Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1075

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Y 2;; b Lights ct qtem vcssd under way.-——R·ade , 8.-y-Except in H10 cases hereinaftcr expressly p1·0v1dcd`fox·,_ a swag; vessgl mwu under way sha1rcdu·ry; - V. ~ ~ — bn ‘ U - e:1)_—()n or-ii1»trqnt ot the foxmast, or its, vessel without a. _ {,,y;·mast,Wt}1913 in the tori: part ct the vessel, gt q height; above me- {mil {pf zmtclcss than twentyfcct, ami if the beam ,01 the ‘ · t·.~ N4 cxcécds twenty {ect, than at a height above Fthe hull . ,..4 less then such beam, sohhowévgr, that such hctght need pot M pea forty feat, a bright- white Iightfsb coustructegi as tot >!u»w an m1br0kcu`light-0vér_an {YC of the horizon of twenty _ .,;.mt$ of the compass,. so fixed gc t0_ throw the light ten ppiptsr -:,1; meh {side of the wsse}, uagncly, frém right- ahead to two puims zibattthe bcam_ cn either éidg and dt such chargctcr ag 1.. he visible at_é distquce of at--least uv; miles. '_ _ ‘ ‘* - , ,1;; On the starboard side, n greet: light, so copstructcgl as to ` z!m»w_ an unbroken jight over sm brcvot the, horizon 01/ ten; lmints of theccmpuss, so 1i;cd_ as to throw the light from right, nhcagi to two `points nbatt the beam on` the [8t&l'b0§1'd_·Si(l8, mtid at such a character as tb be visible at 0, distance ct at -1wsr mc mace, · » c I F · ‘ (0)-011 the bert pidc, a red light, so constructed as to sh mn dnbfokcn,1iglit‘0ve1‘ an arc! of the bcrizdu of ten pofnts or the, cbmpéss, so iixcd as to throw the".1ight_fr0m` right ahcadto two pbints abaft the- beam on the port slde,`am1 or such :1 T ('hR'l’£ICt€1° as to be visible at A distance of at leaht twblmilcs. ` (d) The said gmcn and ted lights shall be httcd withjnboard ` sqrcens projecting at icast thréa feet forward from the lightf so. as- tu prevent these lights hom being been across the bow., t . (c)i A steamer of cvcr one hundred sind iltti tact register ~- loxigth shall nbc cgrri whch"undcrfyyuy an &(1(uCi0DI].b1fi£h¢ iight similar ig construction to that mcuttoncd in subdivision (u), sq Qxcdcs tcthmw the lisht__nl1_ around the horizon and of such character as, to bc visible? at Mdistaxicc ot at least ` three miles. such additional light shall be placed in lihc `with the keel at least aftccu Icct higher from the deck and`m¤rc than qcvcutyivq feet amft the light mentioned in stfbdivjsinn · _m),! (Feb. 8, 1895, c. G4,} 1, 28 Stat. 645.) c A 253Q Lights of stein vcmci hub} af tow other dim 1·•°ft.——- Halo 4.-—·A steam vcshcl bavinil tow othér-than at raft shdll in addition to the tcrwarg brlrbt Itzbt mentioned in subdivision- (a) ct rule 8'_cgri·y in `n vertical- llnc nat lesé than- sit feet " bbovc or below, that 11@t n— •ccc¤d· bright light ct the game c<m@ruct1c¤ and £1’Q¢f6 ud ized amt carricdjn the same manner qs the forward bright ltgbt mentioned in, Bald subdivision (•) 11 ruic 3. Such shall slsotcgxtry 4 `smgll might litht ebelt the fmmci or nite: mnt for the tow to steer by, mtincb light xbm b• vhibh forward ot the beam. (Feb. 8,1&6,c.64,§1,28St.•t.`646.)· V . 254. Lights •l’ •tc;¤tv¢•¤& huh; raft in tcw.—-—-Rule 5.*--* _ A mam vwncl hgving a raft in tow shall, instead ot. the {crwnrd lights tmentimq ia mic 4,'carx·y on cc bi frént ot the tcrcmutyor if h wml without n- toremnst tbcu in the tore Pitt ot the v@1, `•t h wxbt above the bull of not less than twenty feet, ucd if the beam bf the vcsscl exceeds? twenty teéty than at •. hckbt above the hill notleu tba.¤_sx;ch beam, so hawavcir that meh height umd not forty feet, 'tyvo. bright l@t• In n hcrimntnl imp•.rtabiim_sQmI `mt lm eight tact apart, cnc}; QB Qxcd u to throw the Jigbtwall uioimd the hcrimn and ci such character as ta be vigbie nt n dis- . tance at ntilcsd ave mile;. Such shall bbc carry the smn11 bright 1i.¢t aft, of the &uacte:‘ and dud, as rcqmrcd in mia 4. (Bw. 8, 1%, c. @4,11, E Stat. 6·18.·)» 255. Lights of sailing !&l nude: wi! ad v@l in tnwi-——· Ru1c·‘6.·--··A ailing and under t wu sind vmel bctni tcwcdmball cnfry the mia lights mentioned in x·¤1c#3. { .· » 1A vmci 111 tow alsb carry •· tmgll bright light aft, but sucbligbt ahmtmt be viciblo tcrwird of the- e (Feb, 8, 1895, c. 24, I 1, 28 Stat. 8%) h “ -

am NA.VI}GA.BLE·-WATERS .. _§ 261

 Lights of small tngs, heats bn inleeeaoooosl;  Iliwtenee,

ferrybosta, rafts, and canal boats; regulations .by Board of `Sd)ervi¤ing.`Impectors.-;Rule 7.--The lights fer`tugs_uni1er thirty t0n¤"register_‘wh0se princiml business gis harbor towing, ¤na_r¤r. beats navigating only on the River Saint Lawrence, also terryboats; rafts, and? canal boats, shall be_ regulatedzby. rules which have been sor; may hereafter be prescribed by the Boerd, of Supervising inspectors of Steam Vessels. (Feb. - 8, 1895, c. 64, 1, 28 ;Stnt.‘ 646.) I - 5 Q .. _ .257; Liyhtr of small vessels under way in had weather.- ' Rule 8.-4-Whenever, as ont the case of smell vessels under way . during bed weather; the wd red side lights cfh not be nxed, theselights shall be kept. at hand lighted and reedyfor use, and shall, on the approach of or te ether vessels, be exhibited entheir respective sides in sumcient time to prevent. collision, in such manner. ns to gnhke them meet visible, and so that thegreen light shall not be. seen on the pgrt sideynor the red- light on the starbogrd side, nor, it prncticable, more their two points abaft the beam ;on their respective sidw. To mnke the use of these portable `more certain and easy, they hall each be painted outside with the color of the light they gpgctively conmin, end shall provided with suitable memwtreb. e,_1ees, e. e4,‘-$,1, 28-Stat;»_64€.) ‘ ‘ - . Q 258. L ghts of vessel at anch•r.—R¤lg _9,—eA vessel under one hundred and ilfty f€Bt_l‘€g!Sfé1‘,]CD§th, when at: anchor. shall carry `torwinrd, where, it can best hetbeen, but nt an height not exceeding twenty feet above the hnll, n white light in a lantern constructed so as to show a_ clear, uniform, and unbroken light, visible all aronnd the horinen, ntra distance ei at least oneiinile; ; Y _‘ _ ·· · . _ A vesselot one hundred and ilfty ject or upward in register `— length, when at "snchor, shall eirry in the forward part of. the · vessel, at a height of not less than twenty end not exceécms forty `teet above the hull, one srich light, and at or near the stern of the vessel, and at such a height that itshall he not less` than hfteen feet; lower than the iorwnrd light, unether such ugue. (ren. e, 1895,c.64, 5 1, m sm. 647.) · · = 259. Lights of ·produce beets, canal boats, etc., ndvigating by ` hind or- horsepower or by sail or by cnrrent, or at ancher.-— _ Rule 10.-¢——Prodnce boats, canal, beets, hshiug bouts, rafts, or other wnter craft navigating any bay, harbor, or`river by hand power, horsepower, sail, or by the current of the rirer, or` which shall né anchored or meoredin or nenr the channel er fairway ot any bay, harbor, or river, and not otherwise _ provided for inY these rules, shall carry one or more good white lights, which shall be placed ln sneh manner he shall he prel scrlbed by the Bonrdiot- Supervising Inspectors of Steam Yes: sels. (Feb._8, 1895, Z:. 64, 1, 28 Stat. 647.) — · ._ _ 260. Lights of open boat.--—·-Rule ‘11.--·Open‘ boats shall not he obliged to chrry .the me lights required for other vessels, but shell, lf, they do npt carry eneh lights, carry e lantern havinge green slide on one side nndge, red tsllde on the ether side; addon the approach er or to ether vessels, `sneh lantern shell·be exhibited in suflleienttlme to prevent collision, end in such a' manner that thegreen light shall not beseen en the port side, nor the red- light on the starboard side. (linen `boets, when at anchor or stntionary, shall exhibit a bright white light, They' shall not, however, be preventeh from using- a ilereeup ln additlen lf considered expedient. This rule shell be so een- r · struedneo not to require row heereonnd ski¤s‘on__'the river St. Lawrence to mrrygllghts. { (June 19,*1886, c. 421,; § 16, 24 Stat. 82; Fel). 8, 1995, c. 64, § 1, 28 Stat; 647.)_ » — ·· _ 261. Une of torch by_`¤•il'lng vessel on approach ofestenfnerw- Rgele 18.--—Sailing vessels shall nt ell times, on the n;§ronch .0f ahjstmmer during the nighttime, show a lighted torch upon l that point or qiiarter to which snch steamer shall be ¤l>Droachlng; _(Feb. 8, 1895, 6. 64, 5 1, 28 Stat. 647.)-