Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1058

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·§” 159 — J HTLE se.?->2mrr1 door target 'practlée, for held or coestgdefenm instruction, uu- 1 ` der th€’]}1‘0YiSi011S.0f this title, it uiey, after being duly muse 1 tered; he paid at any time eftersuch `muster for the period` : frem the~~date of leaving the heme rendezvous to date of return 1 . thexreto as determined in aelvence, both dates inclusive; and < ‘ sueh payment, ,1f ot;hex‘wiée° correct, Sha11_ pass to the credit · eofathe diSblH'$iIlg‘GHiff&1'A mgikiug thesaule. (Jurle·_3,— 1916, 'c. · 134, § 98, 39 Stat. 207.)  » _‘ · _- _ ·  » . 15S. Peimeixt of arrears.-—¢Members of the National Guard who here or shell become entitled for a_c0utim1•us period of- . less than one 1ll0l}th.`t0.]5`€d€1`§l_ pey at the rsiteé fixed for the lteguler Army, whether by virtue of 11 call by the- President, of attendance et school o1·_mime11ver,_or of any other cause, and whose accounts: here riot been settled, · shall receive such ‘pay_ e fer each day of such period; and__.the thirty-flrst day of `a t calender month shall `not be exclucled'from` the computation. Such payments may i!1C1l1d€' the entirqamoimt laxrfully hccruing to such étlicers es pay,`.al·lou·ancesQ and mileage on account ~ of stick service, end, including pay and mileage for thel1··ret1irn. ' heme, mey be. paid to the owcers Ixlurlug said; a_1ld‘ prior to their departure from the—`caxhp_ or other pleée at which seek service is peérformcd. (June 30, 192*2., c. Title 1;.42- Stat. 749} Sept. 14, 1922,"o£ 307, § j 42 Stat. M¢ir.·4,· 1923, 0.. 281, § 3, -42 Stat, 1508.). _ V · _ t -· 160. Pensions for Ideath or disabilityglin Federal service.—4 ?Wheri any egieer or enlislietl manof the National Guard drafted into theservice of the United States in time of éV&1'_ isxlisabled by ree‘:¤on of wormds er di$abilit;»‘ received or lncurrqil while `in the nctisfe serviceeof the United States in time of war, he- shall be enti_tled. to all the beneéts of the pension laws existing at the- time of his service. hurl lh case such oillcer or enlisted man. dies in. the ectiye service of the UnitedStates in time of.war\ c>r‘iz1_retrirning`to his plzwe ofreei—de11ce after being mustered out of such service, ‘or et may otiierftime ih consequence of _wou‘nds. or disabilities feceivedl in ‘suCh active service, his l widow and cehilelreri, if any, shall be entitled toell the beneiltsh ef smch [!{’Ilf$lOH'1{1W$. (Jrme 3, @916, c. 134, § 112, 39 Stat. 21I.) _ 161.. Pay and alloweuces continued during hospital treatl ment for injuries in line of duty; transporthtion on dise charge.——<>_tll4;<·rs, warre1;t._ofll<·ers, uml enlisted. iueu of the Netiemrl Guard injured inline of duty xsihileht eneampments, _ID3.H£ll1\’(‘I"3, or other exerc·i:<es,' or at s.erv.iee schools; under the » 'previsiene of sectlom=—63, 64, and -65 of this. title shall be entitled, wmder euch regulations as the President may prescribe, to medi-fl ce.l_:m»d hospital treatment at Government expense, and to-a continuation of the pay end allowances whether in money or. in kind, they were rec<»ivlng et the time of such lnjoilriee, until` they are §£;for transportation to their hbmes, ahd upoh term} hetioia of such medical cmd hoepital treatixxent shall be entitled jo, transportation to their homes at Goverrlment expense. (Jupe 3, 1924, c. 244, § 4, 43 Stat. 364.). . . . Q

  • 162. Hospital treatment, D3?. ltd in $$86 of i¤j¤¤’Y while

eragegd in Eying preseribed under preécdlng eecticnf-—·Offleere,_l warrant eéieere, and enlisted men of the National .·Guard injured in line ot duty when gmrtieipeting in aerit1l`-Rights prescribed mailer the lprovlisione of section 62 of this tttle shall, under regulations preecribed by the Preelderlt, be erltltled from the date such injury wee euetetned to the same meéicnl anti ·he%<pitel treatment et Gorerument expenee, pei and allowances,. · ahéqrensporetetiexi ta thelrilhnmee, as lt each had 0c·· e ourred while in line of duty et. eucampmente, maneuvers, or * other exercises under section ® of this title. (J xme 3,: 1924, t e. 244, § 4,'43'Stat. 864.) _ ·' Q ~ , , Q * i 163. Pay and ullowmces in! hospital l1mit$ to ali mo¤ths.———- Any person hereiubefore described in the, two next preceding l seetlcme, injured as therein etated, who shell remain disabled for more than el: mouths, sha.1lQ·dm·l¤g the period lof disability ~

_ ·\ ‘01vA1. GUARD .1044 . . U . " in excess ot six months and until differ tra rtationm hg,. · home, be entitled t0’ medical and hospital and Us ‘ subsistence *_&t-GOV€I'Dll1€Dt’€X]f)8HS8, and when Ht fen transportation shall be entitled to tz·anspert4Tle.n‘ t?0`l1iS keine Qovernment expense, but shall not during such period·in exaee, of six 'months be entitled to other ·c0gnpensati€>n. l` (June 3, 192.4, c, 244, § 4, 43, Stat. 364.) · . , ’ l . · 164. Burial expenses of persons dying, in hcapitsl crgwhile training.-v-It the death ot . any person mentioned in sections Qliél and 162 ofthin, titleoccurs while he is undergoing the training 0r II1B{]i(l'Rl.·,HI1d hoapital treatment contemplated- in said sectlens, the United fltates ahall- pay for burial expenses and the ;·,·-. rt turn or the body to his home a eaxn—°uet· to exceed $100,41; may be fixed in regulations prescribed by the Pre~aident.f (Jmle c3,`1Q24, c. 2{Q4, § 4, 43 Stat. 364.) Y - ' Chaptet 11.l-—MILI{I`IA BUREAU. 171. Creation of bureau. · . _ ._; -_ 172.-Appointment and term of omce of chief ot. bureau; rank,_pn;»·, ` I and allowances ;_ tight *to retirem»ent. _ _, l 173. Vacancy in o&cc of hief or disability of incumbent; acting chief. 174. Assignment of€>%·s and-- enlisted men o£`_Regule;· Arnmy se ., Mllltl:1 Bureau. _ · - 7 · _ _ - r 1Z5.._Asaignment of National Guard omcers to Militia Bureau-; pay and i ` . allowances; . _ ‘ _ ·` — ‘ · 116. Fund for payment of o@cers of Militia Bureau. Q Section 171. Creation of- bll1f¢8B»—·i[tllQ·»}:1ill(l1l Division of the War I)ép:;'rtmen_t shall hereafter be known as the §ill$.ia Hnreauot the War Department. ‘ (Feb. 28, 1%*.5, c. 371, § 3. 43 em?~1e·r6.) —. _ .- - ’ _ 172. Appointment and term ·of oEce of chief ef. bureen; rank, pay, and allowances; to retirexnent.¥—Tlle Chief- ef the Militia .Burea.n·elxall· be appointed by, the President, by ned with the advice and. consent of the Sena€e;——l>y_ selection from lists of sactlve federally recognized National `Gnam .office:·s. recommended by the governors of the several States and _Territdries as suitable for such appointment, who have had _ten or-more years! commlssiened service in `the active Evatloaal G_uard,' at least ilve of w icli have b€€B`lI1»‘t1l€ line, and whohave attained at least th;Kgrade of major, The Chief of the‘“ Militia`. Bureau shall hold olilcé`fe;;__j0§¤ Ymrs unless seenm: removed *“fci1·_cause`, shall be eligible to succeed himself and when he is sixty-four_ years- of age he shall cease to hold auch W cdlce. Upon acceptlnggxls nmce the Chief of Militia_Barean shall also be appolnted_a·.major· general in the O§cers’ He-. vv-eerve Corps and shall be commissioned ln the Army. et the

 United States, which `appointment and commléelonshall termi-

Qnate when he `C€{1.S£l8 to hold such emce. _ Tlle·Cbie£ of the Q Militia `Bnreau 'ghall have the. rank, pay, and allowances of a g major general pxeqvided in section _8 ot Title 37, during his tenure of onice, but ehallnet be entitled to retirement er retired pay. (Feb. 28, 1925,- c. 371, § 8, 43. Stat. -1076.) . Q —=‘-173. Vacancy in oEce;_ of chief or disability oaf incumbent; acting chief.--—I¤ case the emce of Chief of the lliilitlabllnreau becomm vacant or the incumbent, bewaae ot disability, is unable to discharge the powers and duties et the ofnee, the re·_ serve ·oEeer, senior in rank on duty. in the Militia Bureau, appointed from the National·Gua1*d, shall act as chietxote said ` bureaunntil the lncumbentla able to meme bla dnttm, or the vacancy in the emce is regnlarly (June 3, 1916,- c. 13.4," 5 81,* Stat._208;.Feb. %, 1925, c. 371, Q 3, 43 Stat. 1077.-) l 174. Assignment of o$¢ern and enlisted men of Army te Militia Bareeu.————Fer duty an the Militia Bureau the President shall. asdgln each number, of omem fend enlisted. men of the Regular Arnzy ea he may deem necessary. (Feb. N, 19@, e. 371, { 3, 43 Stat. 1077.) . Q_ · W " ‘ 175. Amlgnment of Nations! Guard cwmcers to Militia Bureau; pay and allowances.-#—*I‘he‘ President may elw assign, v r Q