Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1076

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 262 TI!iL§ ON_ A;

262. _S¤epe¤sio¤ of lights by vessel of irgziqr Coabt Guard

vesséls.———R·&1c 13.+;-The exhibition ,0f may iight ou board of n

_ Yessel of `war or Q0esfGuard vessel of the United States may be suspended 1W¤h9!)BV€l',`iIl the opinion of the Secretary of the jNavy, the c0mmaude1·,iu:·ehief of a_ squadron, or the ._com· _ `memder of a vessel aetiug singly, the special cliaruétegr of the _ service may require git. (Eeb.;8, 1895, c.-64,19 1,f28 Stat. 647.) _ SOUND SIGNALS FOR-FOG, ETG.$.SBEED_ ` $.271. Sound signalsiu fog, etc., of steaiu and sailing veseels under way,· at . anchor or aground.-—Rule_ `14.i—4A_ steam vessel _ shell h6_]}1‘O\'i(l€d with ah e@cie11t Whistle, gounded by éteam or by songe substififte for steam, plhced lbefore the funnel not less than eight feet from =the deck, or in such other plaoex is — the local inspect0rs_ of steam vessels shall determine, and of such charneteé ae to Que heaxjd-`in ordiuary weather- at a "disi twice of¤t.1east tivo miles, had with am`eHicient bell, and it is hereby made the duty of the United. States local inspectors of _ steam vessels when iugpectingl the same to require each steamer to be furnisheg1.with’ such wlxistlemnd bell. sailing vessel shell be pmvided.— withJan‘eHicient fog hormuud with mi edieientbell. _ " _ . _ . ·\\'henex·er_tl1ere' is thick wea_ther_ by reaspu offog, mist, . falling suoiw, heavy rainstorms, or other causes, vg·hethei· by . day or by night; fog sigmils Shall be used as follows: ' ' ” (a) A__steam· vessel under way, excepting oulyo u steam · .wfcsse1_with raft in_t0vv,‘s11a1l"sound at intervals othot more ` ‘than= one Haute three distinct blasts of*hex·' whiétle. _. - - · (b) lisg; vessel in tow of another vessel shall, at intervals of one mipute, eouud four bells on a good "1;nd-_efiicient·au¢l ` propc1—1y·placed bell as follows.: By striking the bell twice iu ouiék suceeesiota, followed bye little longer interval, jmd theu agen; striking twice in quick suéeessiou (iu_ the .ma1mer in ivlxitrh fouf bells is st1ruck_i_n iudicqting llillltl): · _` .. , (te) A-SlQ8,{I1£;l' witjru xfaft in tow shall sound at intervals of not more then one minute z1" sereeclriixhg 01’.B[U(10(`5 whistle" fo;·`fmm three to tive. seconds. * . . . ~. "" A ‘(d) A sailing vcseeliuxxder way and not in tow shall sound at interva—l_s‘ of not more than one gxxiuute———- · - `» ` `.I£ on the`stm·l>0ard tack with. wind ‘fO1‘\\’2ll‘d Uofo abeaxh, one blast of her fog hom ; , _ " ` -1f‘ on the por; teck,witl1 wind forward of the boom, two _ lslaxts of her feig_11_0rr); _ . · ‘_ · ‘_ .11* sbp h21s· the wiml abaft the lmaxb 011 either side, three. ·l>lust:·; of her fog horn. ‘ · A _ · _ . · (e) Any vessel at 'zmchor and auy-vessel aground in or. near. ` *a clxmmel or fairway shall ;at·intex#vu1s of not mote than two minutes ring the hell· rapidly for three to five seconds, _, _ » _(f) Vessels of less than teu tous registered tonnage, not o being Strom vessels, shell not be obliged `to give- the shove- Lmoutitmod Signals, but if they do uottthey shall make some other eihvientq equntl eignzil at ‘iDtQl`lr’!llS‘ of not more than ode _mim.1te.‘ ‘·· _· -· { · (sz) 1>;·odagc¢·'l>oute,§H§hing boaté, retts, or other Water craft l I zaaviggltixzg by hand power or by `tlne current at the rivet, or

m£:hm·ed oi moored in or hear thobhaninei 01·— faitway end

not in 8.11}*-.])0l’t, and n0t·otherwieé provided for in these rules., i shall -smmd 41 {og horn*or cqufvalcint signal, at intervals of not moto thang one minute. (Feb. 8, 1895, c. 64, .§ °1, 28 Stat. 647.) , " 1 _ _ . ‘ 212. Speed in fog, etc.-——Rule 15.-—·—Evei·y vemel shall, iu thick weather,) by reason of {ogy mist, falling snow, henry ralri smrnas, orother causes, go at moderate speed. A steam veseel hoél·ing,_app.are11tly not more than tour points from right ahead. the fog signal of another vesqel shall at oucepeduce her ><;»:>qd to have eteeregéwey, and mxvighte with caution until‘ the vess`s§lS‘sl1all lmve passed each other. (Feb. 8, 1®5, 1:. 64, ie 1,.28 Stat. 648.) l' - ·‘ l ·- "~

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28l.'Ssili11g jesééls spprqachiug one .a¤other.———Rullz 16,.Q Whén two sailing vessels are approaching one manner so ,3; U, involve risk ot. collision; one of them shall keép Out qi the yvllly l otwthe other,.a‘s_--tollows, na,mcly_: l  » _ ` _ (A) A vcss£e1~€whiqh` ig running free shall KBQD our (lf·lhg. wsj of a vessel which is close-hauled. » f `_ ‘ I (1;). A vesselwhiqh is close-hauled ciritbe i>0rt_ tack éslfmli keep out‘0t't1;e wzuyof d irwscl which is closé-haul;-d dn llw starboard tack. _` - ’ · ‘· -_ · _ " . (0) A Whexrboth. site running free, "with the wind on different Q Q sides, the veséel wliicbhhas the Wind on the ° port side, hmm kécpout of thésway of tlmother. U · - . A (d) Whéu. they site runrfiug frée, with the wind on lim ·. sdmc sidc,~.tl1e vessel which is` to wiudwérd shall keep uutmlf . the {ray of the vessel which is t0’leéWatdi_ (Feb. 8, 1895, ch (;4_ § 1, 28 Slat. 648.) _`* .” · J .- _ 282{Stéam resscls mgetixig-cnd_ cn.—-—-Ryde `17.——#Whcn itwu steam vessels hre meeting end on, or nearly ehd`021, `so as no involvé risk of cqllisimf each shall alter her coixrsé to stm- ` board, so that each shall pass on the' port side bf the other. e (Fehr 8, 1895, c. 64,__§ 1, 28* Stal:. 648.) .` ° · ‘ f ‘· 283._Stcam vesaéls crossing.-—-Rule 18.--When two steam vessels are crossing so as to' iuvqlvg risk_ ot collision th veS._, sel which haé the pther -011 her own starbéafd Side shal§$¤,·p_ out of. theway pt the olzhcr. (Febf 8, 1‘®5,__¢. 64,“§ 1, my Stat. 648.) ··. _ I _- _· Q- _`· ‘ " .284. Steam and sailing vessels mceti¤g.—?·Ru·lé 19.-—When 21 stchm vessel,-and asailing vessel are proceeding irfsuch dirw. ‘ tions as to; involve risk of c0llisi0u_.th0 steam vesshl shall keep ouli of the wayot thé sailing vessel. 8, 1895, cs Bi, § 1,` . 28_Stnl:.°~G48.) Y Y " " . , _ ‘ Y __' · _ .- 285. Vessel baring right of way tdkccp c0urs¢.—R¤Ic·20.—· Wlxare, by any of the ruleesjrm this (chapter prescribeddme of two vésscls shzlli keep out of the {way, the other shall 1{QPQ} her courséfannd speed. _‘(1§"eb. 8, 1895,-cp. 61, § 1,28 Stat. 649.)— 4286. Duty_0f steam vessel tc slacker: gspeed.-—-Rule; 21.-·—` . Evér£sl:e·um `vesselwvbich is directed hy these rides to keep _ out of the wu} of another xéssel shall, on approggzlling her, it _ neqzessairy, stucken 1; r speed _ br step or· revcrée. » (Feb. S, ‘ 1895, cv:. 6-1; `§ 1, 28 Sta9&`649L) ._ " . “W · I 287. »Ov¢rt·nkihg vebscl to keep out of the ·_ygy.—-¢RuIe 22.¤—· Notwithstanding anything contained in thesé rules every vessel ovcrtukinghny nother. shall keep out of the way at the pver-\ takén~vcssel.`· (Reb. 8,‘1@5, c. B4, 5 1, 28 Stat. 649.) T T .`288. »Whistle signals of steam yuselq (vindicate- cqurseg- Rule 23.-1-In ull wenthers `evcry. stegm vesscliuxzder-v»·ay.i¤1 _ —ta·kim: =any`c0urae aulhqrized .m·.mquired by thesgrqles shall · indicate that course by`thel,~foll0wi¤g signals, on ber qhistle. to he accompanied whenever required hy ‘corxmpdhding alteration- bf jlner helm; and every steam vessel receiving s,sign•1_fr0{rl another ·shull‘pr0mptly respond with, t.he`·S¤me signal or, hs provided ih rlule 26: . _ * 1 .. · — —- One. blast to mean, “Ii am qirecting- mypqurse to sL¤rb0m‘d·" . Two blaSts_ to ·mam1,V "I am directing my ccmrag to port? But the giving pr hnsweriug signals by _; wml required. lil · keep her `Cé)111'S€ shall hot _ vary th; duties and obligations at- @116 Yesbectiitp vemlé. ‘—(Feb. 8, 18%, c., 64, § -3, 28 mat. 649-) 1289L Stéam vguelq meeting. in nirréw chgnnelq having cm·-·· rmi md certain rivers; right bf wny.·—··Ri¢le $4.-—·I¤ all pan-rhs _phaugna1s‘ where; there is g curmng gm m_ me rivers Sam M¤1?Y..Sai¤t Clair; Detroit, Niéghm,` and .3nmt Ldwrencoi whén two·stéamers.·nre meeting, the descending stcgamxer shall a· have the·right.0f way. and shal1,·`bet0re`tha Vasaels shall hm·c·» arrived within the glistsxice of emeéhhlt mile ot each `other, give the signi nwemaryto ihdlcale which sick éhé elects to take. (Feb. 8. 1895,* c. 64, § 1, 28 Stal:. 649.) 4* _. _ • _· . I O .‘ ‘ l