 1905,5; 1402,.33 Sta;. 847.) " _ . . 1 _ ~ A 609. Same; statements ins, of number" and. salakies "of_ perq sons employgd under appropriations (cr ixicresde of N •vy.— ifsuall be the duty of the! Secretary 0t_thé Navy tosixbmit in me estimatcs,‘under the respective bureaus and omcgas of the Navy `Depairtment, h statement Jlnldetdil, épqwing the number mf yiérsous. employed during the previous Hsgnf year and the rate wof compeusatiouj of -each· under appropriations fo1·#"I¤- <·re·:1¤e of the Navy " or, other general appropriations. (Apr. 11, 1900, c..192, § 1, Q1 Stint. 117; June 10; 1921, c.4 18; 5 204, 42 _ Stat. 21.) · . » N _—/ U l _‘

 610., Same; ·foi· Post 9Ecc Depirtmgnt.-—There shall bé sub

witted tofC0pgress at eachnnnuul s$siop an estimate 0t_the umnunt that will be required by the Post 0Ece Departmehj fur the ensuing fiscal yeah under each of the following heads: First. Transportation of thé uiails. · ` Second. {Compensation ot pcstmastcrs; '1`hird, Compensation ot clerks in post. bmces. F<»urt;h_._C0mpcnSation of letter carriers. _F . Fifth. Compensation ot blank agents and assistaufb. Sixth. Mail` depredntioins dtd spe<;l¤l`.•ge11t8. Seventh. Postage stampw and envelopes. - . Eighqii ·Sbip,_ steamboat; and way letters.- Ninn:. Déad letters.- ° " Tenth. [til bags.? _ Bleéeath. Mail {locks, pegs, spd stamps. _ _ _ Twe{tth. Wrapgiug paper; Y ‘ Thirtmth. 0Mcs furniture. -. A Fourteenth. Advertising; _ - _ —Fitfee¤th. B tc' foreign countries. _ _ Sixteenth. Rmt, fight, and tual for post omccs. Sevénteeuth. Stndomry. ._ I ,__ Fiiglateentgg Miscgllgneosg. _ _  » _ ééuch estimates ihnu show th>¤{'ms· paid under each bead. and the name; ét the · »  : · to hem paymeqt warp made out ut ghe gisce1;n¤mus’ fund; but the games of persona employed in dotecdu dwredntmm qu tm mill, and 01 other coxxédeutialggeuti, need not be disclmd, .(B.· S., I 3668.)$ Q 611. Sane; for Rnihuy Mail Sc¤·im.·--·m- making eitimatee for Rnuwqi the estimate tor. wtvicn shall {mm the gmanl and in mls any iucruse or dh M ll iifi0"ifiif “1f M by be made by the Pqnmismr. {ha thmtor shell be given in his ammnl Report next miscssdiug meh incrgua or dimi:mt.1gn." (Mu·..‘_3, 1879, c. 18% § 1, % Stat. 867.) 6i2.‘ Same; Geological Survey.-—The cstimstés mf thé G90- lcgicnl Survey shall be 1{amised, and {hare

EY AND FINANCE § 618 ._ in the annual Budget, hunder each item of appropriation. under ¤ "Geneml. expenses -017 the Geeléigical Surve5j," notes showing the number ot persons employed and the rate of compensation · paid to each` from each gt said appropriations during the fiseei P year next preceding the fiscal yearfor which estimates are L submitted. (Mar. 3, 1887, c. 382, 24 _Stet. 527 ; June 28, 1902, - c. 1301,} 1, .32 Stat. 5155; June 10, 1921, c. 18, 5 204, 42 Stat. ` 613. Same; for Indian *nppropri¤tions.—The estimates fm; ' appropriations for the Indian Service Xshell be presented in such " forni a,s_ td show the amounts tequired for each qt the agencies ’ in the several States or Territories, °and‘for shid State; and Ter-

  • iritories, respectively, and shall be accompanied by a detailed

[ statement, classified. in the manner prescribed in section 688 ef { this etitle, showing the ‘pu¤p“oses for which the appropriations _ are required. ‘(Aug. 15, 1876, c. 289, 5 4, 19 Stat. 200; June 36; P 1913, c,.4, $26,38 Stat. 103;) · < ‘ t , _

614. Safue; fer natienel perks
——fI‘he Secretary ot ihé Interior shall submit in the annual estimates, following the esti-

` mites for eacheot the nationnl parks, e claesiiied statement er the receipts and expenditdtes fof the complete Hscal year next pre- °` ceding the fiscal year for which estimuteeof eppr0priatiens`m·e ` submitted. (Mai-. 4,1911, c. 285, 5* 1, 36 Stat. 1421; June 10, { 19214:.18, 5 204,42'Stat.21.) . ‘~ `K -’ h, Q 615. Same; forexpenseq nf insulhr and territorial ‘ affairs L. fwithin jurisdiction `of Department ~ 01* J¤stice.——Estimatee {er

appropriations fer defreying the nee ry expensesincurred in

thehcondluct ot insular and other texj torial matters aud·aiIa;ix·s [ within the jurisdiction of the De rtxnent of Justice, inch£d· " ing the payment neci->ssary.emp1nyees at the seat of govern- - ment or elsewhere, shall be submitted in detail under legisla-

 tive; executive, end judicial expenses. (Mai;. 3, 1905, 0. 1-183,

§¤1,33§mr.120e.) - _ _

 616., Sannej for expenses of `gevemnent in Territories.--

Estimates fer expenses of government in the Territories shall » be¤submitted_;thr0ugh and he subject to revisionby the Depart; t ment ot the Interior. (Julyd 16, 1914, c. 1=_t1, 5 1, 38 Stat. 479.) _617. Shane} estimates for Depnrtmwtef "ZAg;i~¢nltnre.——-—The Secretary of Agriculture ~ shall · transmit to in the annual estimates detailed estimates for all executive o§cei·e,· clerks, ’and employees below the grade ot clerk, indienting the salary or compensation of eech, ne ry. to be employed by ·. the vgriona bnfeaus, omceé, and divisiens of the Department ot Agricnltube, and with such estimates shal1_be, included*a state·__ ment Gtjall executive omcers, clerks, and empleyem below the

rede`,p£‘ clerk who rpey have been employed during the last

, completed Decal year en any lump-mm appropriation Tor the de@tment,··_and- the salary or compensgtien of each, and t a statement showing what proportion dt this ._ei>pr0prIatien is pqid tot the qndrtera eccupiw by the variéus branches et the _ t department. __(June 3, -1902, ee 985, 32 Stat. 303; Mar. 4, 1815, _ `c. 144, 38 Stat. 1108; _Au¢.`11, $16, 5:. 313, 39 Stat. 492; June , 10,1*921, eg. 18, l 204, 42e8tat._ 21.) — " _ r ·618."S•ie; for Lighthouse Estabiishngt.-·There eball be I shbmtted in the &D¤\I&I‘Blld§0C,d\l'l1d&l’ each, item et appro- P iprintion under. the hadn! i" Bureau ot Lighthouwsf notes ‘ shewws" the nnmbexé of `persons employed and the rate ot com-. E » penntion paid tq uch from uch ot said appropriations during n the Meal year néxt pifeeeding the Hagel year ten which esti- » mates are submitted, and following each estimate statements , V stihnxitted showing the amount required for each obl ject et expe·¤diture“·_me:§tion&,i¤ each of. Said estimatee, t8- " r zether with a. statement et the €X§€%¥1dfHl¥°8 under each ot 8\R'2h`0bj&Cf8·fo1‘ the_¤ecal‘yenr‘ terminated next preceding the · gperiod of submitttng egid wtlmates. (Jnne 28, 1902; c. 1301, l I 1, 82_.Stit. lwglune 17,1910, c. 301, ~§ 4, 36 Stat, 537;"