Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1078

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§ 313 ·TITLE -33.—NAV`IGAT1ON AA 11 ~di5il1HC‘t‘ of at least {wa miles, and so -‘c0nstructéd‘ as td show » u unifg;·m and lllll)l;<lkt‘ll iight cvcr. an axré of the horizon of " &·11’*p·>i;1t_s.0f I'h€`(?021l}_)1l$S, and so fixed as to throw the light from right ui1czul`t0_ tim p·»i_ut$ abuft the beam on' the star-· boaril Side. P _ h · . I " ` ’ (0) On the- port side, a •rcd light, of such :1 character gs to be visiblepzz at dark night, with an clear almosphérc, pt a,dis- ` ~ tamve ¤£`al"_ lcasftkim milcé; and s0· const1*uc·ted as 'to show a ‘ ‘· unzifomz. and ·11i:m·l»1coz1 light over an arcguf the_h0riz011 of than points of the qumpziss, and so fixed as to th1;0W·the light from. v 1`igr£llY-lfllltiiltl to two points abqft the be:mi_m1 the pprt side. P

 ffhv gmxzwxn gud red lighté shall be fitted with i_1ll)O211`d scfeeus,

·;»mjepli11g utlelast three forwz1rd.fr0m the ligl1t.s,· so as to prvvvzat tl;·;·m>f11<»x11 being seen acmss the b0`W. (R. S. §_ 4233.; ` Feie. 19, 18%, c. 102, 28 Stat. 672.) t. l -' , · ’ ` _ 313. Lights of steam vessels towing dther vessels.eRule ’Stu:nm lvassglg .wlu-:11- towing othef vessels, shall .carry_ two ` - bright xvhitg Illi1St}.l€}£1j1.llgll_[S.`V€1‘t;, in mldition to ’their sidqlighizs, so as` to distinguish them from other steam vesséls. Eaéh oftl1eSe'11iasthéad liglxtslshhll be Olathe sa-me character ‘:md (;0!lSfl‘UC[i0ll uslhc masthead lights rulel-3. t (R. S;_‘§ 4233;'ié`eb. 19, 1895, c. 102, 28 Stat, 672.) _ _ . - l . 314. Lights cfjsteam vessels 0the1‘_t_han occanygoing steamers and stéamcrsk carrying sail.—R·ule 5.--All steam `hzssels,. . other {hah oceaix-going stcmuers alud élL9&l1ll€1‘é carrying spi}, shall. whein under w:1y,_ jcurry on the starboard and port sides, ~ lights of the same character and c0ustructic»n ax1d"i-u the. Sauna pusitilm as aré pfesqribedf for side lights by i·ulge·3, except in ` . the ease provided in rule 6. ’ (R. S. _§ 4:233; Feb. 19, 1895, c. -» 102, 28 Stutj 672;} ‘ , _ " `. r t 315. Lightsbf river stcameré pu waters flowing int0"Gulf _A of Mexico.--Rule 1i.——Rivcr-tstcamcrs. navigating waters flow- _· ing into the Gulf of Mcxic0,'ax1d"tl1clr_tributarie$,Jshall,carry the following lights, namely: Oxié red light 011 the outboard W } side of the port smoke pipé; and one green light on the `outboard side. of the sta1pbogr<1 énlokc pipe. Such lights shall. shmv hotll fcrwazrd and {lb€;2l!l1 on their respective sides. _( RZ S. § 4233; Fel). 19, 1895Q c. 102, `Stat,672.) _ ‘ _ _ · _ 316.,-Lights of Jsteamivessels `not otherwise provided for; ferrybcats, barges and canal b¢ats.—-Rule 7.-—All steam vessels ` other than ferrybuuts mad yessels otherwise expressly prog vides! for, ·¢>xcsépt tlaosé mcmionxed in rqlcj}, shall carry the red mad green lighist as preswibcd fur OQQRII-§,'0iDg·.StB&D1€IS; and, ` in addition th¢·ret0,’ a central i·angé_ bf two white lights; the Q aftvilight being carried at ah elevation of at least Jiftéen feef " aww the light ht.tlne· head of the vessel. The headlight shall ` he su <·mu·m·ucted as to SIIQW a ‘g00d light through-=twenty ` paints di the c0'mpu¤és, namely: from right__al1£ad to two points amf; ghE· hewn on Dcitlner side of the vesselyahd the after- . light to as to show .all around the horizon. .'1‘he‘;1ights for _ fl·rz·yI><:ngs, barges and canal bdats when in tow of steak:. { x·_le;~»;l>!»;,` shall be x‘¥J·g‘·ul:eted by such rules as thi; board df supm·x·i><inng im:pecw1·»; of mcaxn vessels shall presc§ilSe._ (`B. S. *

 —21Zi_;t%; Alain 3, 1893, c. 202, 27 Stat; 557 _; Feb. 19; 1855, c. 102,

_2s :=.m¢.·¢s·z2.> g —__ e· .· ‘- - — 317. Lights of sailing vessels uiider way or in t0w.—»Rule 8.-- .S;ziI_vc¤scls‘,‘111a1lex way or being towed, shall curry thé same * 1_i;.;hts as ${3*21111 vcsésels under; way, with the exbeption of that ‘ whizb nxnumlzead l_i§:l1_ts, whiqh they shall never carry; (R. S. 4 § §2233; ‘l·"cb. 19, 1895, ¢. 102, 28-Stat. *672.) I _ .. < 318. Lights of émsll vessels in bad weather.-—-Rude 9.———Whc-m- cvc·r. as i1rcaé;e of small vessels during bad weather, the gfeen · Emu rod lights can not be fixed, these lights shall be képt 61: ¤h·4l~1;,_<;nn their mspectivé sides of tha vexscl, mgdy for lnstdnt 4 cxh·ihiti·»p, mail shall, 011 the approach of br to other vessels, M _` •.·xhibimd· ou their r&pective sides il: sximclent time tc prevent 1 culxision, in mel; manperias to make them mmf; vlslblg; and · su that the gqagu light shall not l>e‘_see¤ on thn p0¤jt‘sldc,·`¤0: 1

{Q-,ZV'AVI(}A§LE WATERS ·· 1{;;i4· the red lighten! jhe starboard side. T0 mzike the use ei ‘;!.¤·.».· portable lights ·m0_re certain .2md easy, ‘ they shall `eakh is »· painged outside.w·ith the colof of the light they` 1‘0Si)1*(•iix·_·f—_· contain, and shall- be provided- with suitable screens. (R. ;·:_ § 4233; Feb.`19, 1895, c.'102Q 28 Stat. 612.) 3 ‘ " . 319. Lights of vessels at auchcin-—RuIc 10.-—AH y.·e·»».·1s, whether-steam vessele or. sail vessels, wheryat anchor ix; 1-4 mi,- S€é£1dS`Q1’ fuirwhys, shall, betweeh sunset and suxnriee, exhh iz where it cauibest be seen, but at n heikht not exceeding tm·;,;g· feet ab0§·e_ the hull, u white lighf in h globular lantern of Sei:} inches iI1__df{lIli€3tL‘l`, and so eonétructed as te show a clear, uni-. form, and '_uhbr0ke;1 lightyvisible all around the hqrizone. am} atwa tlist8,11ce`0£`i1t Ieést gme_mileQ (R. S. G 4233; Fei;. 19. 1895, e. 102; 28 Stat. 672.) " .· U `. } . ‘ . _ ~ 329.* Li§hts_ of sailing and ste:nm‘·pilet `v=ee¤els.——I€z·¥e.z‘i·.~— Sai1ix1g_pil`0t vessels eshah-_n_0t gearnfy the lights require} rm; other sailing vessels, but elm!] carry e white light et the wwe;. heed, nvisible .al1`ar0u1id the h0ri20u, aud.shul1— also exhibit u' flare-up light every fifteeh minutae. · e . . Steam pilot boate s1m.ll,, in addition t0`the· .inasthe::d~Ei;;1_at ang} green and red side lights required, fof ocean steam; x·ves4g1.4, ceyry tx fed liiht hxi11g·verti5;·&ily frbm {htee to live feet above ·_ the `forcI;1aSt·hca<H{ghf, fqr thelpmipose of distinguishing suvh stezim pilot- boats fyom other `sfeam_ vessels, _(R. S. § 4i>:;:—;; Mar. 3, 11897,°c._3S9,° § 5., 29 Stat. 689; ~Feb._19, 1895, c. M2, · 28Stat. 6721); _· _- _ _ '· ° . 321. Lighis of cenl` boats, produce boags, etc, guiigatizzg by hand pewer, horse power, er. by curreét of xive¤:.—R¤1e 12.——— Coat boats, trgding- bouts, produce €8h211 boats, oyster ` boats, fishing boats, rai';s,' or other water emft, navigating

1ny`_`b:1y, .hu·rb0rQ O1'.`1'iY€l°, "by hand `powegg- horsepewver, em],

or by `the current of the _`rive1·, cnf. which shall ·be anchored _· or moéred in of near the channel or fairwayet any bay, -harhbr. of river; shall earry bne or more goqd white lights, whim J shall he placed in suehmanner as shall be preeeribed_by the beard of exxpervising inspectors of stehm vessels; (R. l S. S 4233; Feb. 19, 18£}5,_c.162, 28 Stat. 672;) , _ _ _· _ ‘ ’ 322.; Li£h©8 of open hosts.-·Rule I3.-——O;$e¤ boats shall not he i·equired_t0··carry the Siaeugum required. ter ether vess··!s, but shall, if they do not carry such ligbte, earry a__I3¤§en·n hawing a‘ been slide on che side and a· red slide en the' other side; and, qu me approach of or to other vessels, seen lantern ` shall 'be e;;hibited in snmcient time td prevent cellidon, and izr such a manner that the g1jeen'1lg*l1`t,_shall not be seen on me portleide, nor_ the red— light on the stérbelard side. Open 1¤>e:$_ when it anchor o_r stationery, shall exhibit a bright vvhi·zg light. ·They shall not, however, be prevented from using 8 flare-up, in addition, if considered expedient. - :(R,` S. 5 4::::; Feb. 19, 1895, e. 102,28 Stat.`6i72.)` _ - ‘ U , 323Q Vessel of war 01; ~C0\st Guard rend; suspensionkef eihibitkn of l§gh§s.—·-·R¤·le 14.-···The exhihitien éf any_Iigh_¤ my board of zpvessel df war of the United Siam may. be sm-‘ pendcd .whehevér,” in the opinion qt the Secretary `et `the N>§.\’I~’c ._ the commander in chief lof a squxeefren, or the -eemm:mde~z· gi é vessel, acting `singlyythe special ekaraemr of the se¤·¤i·j* may reqiuire it. T1`he,exhibition of eny light en board U5 u C0&St_G¤ardT'vessel of the United States may be.susp=.·:2·i=**i Whenever, `iti the Opinion of the .COI]1]]\£Ul(Y€[ of the v¢>s$<*i·· iw special chinreetcrv of the service may require it.? (Mu;. .3, wi., c. 389, G 12, 29 Stat. 690; Feb. 19,_1895, c. .102, 28 Smt. 672.) C SOUND SIGNALS FOR FOG, ETCQ 331- Sqind signals for fog, ete.; qtegmerg, g;ili¤g.veSs¢*$:¤» and other water —¢rnftQ at anchor er under wisy,.-—-Imlc 1.:. ¤ (n) —Whenevex·. there is as Iiog, or thick Weather, wh -i¤·=z· bf day _0r night, .1’0£¥ sighals shall be used nhs follows; Syv:zm_ Féiseld \mder`way shall sound a sfegm whistle pmced hef<·1‘<" -. the funnel, uobless than eight feet from the deci;. &t_ ii1¥€I"`*‘1$.