Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1077

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\\ i `· - E i . 9

 14363 TITLE.83.—4NAV1GATI0A¥ 4

.. -_ *;:99. Stéam vessels vamhrx in qhmmls; glaekenigg ¤;wed.—-—Rvu!é 2.5.--11: au channels t.!;an_ Eve hundred {auf in i uiizxh, no stéém ves~wl`sha1I m‘m—&1m¢her grjingjjég me Same

§%iz·Mi< >n unless tixestaam vmei ahead be disabled or signify

Em wililiugness that the stegm vas¤@.`as$teru shall pass; jvhen zh; steam vessel astem may pam, subject, however, to ithe M §.;;m· m1e·é· applicabie to such a skhation; And when fstgm \Q»$$£—1s pmceed1ng'i;1 wSitc_di1·éctib¤s` are ab0uTt_.to_ mgec ‘_g¤_ j ~u··1;. ·ohsmng1$, both`- such 'vesseis shall be slowed down to a é m¤¤m~zaté-speed, ac¢crd i¤g tdthe cir¢gmstauces{ (Feb; 8, 1895, Q ;·_*;€3—4, § 1, £ Siat. 649.) ` _ · I ‘ ‘ . ,· _ 291. Dissent to 0; misunéerstiméing of signal given; duty ta géiiszce speed?-R¢¢lc 2*6.-<If the pilot `of a steam véssel tonvyhich, Y

` gézssing SigD&1»iS'__SQllDd£;d deems it uusaIe $0 a}ccept__a1¤id ‘
,_;<mt to said signal, he shall not, sound a'cr0ss signal; but in

1;:2 { ··;·:.z>eQ and in ei*ery'case`,whetc the pilbti of 030 steamer . mis m I1I3_d£‘1°St8Hd.¥th€ éburse or intemiolu ot an apprqachiug _'$zQ·:z:aaer, whéther fr0m.signa1s_beiug giYen*`0r answered €I°IOIiB‘ ` Uggsiy, Ur from other causes, thdpilct of such‘steame1:,s0 mcqving the; Hrs; passing signal, 01; the pilot so in `dbubt, slggll wmxd séveral short andxapid blasts of the wlgistl¢§,.and it we wsseié jslmil have appmgclmcl with_in·,hélf”g milp of each .~zm·:~ both shall redxice their`$peed‘t0 `bgfe steemgéway,_a1id, if ';¤—·¢~;·$s11ry_,‘st0p and ieverse; (Feb. 8, 1895, c. .64, ·§ -1, 28 ~Fmf.649.) " A U '_ . _`_29_2. Departure ftém rules; to avfcrf immediate Qamger.-—_ i£;zZ<* 27.-;-111 obeying and construing these rules due rggard shall `2 C had t0··a1l‘dangcrs-of naiigniicm and collision and td any spé-‘ éégi cirmmsmuceg‘ which, may render a depnrfhré ";fmm` the s?*}>¤v@ mics necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. mm. s, 1895; c. 64,1 1, 28 sm:. 649.) · . _T_ 293. Usual additiorisl prccmittisns required ge¤e·raHy.—-R uPc_ J~·L—-iimlging in these rules shhlfgxcmerate-»any·:w*es:gell, or the A ~~¤~m=;· or master or cmwithércof, from tho COIiSé%€DC€S of any

§~:;1¢2~<·t to carry lights or signals, or of any neglect to keep A `
§z-wr lookout, or ctx uegfect of any precaution which maybe

z·~;=m·¤ ~4l py the mégiixmry practice of sesimcn, rm- by the Speqiaig §~§m1mes;a11ccs of the cas;. . (Feb. 8,~1825, c.B4, I ·1, 28- Stét. _<;&:»_) ' _·_ ‘ ·

  • t‘jm;¤cr.· 5.-—-NAVIGA'1fIOB§ RULES FOR·RED RIYER OF

THE NORTH ANI} RIVERS EMPTYING INT0 GULF OF MEXICO AND '1"BiBUTA . _ ‘ J ‘ V ” rr;mm.mN.mY _ ‘ Mi. Aéoptjau ot mics. ‘ · . ·° · $$**2. “Sail vcjsscl ’* gud “;£e»Qm vessel " defined. gm. Panuity im: viaiatmn by véssel. _ · _ V .*RULI2S CONCERNING LIGHTS Wi. 'Fime for lightngi preseritwd lights ekclmwive. _ · Va _ I W. _Lig!ats cif aéegngoing gmamem uu! sfeamers ¢nrr;?i¤g`¤ail, Whéh ’ _, zzxzder way. · _ - _ . ‘ .

2;::. Lighfs oi émdm vmeh towing other wssélsa ’
   Ligizms of steém vessels other than ocean-kckng steamers and

_. sltmmemgem-xying mi!. - ' ~ W ‘ yi‘”¢¥iL Lights 6:. ;~1m;·_·q;”me;·g gn ummm nearing into Gul! or Mcxice.

 Lighiis ·ct stem mam]; not otherwise m·av~ided·!u·; Aierrybomts,

hw barges, gnctmnaé beats. _ . " ·

1. Lights g,,,Qg§ 1in; wml; under Un! of in WW-

_ ZM . Lights at mm vessels in Md weuthar. · ; ~ iam. mghps at wgsela at nnnhmn · —

 Lights at   md stun pmt vmmh. 4 . .

.,...1, liiglzts at mai. hasta, produce boats, ngvigaung by hud power,

 G  éV»» harsepsww, nr by mrrmt Q! r1W1’· ·» - » `‘’» ‘ _
Lights 91 open b01£!· _ ··A· ·

.i§1;i§. \’es-sséel at war ¢u·_C¤ Guard nucl: mimmdon `eluhibhinx;

 ct lizbts, ‘   _   ~ · °


  1. 431. Sound umu gm- egg, gc.; ¤•¤•h.4¤¤4 Qihf Q

water emit at number Q: um: tn;. i ‘ 5 ‘ Q


 Suggestion for Qscexrtgifimmt of risk of collishjn.

342. Sailing vespeis qppzoaching cing another. 3§3..S*tgam vessels, meeting e¤d‘c¤. ‘ 344. Steam vessels gzmssing; ’ " 345. ·8~team»a¤d sailingvessels meatipg. *_ _ , _348. Duty of stedm vessel to slaéyen speed ;‘ fog. 847. Overtaking vwsel to keep out 01 the way. 348: `Vcssgl having right of way? to keep course. » 349. Special cirgumstsmce xcquiring departure from wigs. 35Q. Ovértaken sailing vessgl. t0·sh0w iight. 351. Usu;1·.addiQo¤aI proca¤tions`re<;uired, · ·cR0ss_ BEs7i:R;=:z¤c¤§ b As regards lights Qxid sbund Qigugl devices for motor boats, face sec-‘ tions 513 and-514 df title 46,·SH1P·rx:¢c:. ·· . ” _·

 . PR1·:L1 MmARY i  

v ¥§ecti<m 301; Adopticm nf r¤les.=—-The fulwwiug rules for pmtenting collisions on Ehé‘YV8.t&1’Q shalilbe folluwedi ixf the naw- _ gdtigm otwvesseis of the Ngvfshd bt th;€§1B€YC&H[il9.m.8fiHB of the..Uhite<I States upoix the Red River of the North and rivers emptying ipfo the Gulf qi Qiexico éllld their tributaries. Such rules and zfegulhti-ous i){1I'S\13Ht_t0 the provisions of this bh5a;$ter are hereby- · specialrules duly made by jhw:11 _authorify relatiéea to" the rraiigation of hm·b§rs,‘ri·vérs aud? inland waters as- provided fm: iuatiicle 39, bi chapter-2 of this Ztitlé, section 131, _,(R. S. 5 .4233}; Aug. 19, 1890, c. 862, $6 ‘St4t.`320;· Feb. -8,;}S95, c. iii, 28 Stat. 645; Feb.—` 19, 18953, c, 102,28 §fat._672; June 7, 1897; c. gi, 35 Stat; `· “ ‘ I " 312.** Sail vessel " an{l “stcam vessel" deéned.-¥R—:zZc 1.-— Every tsteam vééscl w11ich`is·uu;iér sail and not under steam shall be ·<;0nsidered_ a `sail `vcssel; and every siéam `vesseel which is under steam, wbéther under sail or uct, shall be can- Vsideted u. steam ‘v§.·s:¤e·l,{ The wcrdssteam msgel sha!} ineliule any iessel propelleqlby 111:-1.chincry. (Féb, 19, 1895, c. 102, 28 Stat. 672; Ma_r._3, 1905, ¢.( `145T, § 10, 33 Stat. 1032.) ._ . _” ,383, Penalty··jfor` viéhiticm by vzmel.-Collectors gu- other 'chieif 0iHce17s of the customs z¤hal1"-require all sail vessels;_.;_ the.-Red River ofuthe North and rivers émptying into thé Gulf `of Mgexico, mx:} ztheir tributaries to' be fumishecl 'witlrproper signal lights. ‘ . . · ’Every such vessel that shalt be navigate:} without complying with thé Statutes of the United Stgtes, cp: the r<—2·gulati0¤$ than mqy be·1awf;1lly` made. thereunder, shgll be liable to a penalty of $200, one-·‘ to go té thaninfqrmer; for which sum the vessel so naviguted shall be liable, and may be seized and proécedgd gmaiimst by wziy of libel in any diétpict court ef the Iipitegi Stapeg having `jurisdiction. of t;h»e»0ffe11se.· (Keb, ” 19, 1895,'é._ IQ2, _§ 3; 28 Stat. 672.) ` " . RULES. CONCERNING LIGHTS

 311. Timé fog* ljghts;_pr¢$¢ribed lights ex¢:l‘usive.—~—·RuIe 2.-T

The lights mcmt,i<mcd_in the following miles, mdd.120 others, shall be carried in &§, between sunset mid suni·ise.`

 (R. S. § ;i233} Feb. 19, 1895, e»;t92,` 28 Stat. 6'2’2.)‘. . _ _

9 812. Lights of"¢cc:n··g¤ing· steamersand stcamers carrying sail, When made: way;———··Raile 8.-—~<—Al1 ocegnpgning · steamers, and ’ p_temxmrs° carryipg sail, shall, when under way, carry- _

 ¥(a) At the fotcmast head, a_ bright whita*1ight,_bfSi1ch a

chardcter as to be visible cm a_ dark 11ight,»with a `ciear at· .mcsphere, at a distance 0t· at le$.5t five milesj aiad `so com ` stmcted ha to éhow a, tinifqrm and unbroken light over an arc ‘ of tzhg yhqrlzon of twenty points cbt the compass, and so fixed as t0`t}1IQW the Iighf tw poizits on · each sidq bt the vessel, ' namély, from right: _ ahead ttr tvm_ points shaft the beam; on

 Sid¢• j lg ’ · 5 V ~ `· · B

` (b) On the starboard side, a green light; cfsuch a character _u to be iisfble on A duh night, with a clear atmosphere, at