Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/104

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§ 15 TITLE `?.--—·~¥AG1i


15.`Pmvisi<>—1;s of Intérstatc COI!1¥B§I‘£€· Act made appli- t cab¥c.~—-·—F¤i>1= the purpose of securing ctfemive cnfcrccnmnt of the iz

rm·isi4;ms of this ch
»1§ter, tim pmvisi<msQ_ imxludiug }}(!IIi1].fii€S, Q1.

nf $€*(‘ii*Q1i 12 éf Title 49, JTr:1;isp0rt:atian, re1h‘tirrg to the ”a·t:tendzmbae am;} feétimlmyg of witnesses, the pmductiou ()£· (i(`i»(i’Y:1m»€3I1— li iérgs cwideuce, and the immuxzitzy of \\`i{I}€SSPS;8,1’€ made appl?. 0

  1. ·abi+.2 au the power, jurisdictibn, a1ad#z1u th0rity of the Seéxcetzxry 8

uf Agzrimalture, `the said lcommissipm, or Sah;} referee in pro- c cwdixzggs gmierwthig clxaptef, and to pcrrsons subject to its prgi 0 visigms; (—Se·;j~t. 21, 1*922, é. 369, 6, 42 Stat. 1191.) __ 11 i5. Canpcratiun by Sacretarywrith other agencies, Govern- v ment, Siam, cvtc.; appointment, lremcvali and compen$ation· t· af a§icers wud égents; éxpéuses; a;$pi·0priation.—Tha {Score- 0 mr; of A§§f§Q11].U.}1`€ may cooperate with a11yjc1e;w:1rt11gc11for h agney of the Gm·erm¤c11t, any State, Territory, Disixict, or t; gmswssiozx, br departme£1t, sgex*1cy,·0i1_ poiitical ; sL;¥1diyision_ I1 t1§{—s:·e~<,>f, cr may person`; and 511311 have the power t0_ V,ap— I paint, `imucve, and Hx the comjsénsatitm _0f such officers ,am1 11 empkayeas, not in c<mflict_x¥vith_ éxistingjmv, émd `makc {such a cxp<>miit1;1reS fb: rent outside the District of Columlfia, pri11t- ing,"i*2lég;ra1rxs, miephoxxes, law books, b00ks— of I‘€f€l#QI1Q€, peri- t; adicgis, fm·_niture,` smtidncry, 'qHig2é,_e<;uip1nci1»t, travel, and if nther supplies and expenses as $1}:111 he _11ecessary to @ihe' ag1—' 4; mmistrzxticn of this 9-hépte1·_-inaihe District of C01l`l‘lllbi_£l_8D'd§Z 3 a1sewh—ere, and tlxérg aréi um·epy` autherfzgd to be appro-, 4, primed, out of may moneys in the 1‘réas::;1ry‘r;0t 0th€1‘Vé’iS0‘&[)i· 1] pmpriated, sud: sums as»m:1y-be hecessary for such pu;‘p0scS-. 0 (Sept. 21,`1*.322,·c. 369{.§ 12% g42“Staf. 1(}03.)‘ " _ U ’ MC- - 17._E§`¢¢t bf partial invalidity of chapte1·.———If any prnvi4 I, sion of this chapte; qzr the application thereof to imy péxjsim H or ciftcumstaxaces is heh} invaiid; the validity of the·,remaim1ef O of the grhapter andfbéf __the ixpplicsxtinn of such prfpvisioq t0_‘ 0 " other persmxs and CH`CllII1St&liCff§S,_~S}l{l1i not be affécted there- c by ¢ (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 369,5 10, 42 Stat. 1003.) I U Chaptér 2.e-q+COTTON STANDARDS ACT. T" Sec. · “ · ·` 1 51. Short titlgr of éhaptexn. . _ . _ . Q 5*31.- Use of i§QIlGiE(2i&] ·stand:u·d5V"_pi·ohibi{ed; sales by sampk; gxccpthed. U 53, Licensing clzxssiflers; 1-cvocgticm and sg1sp‘ansi¢,»n of license. · il 54. 'C1H3§i§§‘J'&¥i0I1 by Depagtmgnt 0t"Agricu}tuiie":`k éertification thereof; ·e ¤ amt-<·rt of certiiicate; regulations for classification. _ 55. .C_km·g¢s for lice¤scs and ·cl:1ssitic&tim1s; disposition Of.·&`l1il()!l(?}’$. lf `*56.`?Estgb1ish¤1Te ut_0f cotton standards; fuynislxixxg, copies of estnbi ” lishéd stzmdards_s01d.) _ __ . _ _' _ " -n 57.* i)isp0siti¤mfaf pfcceeds of salejof cotton and of copies. of sigmdards. lf 58. General hgspcctxon am} samphng of cointen. _ - 59,VQmmse»s °i¤ relation to cotta;.} standards. , · if GG, I‘eué}t·ics for- violations; ’ 1; $1. €§e:ag=·ral~ rcguiatiops,. investigations, tésts. Mc., by Secretary. H {32. Bcwaiticns; "pm·s0¤ "; " commerce "; " c0tt¢m." GP;. Liabiiity of iprincipal {01; Iact of agen(;~ T _ U Q4. A;;»“;:;·~0p:·§aiio11 for expenses-; _:,1ppA0int<2d by Secretary of officers 0* 3.!}§ H§{£3¥3fS§ (€G·HlpP!’!S8TiL•H1_ W : _ {$23, iiffcct at pm·t§a_1~in3*:1`lidity. · U bt Secticxr 51. Short titlen bf chapter.———~—This clmptcr shall be tl lmmma 'bgy t·}¤•;· shprt titlébf “United ·ST£I(cS; C0{L[0I1‘St£1Ild&l`dS si A4-t." (Mar. 4, 1923,42. 288, §` 1, 42 Syat; 1517.) .»— ‘ 01 52. Use of rmxwfiicial standards. prohibited; sales by samq, az ple exc<2~ptc¢;!.;—--It $11:111 be uulmvful (21) in or~·i11 cmui0<:ti<_qr1' S1 vgéih amy tm11+<ia<:ti4»r1 or si1ipmQ11t in cuuxxncice »mz1dc after @1 .*.2s;m>;.t; 1, 1923, or (1:) in :1113 puhlicsaticm of ix price or quutatiem S· »deztc: ·min‘<~d in or ix; C(HI'H£‘( ‘fi()11"With €1IiY'tfil!1S&.1CfiO1{ or ship— sl mém: in <:p1;11m>r<·c :}ft¢·r* Auxmst C1, 19:23, 01* (it) in any classificw 1* mm for the p1a1·;»o>¢e;¢; ui or in €0IlI1(3Cfi()H- with 21 transaxctiuxa of ti e~¤`!z§;·uwni; in c·mmn<·rce; after Augusat; 1, 1923, foruny person to A . isaxlicmae fm- may mtwrx :1 grinehe or otluer class: whicjh is of or he witgziu the 01iWici;1l'g;0ft<>11 St2lIld&1I'dS_(}f the United St€1ms»then` —p4 in ¢,·ffc·¢·t uxukw this élmpteet by :1 mime, dcsceriptiurn, 01* dcsiguay tl; tim:} 01* zmy $$3'$fi3}11 uf-nzxaams, descriptimi, ms designnginu not tk g13z·<<·<i in s=¤aid··st :1mhzrd¢+=.; Prm:ide·d,- That xmthing lxqrqm simli w ivxmwxt aé xmxxzszwtioxx otherwise lz1wful by zxétuul sample or ()I1_ be

Z1 CULTURE —~ W} ` he beets et e. primte type which is need in gem feith and ne; n evasion of er enbetttntien for eeid standards; (Mau; 4: 923, c. :2S&;§;2, 42 Stat. 1517.) - ‘ ` · 53,, Lieéneing clgseiéers; i xevccatien [and enepeeeim G; [gauge,--Tlze Secretary of Agticultnré mes, upon ;m·eenm;e§i »i eetisfzietery evidence of ctnnpeteney, issue te eng; pe·i»ei,§ , license to grade er etherwise classify eetten end te eermgated the grade ·0r_ other class thereof in neeerdun<;e with ieee {Heiel eetteu standards of the United States. Any eee}; fitem eey. be euegwrieea or revoked by The Setzretery of Agriet1lmi·¤i— whenever- he is satisfied, after rerzseneble opportunity enue·{;e,; G the Lieeneee for a hearing, that such licensee is irx£·<>m;¤el eg; 1* has knowingly or carelessly clnseiiied cotton inipregewlgz, er tas violated any provision of this ’ehenter`_e—r the ¤»;;t~e;eme hereunder; so fe: as the same inn}: relate te him, er hee eee; lie license er allowed it to bejzwd fer any imprener ;>z::·;e»e&_ wading investigation the Secretary of Agriculture. e·Ieee·ye;·` le deems necessary, may suspend eeiieense tempemrily xs·im»et · t hearing. e-(Mer. 4, 1923, e.; 2SSt §’ 3Q’42 Ste.t.”151?.)‘ 54. Classification Depertment of Agric¤}tnre;(cerii§eaigm thereof; "efect Wyatt certiécstej regubatiens- fer classifies.- itm.$——Any person who has cnstedy etorn tinzzneiet intezt·t·>=s in ny cotton may snbx_nit_the same or snmpleetthereef, tlrmm in Técordzmce with the regnlatitensef the Secretary of Ae:rie1;ltm·t·, · 0 euch biiicer. br efiieere of the IT)€p‘$1I‘tH}€?II[ of Agrienltnrv. ne fifty l>e.d.e_sig.;n:1ted for the purpose purstismt to the regnletiene tf. the ·S·ecretm·y_ of Agriculture for a determination et the true lassitieatien of ._sueh_ cotten" er; eemples, including the mmmfison thereof, if i·equeete<l,·` with typesier other samples min · nitted fer; the purpose; The iinafcertiiieete of the Depertnzent

f'”L$g’l'iQl}l[1lI;€ Aslxhowing. such determit1n·tien_shall be binding.

11_ 0Hieers`_»of·`the United ·sm;eis end shell be accepted in the ourfs of~tlie U121`ited <States as primdifaeie evidgnee of the rue ”classiiica—tion_ ext cennperieen- of isnch i cotton er sat12;·»ts=e_, zheu involved. in em? l trgnsactien ‘-or shipment in eenmiesw. or snl1inittirig.jsnmplee. cl ectten for icleesihcatien pruvidin: hat all samples shall be numbered Se that no ene i¤icm»en·e n_ the transaction involved shallyhe known by any elessiiier ngaged in the clesx.eitication_ of jsuch cotton samples; (Mar. 4, 923, c.'28S, .§ 4; 42 Stat. }51_7.) = _ 4 55,2 Charges for licenses ind clasmécatiensg éiepesitigm-ref u>neys.#~TZl1e Secretary of Agriculture {nay cause to he wt-, 2=cted_snch charges es_hc may find te berees0nahIe`fer licensee {sued te. cleseitiere at cettexfnnder section 53 end fait dc·t;t·i·· xinations ~m:1de under section 5·£ 0t this ehepter,. end the mounts so collected Shall he used by the Secretary of Agriulttire in psiyineexpeneen of the Department of Agrienltnre fmnected therewith. r(Mnr. 4, 1923, •;·. 5, 42 Stat. 1518.3 56[Estab1iSh¤lent qr-¢¤ee¤¤· standards; furnishing Ncopies of stablished standards sold.-——-The Secretary of Agriculture is enmrizxcd to establish from time to time standards fer the <t·§:1:<·_v idention of cotton by which its qimlity__0r_ value may be ;§ud;n~d A ·. r determined for commercial ptxrgiesese which shall be kneent S the official cetten Staxxderde of the Ijnited States. Ang; ich Standard or chenge or replacement thereef shell beceme Ffeetive only on endwufter. et date epecitled in) the` erder of the — ecretary of Agrienlture eetehliehing the same,. which d`:m— ml} he not less then eee year after the date ct ench order: rmsidexl, Thgxt. the efficitl cetten etendérds established, ed2·t·- ve August 1, 1923, under the United Stetee Cotton Fntnree ct, cpnetituting chapter 13 of Title 26, Internal Revenue, shell a at the same time thezedicinl cotton standards fer__—tl;ke pneaee of this chapter unleee’_nnd.unt·i1 changed orreplnczed nnnlor nieochanter, A -Wl1enever any standard er change e1·~replecem¢·nt nereef ehnll -bO(¥0Il1B effective under thin chapter, it shell else. liéllv S0 Specified in the grader of the Secretary of Ag·:ri¢3tllf¥1¥f<‘· eceme effeetivefor the tiurpoees of the United States Lfetteu ·