Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1092

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‘ `§‘ 541- X www s.-mw1a4r1o1v pidm at me Sécretdry atwar in the cnrpumickm, orgmciaticn g§§l¢y_0£ u

  • on gmvicticn qiuau be by a

dine exceédim $5,906, md mcmih gm& _%l’S0¤8, cmpcmtim, ur nmaciation shall remain in default in 5 to tke — removal o1··u1te;·¤fi©¤n ct.; meh bridge shall bc; a- new of fehsc, and subject tim persons, cqrpaiutiqn; qr nanciatiw so oiéuding to tha pemitlw abgsve Provided, That in any use nrwng pmder the pmvistenys of this; we . * mlm an wma}- Oli writ- ct e,rr0;·- maybe taken the adistricj jpqurts diretzt to the Supreme Céurt either by, United e Shams or by the dcfe¤.<1a¤ts.‘ (Mar. 3, _1@9; c. 425, $18, 30 Sgt, 1.153.)


GENERALLY._·· ·_ · ‘ ‘ 3. . · 4 , GENERAL PROVISIQNB { · ,541. Bqard ja! $¤gmee;·s· for Rivgzs and Harbqrs;. cs;tb}i¤¤me¤t•3 »_ Wdutics aadyiuwcgrs generally; " ’ - ° , · _ ’§42. Review by Board or _E¤gi.n¢e:·s ot reports ‘ou- cxaminxgtions gut wairvcys and special. repcrts; * ~ " . _ l {43. Emglayment of ciyi! exxgingers o¤~ western ami- noxjthwestérm S14. Empiaymcut of retired 6Qcé.1·¤ of Axmy o1·_Nnvy{ ’ i 6i5. Iwciimiuary Wcxmmnaticus dud ccpoxjts { __ surveys; contents oi _· repary to €'0¤g·c$s geizerally. · - _ '_ ~· . i ,. · Q6. Iaycstigaticn of streak: Sow and Q8*£{‘Sh9dS; purveys in. 7c0¤- » . . neétiouwithdnms. ·· _ , M7. Reports as uq icc:} b·e¤e6ts at improvement and rjecommendatlbm · ’ as is local coopeyatiou. ‘ · _ - _54§‘ Ropofts on dismmtiuuauca pr curtéilmeut of projects. 549. Report of deterioration in im§1·0vcixic§xts.`. _ _ 559. Repart an water terminal and tranhfei fééilitiqs. · 551, Poiicy of Government as to jacrmiunl facilities for new projects 552[ Report as tc,émp1¤j*1;1éx1t of civil engineers. `

 Freight statistics. ‘· ‘ ’ ~_  Q _ ‘ _ _

554. Duty of shipowners and nmcers to'furtr'ir<l; information to person

'in iocul dzmrgh cit impmyemeut; pcmdty. ‘ .` " `

555. Duty of 'shigpwnem and 0£Hccrs to furnish information xoquirec ‘ by_ YSccretary, of·\¥'ar. ` ~· 556. Printing rep¤rts_;,·c1xcr:;1!y. · -·__ @$7. Paizymentht-gsts ot printing. · _ 558. Sale of pmpcrty acquired mr improvement. 659. Ikspasitioa of reutalé {br Goxzemmcny plants.-

 Couxributions {mm private parues ;· return _0t.‘cxccs§.

56;; Advances by privaikparticsg `repayment, [ 562. Channel depths mad dimensions defined. _ '

 Use ci ugxexpendcd sums for preserypticn, etc., of existing work!

_nud for new projects. _‘ ,. * , ' 534. Settlement ci pimms far iujuriezs to-or loss of prlvgte property $$5. River and harbor improvement by private or municipal enter. prisa. - . · ‘ . ,_ ‘ x` 56BJ improvement by pr uniler autheritynt Bfate of New Jerscif _ ·· 567. Navigaitioa and ¤o¤d·c<mtmI improvements. by Minnesota, Nortl M Dakpta; and South Dakota. R ” 568. Limitation qh_p¢»wcx* qt committvg of Congress to consider pmjeéta TBAVELING EXPENSES AND _SUBS1STh¤’~!.CE $$1. Hii··i:=1g`tpec1a;sl means of ‘tr·.1f1spo`x·mtIg>n. q · _ 582. Ssmsisteace aiiowmme to persons engagedjn Held work; .

 Payment at auowanms, etc.,’$ncide¤t to change or station on

" cugiuccx officcm from appw;>;·i21tl0u·for imprcvemmxts. ·


‘ 691.·;Co§d@m_nat_io¤, purchase, am; dougixltiou of land and materials. 595;. _C¢mdemmticn o! land `ignaigl of perqon, company, corporation " munieip/ul, at private. ` — . _ @593. Llmxdcmuausn af mud maid of State or State agency. ` 594. Whm immediate wsssésiczn ct lamfmay be- thkcui 595. Coxmidsaratixm cfbcnctits in assessing cempensation.-·‘ fPM·:'I‘1CULAR ,WOBK OR Il\1I’BOVEM-EN'f8» 601. Qiigsisssppi {five:} mguiwtion at resarmsrs at tzveadwntcira. _ GQ2. Majuteamnee of channel oi &>ui.h_ Pax? 01 Misulusibpi River. . 603. .R¢m¤v¤d at imag:. etc., {rom ttibutarias; ‘ 604: »Rs:m¢vnl of snags, em, from hgimisnlppl River. - 5665. Gperatéem of éngg bent; on Upper Mississippi Rigs}

 Rsmoml as mam; etc., {rom Ohio mmr.

. M1, ot dx·i£t"£mm` New lark 603. fc¢£8t1'¤¢ti0B at Aahwayn. · ’ · · _ . Simca and cum- wrt in hm to; development at water power;


 waz;. By vihiu; methods riier ¤n•f§di·b§r‘w6¤jk; may be a,utum~;z;.{; om `
  • . bopmsccuted. ·· · _~. · , _ - ‘

· 822, lethal of cking work generally. , , __ _

623; Letting canine]
to Invest. rmcadbla bidder. .·— '

lv 534. Limitagen on power to rlgt contréct buéd on estiuaamm G; Wt 625. Qombining several projects in ono. contract. ' ' »626.·— Prcéécution of work when f apvmprintiou 'insiz&cicut. , h621, Appixgaeiengtppproprlatfan wh9n_•¤v&¤t• wékks —¤re xmmgm » .thErelB. _ 4h I ' . F 628. Expencmure fofdrédgiug wgitpiu harbor, lines.

  • 629. Qoutractvfor him of dredging plant. - »

P 630.,Limt$htic1;·0u expemiiture for pzgrchssz of dredge:. _ Tnustcr ’ot.propert;· petyem ‘prcj¢g:&; _ 3 » - g . __ GENERAL PROVISIOQSR

 z S¢ui¢m"541. Board. of   mV¢ti SN Harbmg;
 and Witt!   shun bg

organized in thayficé of the Chief .¤£· United Smeg · Agmy, by detai@ from time tc time ivém the G¤l’p¤"¤f Bngiugéyg; · 1 jgboard of sefen 3§§id€E!w9$é@B,/3 m¢i¤¥@~0£ whbm sim;} by not rank rio; msg than liemcnaut caiiméi, when dutiw shall be 2 ¤ tixed byathe Chief of E¤gihe¢r¤, and tv uhnlfbc referiw. · for coudderation aid dan, in tsmiénn to any ,‘ rj of hérldutiés assigned, wiftf in the , ¤`_¢£ the Chief ¤:_ Engineers may be` necmsmry,` sll npcs ihnti6¤s mn -— surveys prcviqéd for byfCi>¤gré¤; `md all wr changes" ` in for wbrks of gud harbor mpiicment priml.. tojitmc -13; 1902,,:01* therqnttei fu?. iA¤d`mc'b<>ai·d shall sgbmit to the Chief of m¤¤¤m¤6a¤0xxs as to I the_de§ra6i1lty. ot ppnimcnciug or my au im· . imroveméntd upoxi whiég rep0rts_ are inquired. in the gou- " sidgtatiou otfsuch worishnd pwjects thehun! skull. have in view the amount and character of c¤mm&·ce or reason n` `zgblyprosxxcctive which will be benéétedfbq the tmpmvcmexzt, i and-the relatibp of the cost bf wart, both as to "izost of cqnstruction nm1ms£intc¤a¤c¢,·to tlmpcblk commercial interests i¤vo1védQ hud the publiy necegsity for the; work; and · pimpriéty of its qoxmtruction, contimmhce, for F mintename at the expense of tkig Unitél Statéa. And such consideration si»;x§1 'be given as tiixfe perfuitsito such imrks as have; pxicr to Jmm 13, 1902, been prbviiied for by Congress, the-wma is in thq wsa Q1? mw works pmposcd. The board siiall, yhen it ccrnsimrs ’ the same mcessafy, and with the sanction and under cmims · from the Chief ot Engineers, man, as n b0nrd· as thi·ou:;h.m __ members; personal examinations ¤£{k»c¢mie¤. Am nu fugrw, iufcrmatiém, an<1·'arg¤mem5 whi& am presmtad w,the Mami for/`its icousideraticzg in connection with hny matter remrmi

  • to it by the Chief of·*El1gil\&€l‘B shall be reduced to and s;_xbm&r·_
ted iuwritmg, am made A part of the reccvds of the omee of

‘ the Chief (at Engineer;. —It shall further be the duty of sam ~ board, txpou -9 request xmnsmitted t·o‘me Ohm at Engixievrs by _ me Comgnittee mx Rivers and Harbors of tbz Home at I{t·;»m- aenmtimes, or the Committee -01:: Commerce bt me Seuato, in I the same margncrtc exqmim and mpmt the (mimi pf Engineeféy upon any pr0]ec€¤ Adopted, prior tc Jima 13, limi. by im, Government or upon which appropriations hmm; t¤·€·¤` made, and report xipon the dwirability of continuing thesmam ms · upon any mqditicaticms thereof which may be dwmed desirzxsw. The board shall bam suthorityy with the approval of me Chief of Engineers, tc rent cuiinrters, it necewéry, fer tbe·;»m;,{·¤ transaction of its busincsé, ami to employ such civil cmp1¤;.·»»{»¤ A18 mw, ih the opinion of the (img! at E¤gmge;·g,_pe required fw _ property tmnsacting the business assigned to ic, and the ne·<·4·<* sary expenses ot the board shall be paid from allotments made _

 by the` Ghiet of Engimets from any appropriations made by

~Ccngrcm {pr the véqrk or works to which the duties or uw., ` board wrtain. » (June 13.- 1902, c. 1079. S 3. 32 Stat. 872; Mar: 4, 1918,}:. 144, { 4; $7 Stat. $$6.) 542. »Bevie1i by Bun! at Mmm: af reverb ha examina- . time and surveys md reporu.·——·A.11 reports on examii .