Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1034

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§ 67 2` g=i1·Lé\,s1.-4uom or `materials. · (Feb. 14,1902, 5:.,17, § 1, 32~ Stat,. 26; Jurle 10, 1921,1:. 18;`§ 42 Stat.`§4.)‘ l ° _ _ _ { _ · ` e 672. ‘·Expexrses of ccmmiésions a inqpiries.—-·No accounting ` or qisbursiug officer pi the Gov 'slléll allow or pay any account 01{cliarge whatever, growing out ot, or 'in any way comleéted W’iH1,·éHY. commission-- or inquiry, except°·com'ts; xmxrtial- sor gourts ot iuqairy in fhe military or naval serviw · of the United States, _`uptjH. special appropriatlpxrs shall have Kbeen made by laiv to pay such HECOHDCS auil charges. P This a— section, ‘h0we·ver, $$1 not exte to the contingeixt fund con- ‘· neeted with Ethe foreign i1:gter%`se_of_ the Goverxmleut, placeil at tlxedisposal of the ;Prwd t.` (RL S.-§ 3681.) · ?` _" · 673. Use of public moneys or appropxjiaticns for eompends-» g tioin or expenses of c0mmis$ion;·g1etaiis.'_fr0m executive depart- __ · faentato sueh eammissiorn prohibiiede-—No part ot the pitblic ` moneys, or of ani? appropriation imzfde by Congress, shall used -for the payment of compensation yor__ egrpenses of shy commission, council, board, oreotller similar; body, or *any_1pembers thereof, or for expenses in connection with any rvork or ‘the`~results` of any Work or action of ani cmmwissio¤,·coumcil, board, or other similar body, $1}€$_I‘Hl€ c1·&tlou »ot~·th_e· same shall be or-.sha1l·§ai;e_;-been .autho1:ize§i by law; nqri sh·a1I·tKere , be emp1o§ed`jby°_de1ail,*hereafteroor heretofore made,.for otherwise personal serjr·ices`from any executive department or other Government establlishmen-t Qin, crgmnectioxl with· any such com missicxycouncil, board, or other slinilar body. ,(Mai·.` ,4, 1909 4;. 29a, 5 9,35 sm. '1027.~)‘ ‘ _· _ r , , 674. Restricthmsimi contingent np§$ropriations#—-No xpouelyé appropriated for contingent, inei{1enta1,° or miseelianepus pur rposes shall be expended or paid for o$dal of clerical compel; sation, (Bl S.-§/36S2.)·,‘ l S . ._ ° _

675; Purchases from confingept fu¤ds.eF—Exg·ept as otherwiék

‘ provided. no part of the contingent fmld_ appropriatek1,`to_ aa; department, bureau, or "o@e, shall be applied to the purchase of a1fy articles except such as the head of the department yshal deem necessary ahd. proper to curryf on gthe t{\1Si»l}0Sr§ of the do partmeut,`b1il·eau, or oH·ice,`_and, ”éhal1,`liy written order, direc to be procured. '(R.·S. '§ 3683.) *· __ ” __· ·` . 676.. Purchases bi Depgufment of ’ Cam_m€"rce.¥·Section.’ 675 of this title shall poi liapplyl to any pgrclgasé iiiade by __the Departmexlfwaf Commerce wher} Jthe l1gg!¥ég8•té:éIlQ\1§j_1tjlPl\’OlY€1 does, uovexeaeague sum oaf $25. . (Mu1•."$, 1921,;:. 124, '§ 1 41Stat.1303.)‘.· · . ·_ 677. Expendiiére of appropriation for eontingent expcnéa of `Poqt /Department;-———The` appropriations for the cou tiugept expenses at the Post Oilice .Depa1*i;meuf; shall be ex peuded as lspécially dlreoted -11; the law, and according to tu appropriations for the it,e¤1 apéciiiéally named, wld no 11101lQy appropriated for the specme purmses named under the Head o ` _ “For eoatingem; expenses of thejost Omoo Department " sha] ~ 5 be diverted from one purpose. to another; and all moneyé un " expended for one or more specidc purposes shall be turlled lub .'the '1`reamuy, and not expended,. lij the superintendent am disbursixzg otlleer, for any object or purpose,whatsoJever poihe jhap the awl§c·.on»es named id the appropriation for'. th "·Con£lngont expenses of the Post 0Ece Departmeut." (lun 19, 1878,-c. 829, { 1, 29 Stat. E3.) * ~ . , -678. Purchases ofbpoks from appropriations for eégrtlngen eztpenses.-——-Law books, books ot refereueep and periodicals to _ use of any exeixutive departmezit, or other Government, esta}: hshmeat not underjp executive department, at me ieat c ·Govemme11t, shall not be purchawd or paid Sor from any dp .pmpriati;m made for zzoxitsingeut expenses or for my speci!} or. general purpose- unless `such purcliaso is n¤\fb¤rlsed an payuyent therefor specitleally provided in the law grantlm Q appropriation; (M&r._16; 1898, d 88, { A8`, 80 Stat. 81§,)‘ _ 679. Expenditure from &ppi·opri•tlou_fcr private Mak —'serviee.———·Exee;>t as otherwiw provided by law, po appr: priated I?]·811Y Acl: s.l1¤li· be expeurled foX'CBl§D}10h| |•;'_[1¤

IY AND —F[N.·£NOE_§ 1020 jnitgtled in guy `prtvate rcqdgnce or private apartment or my tclls or other charges - mx- telephone service _ fiom private resi-, dances; cr private ggartments, _ except Jim:. loqgéhiétamfe teh?- -· plgoné · tolls required strictly for the public business, and so

 by mxichers- duli swam to and appéoved by the hem

·_bf_ the- department, division, ’bm·em;1, or otmse in which `the otiiciul using such telegihonc or incimsing the, expense of su<;h' t<>1k¤-¤hd11 be émpivycil (Ang; 23; 1912. c. 350, §;7,__37 Stat. 414.) * ·» 4 - · U · c

 686.. Same; when slldwéé,-·The provisions df section 679 of

. this title, o1··hi1y·qther law, prchibitiizg the expenditm·e· pt imblie money for J telephciné SBICVRE installed in private r@idcu&:es," Shall u0t= be construed t0_ apply to or.forbid tk imtnhatiém ‘ and. use'. of such télephcines as the Chic! ct ‘Ei1§!RE£1’S may cc1it2fy_tc be ‘necessa—r$r -'t<ir the prosecution of Government »· bugsineps iudis ot War maylauthorim in éonuees Q tikpnewithj the jcqnstructién and operation io! locks arid dams in -‘ the navigable; wgters of tbg Uuitéd Smtcs. (Sept. 22, 1922; c. ‘ 427, Q 7,42=3St¤tl1042Q)` . ‘ ¥. `'`‘ . _68L Buiidingé index ééntml of Treaswy Dwsrtnent.-——A1l e qpprqyiiaticus fc; public buildixggs -uudc·1;‘the ccutmi qt the e Tpeqsury Department shall be acaihble °im@iate1y upon - ·_the approval 015 the Act Qcontaiuingjmch sppropriauousc _ (R; S. _ · .682. Appr®priati6¤s*f¤i< ppblic__·b¤i1§us svnilaH¢ nmtil , of ·work.—¥—All‘ méueys &.DDi’<>Briated· ict. the cem- ' S*I;1‘ucti0¤ of public buildings shalt znemainelavatiablec tmtii the - 3 completion of the ·wbrk_.fdr qhich they irc, `érr may be, up- · Apropriated; zi¤k1`i:p0u‘ the §¤a1_c0~mp1cti0¤ at exch or any of Y _S&id bdi·1d}ngs,¢and the payment ct a11 outstméing liabilitieé Q therefor, the balnncélor balances 1jemat¤iizg?_shnll be‘.immeé1· z' utégly cove-.—r¢¤;d 1¤t0_the·1`reusury. (June 23, 1874, c. @76, § 1, ` V 18 Stat. 275.) _ ~ _ _·‘*' {" . a 683; Appropriations for public builéings •vsihSl¢ maly few 1 purpgisu speciécahy cnunentcd;- I$!8t¢_ In ad- V ministratiyc» work; npp$tm¢hts.-lThe apprwtintions made f, tc carry into eifcct the provisions at lcgiskaticn apttroridag the' acquiéiqonl of land fm-. sitcsiqr phbfic butld1m`0r· eri- 5 igrgement thereof, `or {gi; the constgucticnf enlargement, extena· sion, xemodehng, or special repairs of public b¤H&¤gs mdci 1 the_ control of the heaéury _ Ikpartmenty shgll be deemed tc », be» available only for the purposes spécincéiiy emxmemtged in ‘saidWlegis1ati9n, and the Secretary of the Tfe£mry’s11al1`·st1b· s mit td C0¤g¤& annually dctaileé estimates a£~nppmpr'i¤tiqns + nccéssmry for dcfrdyiug al1.cxpe¤8es, both in the .c&ce°c£ the

· Supervising Architect and in the ,iield,=0t_ everrmd gm! char-5

as zmtet incident t0,_ oc ·rc<iuisite `for, the administrative wogk of s. carrying intq réfect the provisions of pinblic-builwg Acts, S0 ·f far as the sémc misty for Imblicz builqzimzu wxmdcr tihexcqntmt of ll the Trmsury Dcmrtmcht, such to be in adciftiqh 1-· to gud `separate and-apart from the·_mtix;;dtm er apprdpristioné 0 p;·0vidi11g‘•pecihca!1y , mimics of cei‘taip`i0mccrs and d employees in theo c 0 the Sépcrvimiz Architect. _’1%c gpl 1*- -pr0priati01is cm! qaid_ _ dminigttmtiyq grcrk, whe;1 madé, shall u be immediatgly available for such personal se1·€ices_é.ud_·a11 e atheist expenses and supplies, t for émce and Edd work, ps the Secretary ot the Trmsury y gud specially tt crdcr or approve to carry into emsct the ons ot Acts re· 1- iatinz to the acquisition ct land me @t$ or the Qnlnigcment »· thereot, br tai the constructkm, en1%emé¤t, extension, »t‘ modeling, or `ipecial remix ° ¤f_ publ {buildings under the »-- ccmtfoi ct Treasury Department,-tincluding the annual up- ,6 prepriatiéw tmdwer the 'cchtrél at the Supervising Architect; d That meh pcrsonyas may .be`reg¤1prIy Appointed .a and gud from such apprépsiaticps paul! be subject, in _¤l1 ·. rspects. to me laws; rules and rqulmom entrancg ; c into cr separation tmthn at thor United r- Into:. and shall bp cnly mths cmcc of the Super-- zg Axjcpigect .0; lg yogk of construction and repairj