Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1042

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§ 762 e ¤·11·L1! sx.-Mom _ issue was made. ‘ (Hay Q, 1920, c. 214, { .1,_ 41 Stat. 646; June _16, 1921,1:. 23, § 1, 42 Stat. 36.) 1 I _· . · . A B762. Ex of and of war-saving! and thrift stamm.———'1?he 0t· the Treasury is authorized and directed, 't0` advance to the Postmaster General? from tlge appropriation for eipeuses of preparation and issuance of< wan éavings stamps such suins S as{ may be necessary to meet.- the expenées of the Pest 0mce.Department for clerical service and other necessary expenditures in connection with the —dtstribu{ tien, sale, and. keeping of accounts ot war-savings and thrift stzunps. (Nov. 4, 1918, c. 201, 1; 40 Stat. 1035.) ‘ _' · 763. First and "secend Liberty°l0ans;; bendsi conversion into bend; bearing higher interex rate; extension of time for.-=— The prlvilege of c6nverting}·per Eentmn bondis ,0f the ilrst Libertydoan eonvérted and 4 per centnm bonds of `the second »1.u»é¤y loan int0 41/,, 'per centum bonds, which privilege arose on May 9, 1918, and expired on November _9,.1918,; mayybe W extended; by the $ecretary oi the Treasury for such peried, upon each- terms and conditions. and ·¤ubje¢fto Seen. rules and regulations, as he may prescribe. For thepnrpose of computing the amount of interest‘paya_ble,_‘ bonds presented for conversion" under any such extension shall be deemed t0_ be converted on the dates for-· the myment of the semiannual interest on the ’ respective bonds so presented for conversion next succeeding the gate of such presentation. . (Mar. 3, 1919, c. 100,,§ 5, 40 Stat,. 1311.) . " ~ I ' - . __ ` 764. `Use of pmeeeus; exchange of-7 bonds.-»B0¤,ds shall. be issued fr0m· time to time npon the interchanges of bonds of dmerent denominations and of coupon aug registered bonds and upenethe transferwet registeredboniis issued under sections ·1 and. 4 _'0t· the `Act of April 24, -1917 (chapter 4,»_Fortieth Statutes, page 36), under such rules and regulations as the Secretary 'ot . the Treasury sl1al1_ prescribe, and, if and to the extent that. the privilege of conversion iprcvlded ro; in [such bends sball arise and sl1al1`_ be exercised,. in accordance with eneh provision for such conversion. The, proceeds of the bonds autherizedjby section 752-of this title -1nay be, used for the purpose of cermying expenditures, and te reimburse the "Freaaury for ekpenditures not covered by previous issues ofbonds, en account ot the Panama Canal; tepraise the money ) necessary to carrylnto effect the provisions br section 79 of Title 50, relative to the `production of nitrates;'t0 meet expenditm·es~ and} reimburse the Tfreasufy fer expenditures on ac- 'count ot the Mexican aituation, the cdnetrnctlcm ·0t_the armor. - plate plant, the constructfon ot the Alaskan railway, and the pnrchaée of the Danish West Indies; teimeet emergency expenditures directed by the President for naval construction or’ the expeditlng thereof; and to redeem the 3 percent-um loan of _ 1908 to 1918, maturing August 1, 191§3. _ (Sept. 2,4, 1917, c. ,56, , § 11, 40 Stat. 292; Apr! 24, 1917, c. 4,,§ 4, 40 Stat..36.)· e · ” .. 765. Beads receivable in payment of estate not inheritance taxcs.——Any bends of the {United Statw bearing interest at a higher rate than 4 per centuni per annum (whether issued under section 752 of this title or upqn conversion not bondsl issued nneler that Qaectieu _0r under the Act ot April 24, 1917, (vlmpter 4, Fortieth Statutw, page 35), which have been 0wne€l` by any pereon centinuenaly fer at least slx"m0nths prl0r`·t9 the date of his death, and which upon auch date constitute part et his eatate,`_ehall,,_under rulea and regulations pres=<·rihed_ by the Secretary of the Treasury, receivable by, the United States at par and accrued lntereat in payment of any estate or inheritance taxes imposedby the `United States, under er by virtue of any present orfuture law upon Such estate pr the inheritance. thereof. "~(Sept. 24, 1917, c. se,} 14; Apr. 4, 1918, c. 44, { 6, 40 Stat.)‘ W . s. _ L n 766. Bones Yer certiicates payable in fxdgn ine}.-—-Any eta the bends or certflncates ot indebtedness antbbrised __by sections 752 to 754, 757, 758, 760, 764 tc 7M, 7W, 771, 773, and

B! IND FINANCE - 1028 i 774 of this title may ·be {sued by tho Secretary of Hm Tron,- __ ury payable, princibal -¤nd interest, ·i¤ dn! foreign `money §,, _` foreign moneys, as cxprésscd ln such bonds _¤r certihcates, but ` not also in United States gold coin, and hc may dlsbosc or . s§h bonds or certlllmtes in such mmmgr sind at such·-priccs, _ rr less than par, ss he may determine, without compliance ”with'jtl1e proyisious of the third paragraph of section 752- oi" this title. Irl determining tho‘·am0mxt‘0f bonils andiccrtlti<e:m~s T lssuablelundcr. said section théldollsr equivalent of the amount ot any b—onds_ or .ccrtidcs,tcs 'psysblc in fcrcignhmoney, W; foreign. moneys shall cbc. ncteimiueq by {llc bar ·<·l1sz»;q at the date of issile thereof; as cstlmatcdby the Director of _ thé .3111}]}, and proclaimed by ,thé Secretary of-the_Trcasury, ih pursuzmcoof tllcprovlsions of section 372 offthis titlc.‘ Tho _ jScérctary of the Tréasury may designate deposltarlcs in jforelgn countries, with which mdy be depositcd 88*hQ xlmy `detcrmim->‘ all or any port of the proceeds of any bonds nr mcrtiiicatcs 1 authorized by {said sections paysple in torciuil xrxonéy or foreign moneys. (Sept. 21, .1917, ci 56,3 16; Apr. -& · 1918, c. 44, ·§ 6;.40 Stat.)-· ` ‘ n ’ 'I ‘_ _. _ A ° 767. Sinking ‘fu¤d for retlrc1ucut_ of Liberty bonds and n0tcs.——il‘l1crc is ,<;1;cz1tod iu, the Treasury s c1imulati·€e’slnki¤g· fuhd for the. retirement oi bonds and notés issued under scc- , ‘tio1ls 752 to`755 and 757 (rf this·tit10»-(the Flrst'Libcrty Bond "Act, the Second Liberty Board Act, the Third Liberty Bmid 7 -Act,' the, Fodrth-_ Liberty-· Bond Act, and the Victory- Liberty Loan Act)_and’ the Flrst.Llbcrty Bond Act; (April 24, 1917, chapter -.4, ._Fortlct¤ Statutes,} page·35),· and outgtsudlng on Jdly 1, 1920,·°ax1d_ot bonds and notes thereafter issued, london- ‘zmy of such sections, for refunding purposes. The sinking fund and all additions thereto ·aro"herel1y appropriated for the payment-otsucll bonds a¤d`notos_st mafi1rity,]or for the redemption or purchase thereof bctoré maturity by the Secretary of t1l€T1‘9&Sl1l€L_;_&t such prlcmrnd upon stick terms and Qcorlditlohs as he shdll prescribe, and shall be° available. until all such bonds and notw are retired. The avenge cost of the bonds and `notes, purchased shall not exceed .par and sccrucd interest. Bonds andgmiotés purchased, redeemed, or bald out · of tho sinking ft1rxd`.shal1‘be canceled and- rétlrcdmud shall " got be reissued. For each Qscnl year, pmtll, all such bonds and notes are retired there is hereby appropriated, out of any money . ln tho Treasury not otherwise approprldtcd,. for Vtho purpososot SllCIl°$iIlkiHg fund, su ummm: equal to the sum of (1):-2% per centnim of tho aggregate émoudt, oisuch _bo¤ds_'aud notes outstanding; on July 1,, 1920, loss an amount ` equal to thoipar airlouut of gny”` obligations of Iorcim govern-- ~ ments hold by the United Ststm"on‘ July 1, 1920, and (2)· 'thé interest which °w0t;ld hsve been [payable during- the ilscsl yésr for which tho appropriation is made on= the. bonds and notes purchased, redeemed, or paid out of the sinking fund during such 'ycar or inprcvlous years. .. » l .'1‘ho Secretary ot tho.'1‘xjcasury shall submit to Congrws st thobcgjinxning of cdcb regular session 8 separate snmrdl rdport L of the action taken under the dutbority contained in this scction. 0'(`Mzir. 3, 1919, c; 100, 5 6, #10 Stati 1311; Mar. 2, 1923, c. 179,. 42 Stat. 1427:) · - ’ -_ 7 68; Bond; and certidchtes of indebtednizss psiablé in gold · coin.-—g·Any bonds and certificates of ludclytednws of the_United_ ‘ States issued g`tt.c1' February 4, 1910, shall be P¤§’sblc, principal and interest, in Unlthd Statss gold com ot the standard of . valixo on February 4, 1910; and such bonds may pc issued in such. dqnomination as xngy bc proscribed by the Secretary ot, 3 tl1a‘Tro¤sury. (Fpb. 4, 1910,.c. 25, 5 1, :36'S_tat._192;' Mar. 3, 1917, c. 159,.} 400; 39 Stat. 1002; Mar, 4, 1917, ’c. 1_91, 39 Stat. 1201; Apr. 24, 1917, c. j, § 1, 40 Smt. 35.) o R .769; Certiicatcs of indebtedness; taxation; expénueo of issue;-Any ccrtidutcs ot lndwtcdnéss 'imucd after February gi. —1910,‘&all be? exempt from all taxes or duties of the Unltéd ·